Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "theora_image_transport/theora_publisher.h"
00002 #include <sensor_msgs/image_encodings.h>
00003 #include <std_msgs/Header.h>
00005 #include <vector>
00006 #include <cstdio> //for memcpy
00008 using namespace std;
00010 namespace theora_image_transport {
00012 TheoraPublisher::TheoraPublisher()
00013 {
00014   // Initialize info structure fields that don't change
00015   th_info_init(&encoder_setup_);
00017   encoder_setup_.pic_x = 0;
00018   encoder_setup_.pic_y = 0;
00019   encoder_setup_.colorspace = TH_CS_UNSPECIFIED;
00020   encoder_setup_.pixel_fmt = TH_PF_420; // See bottom of
00021   encoder_setup_.aspect_numerator = 1;
00022   encoder_setup_.aspect_denominator = 1;
00023   encoder_setup_.fps_numerator = 1; // don't know the frame rate ahead of time
00024   encoder_setup_.fps_denominator = 1;
00025   encoder_setup_.keyframe_granule_shift = 6; // A good default for streaming applications
00026   // Note: target_bitrate and quality set to correct values in configCb
00027   encoder_setup_.target_bitrate = -1;
00028   encoder_setup_.quality = -1;
00029 }
00031 TheoraPublisher::~TheoraPublisher()
00032 {
00033   th_info_clear(&encoder_setup_);
00034 }
00036 void TheoraPublisher::advertiseImpl(ros::NodeHandle &nh, const std::string &base_topic, uint32_t queue_size,
00037                                     const image_transport::SubscriberStatusCallback  &user_connect_cb,
00038                                     const image_transport::SubscriberStatusCallback  &user_disconnect_cb,
00039                                     const ros::VoidPtr &tracked_object, bool latch)
00040 {
00041   // queue_size doesn't account for the 3 header packets, so we correct (with a little extra) here.
00042   queue_size += 4;
00043   // Latching doesn't make a lot of sense with this transport. Could try to save the last keyframe,
00044   // but do you then send all following delta frames too?
00045   latch = false;
00046   typedef image_transport::SimplePublisherPlugin<theora_image_transport::Packet> Base;
00047   Base::advertiseImpl(nh, base_topic, queue_size, user_connect_cb, user_disconnect_cb, tracked_object, latch);
00049   // Set up reconfigure server for this topic
00050   reconfigure_server_ = boost::make_shared<ReconfigureServer>(this->nh());
00051   ReconfigureServer::CallbackType f = boost::bind(&TheoraPublisher::configCb, this, _1, _2);
00052   reconfigure_server_->setCallback(f);
00053 }
00055 void TheoraPublisher::configCb(Config& config, uint32_t level)
00056 {
00057   // target_bitrate must be 0 if we're using quality.
00058   long bitrate = 0;
00059   if (config.optimize_for == theora_image_transport::TheoraPublisher_Bitrate)
00060     bitrate = config.target_bitrate;
00061   bool update_bitrate = bitrate && encoder_setup_.target_bitrate != bitrate;
00062   bool update_quality = !bitrate && ((encoder_setup_.quality != config.quality) || encoder_setup_.target_bitrate > 0);
00063   encoder_setup_.quality = config.quality;
00064   encoder_setup_.target_bitrate = bitrate;
00065   keyframe_frequency_ = config.keyframe_frequency;
00067   if (encoding_context_) {
00068     int err = 0;
00069     // libtheora 1.1 lets us change quality or bitrate on the fly, 1.0 does not.
00071     if (update_bitrate) {
00072       err = th_encode_ctl(encoding_context_.get(), TH_ENCCTL_SET_BITRATE, &bitrate, sizeof(long));
00073       if (err)
00074         ROS_ERROR("Failed to update bitrate dynamically");
00075     }
00076 #else
00077     err |= update_bitrate;
00078 #endif
00081     if (update_quality) {
00082       err = th_encode_ctl(encoding_context_.get(), TH_ENCCTL_SET_QUALITY, &config.quality, sizeof(int));
00083       // In 1.1 above call will fail if a bitrate has previously been set. That restriction may
00084       // be relaxed in a future version. Complain on other failures.
