Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #!/usr/bin/env python
00002 #
00003 # Copyright 2011 Shadow Robot Company Ltd.
00004 #
00005 # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
00006 # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
00007 # Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
00008 # any later version.
00009 #
00010 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
00011 # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
00012 # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
00013 # more details.
00014 #
00015 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
00016 # with this program.  If not, see <>.
00017 #
00019 import roslib; roslib.load_manifest('sr_hand')
00020 import rospy
00022 import time, mutex, subprocess, math
00024 from sr_robot_msgs.msg import sendupdate, joint, Biotac, BiotacAll, ShadowPST
00025 from sensor_msgs.msg import *
00026 from std_msgs.msg import Float64
00028 #the threshold for pdc above which the tactile is considered "pressed"
00029 PDC_THRESHOLD = 2000
00030 #the threshold for the PSTs above which the tactile is considered "pressed"
00031 PST_THRESHOLD = 400
00033 class FancyDemo(object):
00034     # starting position for the hand (DON't use until reviewed. Should be executed in two movement sequences)
00035     start_pos_hand = [ joint(joint_name = "THJ1", joint_target = 21),
00036                        joint(joint_name = "THJ2", joint_target = 25),
00037                        joint(joint_name = "THJ3", joint_target = 0),
00038                        joint(joint_name = "THJ4", joint_target = 50),
00039                        joint(joint_name = "THJ5", joint_target = 9),
00040                        joint(joint_name = "FFJ0", joint_target = 180),
00041                        joint(joint_name = "FFJ3", joint_target = 90),
00042                        joint(joint_name = "FFJ4", joint_target = 0),
00043                        joint(joint_name = "MFJ0", joint_target = 180),
00044                        joint(joint_name = "MFJ3", joint_target = 90),
00045                        joint(joint_name = "MFJ4", joint_target = 0),
00046                        joint(joint_name = "RFJ0", joint_target = 180),
00047                        joint(joint_name = "RFJ3", joint_target = 90),
00048                        joint(joint_name = "RFJ4", joint_target = 0),
00049                        joint(joint_name = "LFJ0", joint_target = 180),
00050                        joint(joint_name = "LFJ3", joint_target = 90),
00051                        joint(joint_name = "LFJ4", joint_target = 0),
00052                        joint(joint_name = "LFJ5", joint_target = 0),
00053                        joint(joint_name = "WRJ1", joint_target = 0),
00054                        joint(joint_name = "WRJ2", joint_target = 0) ]
00055     # starting position for the hand
00056     extended_pos_hand = [ joint(joint_name = "THJ1", joint_target = 21),
00057                        joint(joint_name = "THJ2", joint_target = 25),
00058                        joint(joint_name = "THJ3", joint_target = 0),
00059                        joint(joint_name = "THJ4", joint_target = 50),
00060                        joint(joint_name = "THJ5", joint_target = 9),
00061                        joint(joint_name = "FFJ0", joint_target = 0),
00062                        joint(joint_name = "FFJ3", joint_target = 0),
00063                        joint(joint_name = "FFJ4", joint_target = 0),
00064                        joint(joint_name = "MFJ0", joint_target = 0),
00065                        joint(joint_name = "MFJ3", joint_target = 0),
00066                        joint(joint_name = "MFJ4", joint_target = 0),
00067                        joint(joint_name = "RFJ0", joint_target = 0),
00068                        joint(joint_name = "RFJ3", joint_target = 0),
00069                        joint(joint_name = "RFJ4", joint_target = 0),
00070                        joint(joint_name = "LFJ0", joint_target = 0),
00071                        joint(joint_name = "LFJ3", joint_target = 0),
00072                        joint(joint_name = "LFJ4", joint_target = 0),
00073                        joint(joint_name = "LFJ5", joint_target = 0),
00074                        joint(joint_name = "WRJ1", joint_target = 0),
00075                        joint(joint_name = "WRJ2", joint_target = 0) ]
00076     #starting position for the arm
