Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #!/usr/bin/env python
00003 import roslib; roslib.load_manifest('srs_decision_making')
00004 import rospy
00005 import actionlib
00006 import smach
00007 import smach_ros
00008 import simplejson as json
00010 #import states within srs_decision_making
00011 import srs_ui_pro.msg as echo_server_msg
00013 from std_msgs.msg import String
00015 def test_client_srs_ui_pro_echo_server(json_input):
00016     client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient('srs_ui_pro/echo_server', echo_server_msg.dm_serverAction)
00017     client.wait_for_server()
00019     goal = echo_server_msg.dm_serverGoal()
00020     goal.json_input = json_input
00021     print "###type of goal is", type(goal)
00022     print "###goal is", goal
00023     print "###goal.json_input is", goal.json_input 
00025     #server_feedback = echo_server_msg.dm_serverFeedback()
00026     #server_result = echo_server_msg.dm_serverResult()
00027     server_feedback = echo_server_msg.dm_serverFeedback()
00028     server_result = echo_server_msg.dm_serverResult()
00029     try:
00030         client.send_goal(goal, result_callback, None, feedback_callback)
00031     except rospy.ServiceException, e:
00032         print "Service did not process request: %s"%str(e)
00034     rospy.spin()#,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
00037 def feedback_callback(server_feedback):
00038     if server_feedback is not None:
00039         rospy.loginfo ("server_feedback.json_feedback is: %s",server_feedback.json_feedback)
00040     else: 
00041         print "### no feedback from echo server..."
00043 def result_callback(state, server_result):
00044      if server_result is not None:
00045         rospy.loginfo ("state is: %s",state)
00046         rospy.loginfo ("server_result.json_result is: %s",server_result.json_result)
00048         server_json_result = server_result.json_result
00049         json_decoded = json.loads(server_json_result)
00050         result = json_decoded['result']
00051         # result should be succeeded
00052         if result == "succeeded":
00053             print  'result is completed'
00054         elif result == "failed":
00055             return "result is failed"
00056         else:
00057             return "result is give_up"
00058      else: 
00059         print "### no feedback from echo server..."
00061 if __name__ == '__main__':
00062     try:
00063         global current_task_info   
00064         rospy.init_node('srs_ui_pro_echo_server_client')
00065         #json_input = '{"exception_id":33, "tasks":[{"time_schedule":1263798000000,"task":"move","destination":{"pose2d_string":"[0 1 3.14]"}}, {"time_schedule":2222222222,"task":"move","destination":{"pose2d_string":"[0 1 3.14]"}}], "additional_information":"The robot needs the user to assist in completing the task of moving to [0 1 3.14]"}'
00066         json_input = "{\"exception_id\":33, \"tasks\":[{\"time_schedule\":1263798000000,\"task\":\"move\",\"destination\":{\"pose2d_string\":\"[0 1 3.14]\"}}, {\"time_schedule\":2222222222,\"task\":\"move\",\"destination\":{\"pose2d_string\":\"[0 1 3.14]\"}}], \"additional_information\":\" ****balabla The robot needs the user to assist in completing the task of moving to [0 1 3.14]\"}"
00067         #json_input = '{goal: {json_input: "{"exception_id":33, "tasks":[{"time_schedule":1263798000000,"task":"move","destination":{"pose2d_string":"[0 1 3.14]"}}, {"time_schedule":2222222222,"task":"move","destination":{"pose2d_string":"[0 1 3.14]"}}], "additional_information":"The robot needs the user to assist in completing the task of moving to [0 1 3.14]"}"}}'
00068         test_client_srs_ui_pro_echo_server(json_input)
00069         # result format is: {"exception_id":1, "feedback_type ":"unstructured", "content":"Waiting srs_ui_pro"}
00070         # to restructure the result, and publish it as current_task_info
00071         #feedback = xmsg.ExecutionFeedback()
00072        #current_task_info._srs_as._as.publish_feedback(result)
00074     except rospy.ROSInterruptException:
00075         print "error before completion"

Author(s): Renxi Qiu
autogenerated on Sun Jan 5 2014 12:08:52