00085       if (err && err != TH_EINVAL)
00086         ROS_ERROR("Failed to update quality dynamically");
00087     }
00088 #else
00089     err |= update_quality;
00090 #endif
00092     // If unable to change parameters dynamically, just create a new encoding context.
00093     if (err) {
00094       encoding_context_.reset();
00095     }
00096     // Otherwise, do the easy updates and keep going!
00097     else {
00098       updateKeyframeFrequency();
00099       config.keyframe_frequency = keyframe_frequency_; // In case desired value was unattainable
00100     }
00101   }
00102 }
00104 void TheoraPublisher::connectCallback(const ros::SingleSubscriberPublisher& pub)
00105 {
00106   // Send the header packets to new subscribers
00107   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < stream_header_.size(); i++) {
00108     pub.publish(stream_header_[i]);
00109   }
00110 }
00112 static void cvToTheoraPlane(cv::Mat& mat, th_img_plane& plane)
00113 {
00114   plane.width  = mat.cols;
00115   plane.height = mat.rows;
00116   plane.stride = mat.step;
00117   =;
00118 }
00120 void TheoraPublisher::publish(const sensor_msgs::Image& message, const PublishFn& publish_fn) const
00121 {
00122   if (!ensureEncodingContext(message, publish_fn))
00123     return;
00124   //return;
00129   cv_bridge::CvImageConstPtr cv_image_ptr;
00130   try
00131   {
00132     // conversion necessary
00133     cv_image_ptr = cv_bridge::toCvCopy(message, sensor_msgs::image_encodings::RGB8);
00134   }
00135   catch (cv_bridge::Exception& e)
00136   {
00137     ROS_ERROR("cv_bridge exception: '%s'", e.what());
00138     return;
00139   }
00140   catch (cv::Exception& e)
00141   {
00142     ROS_ERROR("OpenCV exception: '%s'", e.what());
00143     return;
00144   }
00146   if (cv_image_ptr == 0) {
00147     ROS_ERROR("Unable to convert from '%s' to 'bgr8'", message.encoding.c_str());
00148     return;
00149   }
00151   const cv::Mat bgr = cv_image_ptr->image;
00153   cv::Mat bgr_padded;
00154   int frame_width = encoder_setup_.frame_width, frame_height = encoder_setup_.frame_height;
00155   if (frame_width == bgr.cols && frame_height == bgr.rows) {
00156     bgr_padded = bgr;
00157   }
00158   else {
00159     bgr_padded = cv::Mat::zeros(frame_height, frame_width, bgr.type());
00160     cv::Mat pic_roi = bgr_padded(cv::Rect(0, 0, bgr.cols, bgr.rows));
00161     bgr.copyTo(pic_roi);
00162   }
00164   // Convert image to Y'CbCr color space used by Theora
00165   cv::Mat ycrcb;
00166   cv::cvtColor(bgr_padded, ycrcb, CV_BGR2YCrCb);
00168   // Split channels
00169   cv::Mat ycrcb_planes[3];
00170   cv::split(ycrcb, ycrcb_planes);
00172   // Use Y as-is but subsample chroma channels
00173   cv::Mat y = ycrcb_planes[0], cr, cb;
00174   cv::pyrDown(ycrcb_planes[1], cr);
00175   cv::pyrDown(ycrcb_planes[2], cb);
00177   // Construct Theora image buffer
00178   th_ycbcr_buffer ycbcr_buffer;
00179   cvToTheoraPlane(y,  ycbcr_buffer[0]);
00180   cvToTheoraPlane(cb, ycbcr_buffer[1]);
00181   cvToTheoraPlane(cr, ycbcr_buffer[2]);
00183   // Submit frame to the encoder
00184   int rval = th_encode_ycbcr_in(encoding_context_.get(), ycbcr_buffer);
00185   if (rval == TH_EFAULT) {
00186     ROS_ERROR("[theora] EFAULT in submitting uncompressed frame to encoder");
00187     return;
00188   }
00189   if (rval == TH_EINVAL) {
00190     ROS_ERROR("[theora] EINVAL in submitting uncompressed frame to encoder");
00191     return;