00077     start_pos_arm = [ joint(joint_name = "ElbowJRotate", joint_target = 0),
00078                       joint(joint_name = "ElbowJSwing", joint_target = 59),
00079                       joint(joint_name = "ShoulderJRotate", joint_target = 0),
00080                       joint(joint_name = "ShoulderJSwing", joint_target = 33)
00081                       ]
00082     #thumb up position for the hand
00083     thumb_up_pos_hand = [ joint(joint_name = "THJ1", joint_target = 0),
00084                           joint(joint_name = "THJ2", joint_target = 0),
00085                           joint(joint_name = "THJ3", joint_target = 0),
00086                           joint(joint_name = "THJ4", joint_target = 0),
00087                           joint(joint_name = "THJ5", joint_target = 0),
00088                           joint(joint_name = "FFJ0", joint_target = 180),
00089                           joint(joint_name = "FFJ3", joint_target = 90),
00090                           joint(joint_name = "FFJ4", joint_target = 0),
00091                           joint(joint_name = "MFJ0", joint_target = 180),
00092                           joint(joint_name = "MFJ3", joint_target = 90),
00093                           joint(joint_name = "MFJ4", joint_target = 0),
00094                           joint(joint_name = "RFJ0", joint_target = 180),
00095                           joint(joint_name = "RFJ3", joint_target = 90),
00096                           joint(joint_name = "RFJ4", joint_target = 0),
00097                           joint(joint_name = "LFJ0", joint_target = 180),
00098                           joint(joint_name = "LFJ3", joint_target = 90),
00099                           joint(joint_name = "LFJ4", joint_target = 0),
00100                           joint(joint_name = "LFJ5", joint_target = 0),
00101                           joint(joint_name = "WRJ1", joint_target = 0),
00102                           joint(joint_name = "WRJ2", joint_target = 10) ]
00106     #The arm publisher:
00107     # publish the message to the /sr_arm/sendupdate topic.
00108     arm_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/sr_arm/sendupdate', sendupdate)
00110     #A boolean used in this demo: set to true while an action is running
00111     # just so we don't do 2 actions at once
00112     action_running = mutex.mutex()
00114     def __init__(self):
00115         #A vector containing the different callbacks, in the same order
00116         # as the tactiles.
00117         self.fingers_pressed_functions = [self.ff_pressed, self.mf_pressed, self.rf_pressed,
00118                                           self.lf_pressed, self.th_pressed]
00120         #The hand publishers:
00121         # we use a dictionnary of publishers, because on the etherCAT hand
00122         # you have one publisher per controller.
00123         self.hand_publishers = self.create_hand_publishers()
00125         #send the start position to the hand
00126         self.hand_publish(self.start_pos_hand)
00127         #send the start position to the arm
00128         self.arm_publisher.publish( sendupdate(len(self.start_pos_arm), self.start_pos_arm) )
00130         #wait for the node to be initialized and then go to the starting position
00131         time.sleep(1)
00132         rospy.loginfo("OK, ready for the demo")
00134         # We subscribe to the data being published by the biotac sensors.
00135         self.sub_biotacs = rospy.Subscriber("/tactiles", BiotacAll, self.callback_biotacs, queue_size=1)
00136         self.sub_psts    = rospy.Subscriber("/tactile", ShadowPST, self.callback_psts, queue_size=1)
00138     def create_hand_publishers(self):
00139         """
00140         Creates a dictionnary of publishers to send the targets to the controllers
00141         on /sh_??j?_mixed_position_velocity_controller/command
00142         """
00143         hand_pub = {}
00145         for joint in ["FFJ0", "FFJ3", "FFJ4",
00146                       "MFJ0", "MFJ3", "MFJ4",
00147                       "RFJ0", "RFJ3", "RFJ4",
00148                       "LFJ0", "LFJ3", "LFJ4", "LFJ5",
00149                       "THJ1", "THJ2", "THJ3", "THJ4", "THJ5",
00150                       "WRJ1", "WRJ2" ]:
00151             hand_pub[joint] = rospy.Publisher('/sh_'+joint.lower()+'_position_controller/command', Float64)
00153         return hand_pub
00155     def hand_publish(self, pose):
00156         """