00192   }
00194   // Retrieve and publish encoded video data packets
00195   ogg_packet oggpacket;
00196   theora_image_transport::Packet output;
00197   while ((rval = th_encode_packetout(encoding_context_.get(), 0, &oggpacket)) > 0) {
00198     oggPacketToMsg(message.header, oggpacket, output);
00199     publish_fn(output);
00200   }
00201   if (rval == TH_EFAULT)
00202     ROS_ERROR("[theora] EFAULT in retrieving encoded video data packets");
00203 }
00205 void freeContext(th_enc_ctx* context)
00206 {
00207   if (context) th_encode_free(context);
00208 }
00210 bool TheoraPublisher::ensureEncodingContext(const sensor_msgs::Image& image, const PublishFn& publish_fn) const
00211 {
00213   if (encoding_context_ && encoder_setup_.pic_width == image.width &&
00214       encoder_setup_.pic_height == image.height)
00215     return true;
00217   // Theora has a divisible-by-sixteen restriction for the encoded frame size, so
00218   // scale the picture size up to the nearest multiple of 16 and calculate offsets.
00219   encoder_setup_.frame_width = (image.width + 15) & ~0xF;
00220   encoder_setup_.frame_height = (image.height + 15) & ~0xF;
00221   encoder_setup_.pic_width = image.width;
00222   encoder_setup_.pic_height = image.height;
00224   // Allocate encoding context. Smart pointer ensures that th_encode_free gets called.
00225   encoding_context_.reset(th_encode_alloc(&encoder_setup_), freeContext);
00226   if (!encoding_context_) {
00227     ROS_ERROR("[theora] Failed to create encoding context");
00228     return false;
00229   }
00231   updateKeyframeFrequency();
00233   th_comment comment;
00234   th_comment_init(&comment);
00235   boost::shared_ptr<th_comment> clear_guard(&comment, th_comment_clear);
00237   comment.vendor = strdup("Willow Garage theora_image_transport");
00239   // Construct the header and stream it in case anyone is already listening
00241   stream_header_.clear();
00242   ogg_packet oggpacket;
00243   while (th_encode_flushheader(encoding_context_.get(), &comment, &oggpacket) > 0) {
00244     stream_header_.push_back(theora_image_transport::Packet());
00245     oggPacketToMsg(image.header, oggpacket, stream_header_.back());
00246     publish_fn(stream_header_.back());
00247   }
00248   return true;
00249 }
00251 void TheoraPublisher::oggPacketToMsg(const std_msgs::Header& header, const ogg_packet &oggpacket,
00252                                      theora_image_transport::Packet &msg) const
00253 {
00254   msg.header     = header;
00255   msg.b_o_s      = oggpacket.b_o_s;
00256   msg.e_o_s      = oggpacket.e_o_s;
00257   msg.granulepos = oggpacket.granulepos;
00258   msg.packetno   = oggpacket.packetno;
00260   memcpy(&[0], oggpacket.packet, oggpacket.bytes);
00261 }
00263 void TheoraPublisher::updateKeyframeFrequency() const
00264 {
00265   ogg_uint32_t desired_frequency = keyframe_frequency_;
00266   if (th_encode_ctl(encoding_context_.get(), TH_ENCCTL_SET_KEYFRAME_FREQUENCY_FORCE,
00267                     &keyframe_frequency_, sizeof(ogg_uint32_t)))
00268     ROS_ERROR("Failed to change keyframe frequency");
00269   if (keyframe_frequency_ != desired_frequency)
00270     ROS_WARN("Couldn't set keyframe frequency to %d, actually set to %d",
00271              desired_frequency, keyframe_frequency_);
00272 }
00274 } //namespace theora_image_transport

Author(s): Patrick Mihelich, Ethan Dreyfuss
autogenerated on Sat Dec 28 2013 17:06:15