00157         Publishes the given pose to the correct controllers for the hand.
00158         The targets are converted in radians.
00159         """
00160         for joint in pose:
00161             self.hand_publishers[joint.joint_name].publish( math.radians(joint.joint_target) )
00163     def callback_biotacs(self, msg):
00164         """
00165         The callback function for the biotacs. Checks if one of the fingers
00166         was pressed (filter the noise). If it is the case, call the
00167         corresponding function.
00169         @msg is the message containing the biotac data
00170         """
00171         #loop through the five tactiles
00172         for index,tactile in enumerate(msg.tactiles):
00173             #here we're just checking pdc (the pressure)
00174             # to see if a finger has been pressed, but you have
00175             # access to the whole data from the sensor
00176             # (look at sr_robot_msgs/msg/Biotac.msg)
00177             if tactile.pdc >= PDC_THRESHOLD:
00178                 # the tactile has been pressed, call the
00179                 # corresponding function
00180                 self.fingers_pressed_functions[index](tactile.pdc)
00182     def callback_psts(self, msg):
00183         """
00184         The callback function for the PSTs. Checks if one of the fingers
00185         was pressed (filter the noise). If it is the case, call the
00186         corresponding function.
00188         @msg is the message containing the biotac data
00189         """
00190         #loop through the five tactiles
00191         for index,tactile in enumerate(msg.pressure):
00192             #here we're just checking the pressure
00193             # to see if a finger has been pressed
00194             # 18456 is the value the PST takes when the sensor is not plugged in
00195             if tactile >= PST_THRESHOLD and tactile != 18456:
00196                 # the tactile has been pressed, call the
00197                 # corresponding function
00198                 self.fingers_pressed_functions[index](tactile)
00200     def ff_pressed(self,data):
00201         """
00202         The first finger was pressed.
00204         If no action is currently running, we set the ShoulderJRotate
00205         to a negative value proportional to the pressure received.
00207         @param data: the pressure value (pdc)
00208         """
00209         #if we're already performing an action, don't do anything
00210         if not self.action_running.testandset():
00211             return
00213         #ok the finger sensor was pressed
00214         p = subprocess.Popen('beep')
00216         #rotate the trunk to (data_received * min_pos)
00217         # convert data to be in [0., 1.]
00218         data /= 4000.
00219         if data > 1.:
00220             data = 1.
00221         target_sh_rot    = 0.  + data * (-45.0)
00222         target_sh_swing  = 20. + data * (-10.0)
00223         target_elb_swing = 90. + data * (-10.0)
00224         target_elb_rot   = 0.  + data * (-45.0)
00226         rospy.loginfo("FF touched, going to new target ")
00228         #wait 1s for the user to release the sensor
00229         time.sleep(.2)
00230         message = [joint(joint_name = "ShoulderJRotate", joint_target = target_sh_rot),
00231                    joint(joint_name = "ShoulderJSwing", joint_target = target_sh_swing),
00232                    joint(joint_name = "ElbowJRotate", joint_target = target_elb_rot),
00233                    joint(joint_name = "ElbowJSwing", joint_target = target_elb_swing)
00234                    ]
00236         self.arm_publisher.publish(sendupdate(len(message), message))
00238         #send the start position to the hand
00239         self.hand_publish( self.extended_pos_hand )
00241         #wait before next possible action
00242         time.sleep(.2)
00243         self.action_running.unlock()
00245     def mf_pressed(self, data):
00246         """
00247         The middle finger was pressed.
00249         If no action is currently running, we move the arm angles
00250         to a positive value proportional to the pressure received.
00252         @param data: the pressure value (pdc)
00253         """
00254         #if we're already performing an action, don't do anything
00255         if not self.action_running.testandset():
00256             return
00258         #ok finger was pressed
00259         p = subprocess.Popen('beep')
00261         #rotate the trunk to (data_received * min_pos)
00262         # convert data to be in [0., 1.]
00263         data /= 4000.
00264         if data > 1.:
00265             data = 1.
00266         target_sh_rot    = 0.  + data * (45.0)
00267         target_sh_swing  = 20. + data * (20.0)
00268         target_elb_swing = 90. + data * (20.0)
00269         target_elb_rot   = 0.  + data * (45.0)
00271         rospy.loginfo("MF touched, going to new target ")
00273         #wait 1s for the user to release the sensor
00274         time.sleep(.2)
00275         message = [joint(joint_name = "ShoulderJRotate", joint_target = target_sh_rot),
00276                    joint(joint_name = "ShoulderJSwing", joint_target = target_sh_swing),
00277                    joint(joint_name = "ElbowJRotate", joint_target = target_elb_rot),
00278                    joint(joint_name = "ElbowJSwing", joint_target = target_elb_swing)
00279                    ]
00281         self.arm_publisher.publish(sendupdate(len(message), message))
00283         #wait before next possible action
00284         time.sleep(.2)
00285         self.action_running.unlock()
00288     def rf_pressed(self, data):
00289         """
00290         The ring finger was pressed.
00292         If no action is currently running, we make a beep
00293         but don't do anything else.
00295         @param data: the pressure value (pdc)
00296         """
00297         #if we're already performing an action, don't do anything
00298         if not self.action_running.testandset():
00299             return
00301         #ok finger was pressed
00302         p = subprocess.Popen('beep')
00304         rospy.loginfo("RF touched, not doing anything.")
00306         #wait before next possible action
00307         time.sleep(.2)
00308         self.action_running.unlock()
00310     def lf_pressed(self, data):
00311         """
00312         The little finger was pressed.
00314         If no action is currently running, we reset the arm and
00315         hand to their starting position
00317         @param data: the pressure value (pdc)
00318         """
00319         #if we're already performing an action, don't do anything
00320         if not self.action_running.testandset():
00321             return
00323         #ok finger pressed
00324         p = subprocess.Popen('beep')
00326         rospy.loginfo("LF touched, going to start position.")
00328         #wait 1s for the user to release the sensor
00329         time.sleep(.2)
00331         #send the start position to the hand
00332         self.hand_publish( self.start_pos_hand )
00333         #send the start position to the arm
00334         self.arm_publisher.publish(sendupdate(len(self.start_pos_arm), self.start_pos_arm))
00336         #wait before next possible action
00337         time.sleep(.2)
00338         self.action_running.unlock()
00340     def th_pressed(self, data):
00341         """
00342         The thumb was pressed.
00344         If no action is currently running, we send the thumb_up
00345         targets to the hand.
00347         @param data: the pressure value (pdc)
00348         """
00349         #if we're already performing an action, don't do anything
00350         if not self.action_running.testandset():
00351             return
00353         #ok the finger was pressed
00354         p = subprocess.Popen('beep')
00356         rospy.loginfo("TH touched, going to thumb up position.")
00358         #wait 1s for the user to release the sensor
00359         time.sleep(.2)
00361         #send the thumb_up_position to the hand
00362         self.hand_publish( self.thumb_up_pos_hand )
00364         #wait before next possible action
00365         time.sleep(.2)
00366         self.action_running.unlock()
00368 def main():
00369     """
00370     The main function
00371     """
00372     # init the ros node
00373     rospy.init_node('fancy_touch_demo', anonymous=True)
00375     fancy_demo = FancyDemo()
00377     # subscribe until interrupted
00378     rospy.spin()
00381 if __name__ == '__main__':
00382     main()

Author(s): Ugo Cupcic
autogenerated on Fri Jan 3 2014 12:05:35