Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 import roslib; roslib.load_manifest('semantic_model_web_interface')
00003 from . import app, site_root, DB_NAME
00004 import db
00005 import flask as f
00006 import semanticmodel.diff_generation as dg
00007 import logging
00008 from logging import config
00009 from os import path
00010 import datetime
00011 import time
00013 config.fileConfig(path.join(site_root, 'logging.conf'))
00014 log = logging.getLogger('semantic_model_web.views')
00016 COLORS = ['black', 'grey', 'white', 'red', 'yellow', 'green', 'blue']
00018 @app.route('/')
00019 def redirect_list_runs():
00020     return f.redirect('/runs')
00022 def extract_run_id(r):
00023     return int(r[0][3:])
00025 @app.route('/runs/')
00026 def list_runs():
00027     return f.render_template('runs.html', runs=sorted(db.list_runs(),
00028                                                       key=extract_run_id))
00030 @app.route('/runs/<run>/')
00031 def clusters(run):
00032     global colors
00033     coll = db.get_cluster_collection(run)
00034     other_runs = sorted([r for r in db.list_runs() if r[0] != run],
00035                         key=extract_run_id)
00036     ids = sorted([m['id'] for m in coll.query(db.filter_query({}), True)])
00037     return f.render_template('run.html', 
00038                              run=run, 
00039                              ids=ids,
00040                              other_runs=other_runs, 
00041                              info=db.run_info(run),
00042                              colors=COLORS)
00044 @app.route('/runs/<run>/clusters/<int:cluster_id>/')
00045 def cluster(cluster_id, run):
00046     path = db.image_file_loc(cluster_id, run)
00047     coll = db.get_cluster_collection(run)
00048     meta = coll.find_one({'id': cluster_id}, True)
00049     return f.render_template('cluster.html', img_path=path, meta=meta,
00050                              next=db.next_id(coll.coll, cluster_id),
00051                              prev=db.prev_id(coll.coll, cluster_id))
00053 @app.route('/runs/<run>/clusters/<int:cluster_id>/matches/')
00054 def matches(cluster_id, run):
00055   path = db.image_file_loc(cluster_id, run)
00056   coll = db.get_cluster_collection(run)
00057   image_coll = db.get_image_collection(run)
00058   (cluster, meta) = coll.find_one({'id': cluster_id})
00059   dt = time.localtime(meta['creation_time'])
00060   other_runs = sorted([r for r in db.list_runs() if r[0] != run],
00061                       key=extract_run_id)
00063   # We need to check every cluster of every (other) run; unless we've done a
00064   # very poor job indeed, there should be at most one match per run, and
00065   # possibly zero.
00066   matches = []
00067   for (other_run, other_bagfile) in other_runs:
00068       other_coll = db.get_cluster_collection(other_run)
00069       other_image_coll = db.get_image_collection(other_run)
00070       other_cluster = dg.find_matching_cluster(cluster, meta, other_coll)
00071       if other_cluster:
00072           other_path = db.image_file_loc(other_cluster[1]['id'], other_run)
00073           T = time.localtime(other_cluster[1]['creation_time'])
00074           matches.append((other_run, 
00075                           other_cluster[1]['id'], 
00076                           True, 
00077                           other_path,
00078                           T.tm_year, 
00079                           T.tm_mon,
00080                           T.tm_mday,
00081                           T.tm_hour,
00082                           T.tm_min,
00083                           T.tm_sec))
00084       else:
00085           nonmatch = dg.nearest_nonmatch(meta, other_image_coll)
00086           if nonmatch:
00087               other_id = nonmatch['cluster_id']
00088               other_path = db.image_file_loc(other_id, other_run)
00089               matches.append((other_run, other_id, False, other_path, None))
00090           else:
00091               matches.append((other_run, 'None', False, None, None)) 
00093   return f.render_template('matches.html', 
00094                            meta=meta, 
00095                            info=db.run_info(run),
00096                            run=run,
00097                            dt=dt,
00098                            matches=matches,
00099                            path=path,
00100                            next=db.next_id(coll.coll, cluster_id),
00101                            prev=db.prev_id(coll.coll, cluster_id))
00103 @app.route('/runs/<run>/diffs/<other_run>/')
00104 def diffs(run, other_run):
00105     diffs = dg.generate_diffs(run, other_run, DB_NAME)
00106     matches = [(x, db.image_file_loc(x, run), 
00107                 y, db.image_file_loc(y, other_run)) 
00108                 for x, y in diffs['matches']]
00109     nonmatches = [(x, db.image_file_loc(x, run), 
00110                    y, db.image_file_loc(y, other_run)) 
00111                    for x, y in diffs['nonmatches']]
00112     return f.render_template('diffs.html', 
00113                              matches=matches,
00114                              nonmatches=nonmatches)
00116 @app.route('/runs/<run>/query_results/')
00117 def query_results(run):
00118     q = db.semantic_query(f.request.args)
00119     coll = db.get_cluster_collection(run)
00120     cluster_ids = [d['id'] for d in coll.query(db.filter_query(q), True)]
00121     clusters = [(id, db.image_file_loc(id, run)) for id in cluster_ids]
00122     if 'query_only' in f.request.args:
00123         return "Query: {0}".format(q)
00124     else:
00125         return f.render_template('query_results.html',
00126              run=run, clusters=clusters)
00128 @app.route('/runs/<run>/query_form/')
00129 def query_form(run):
00130     return f.render_template('query_form.html', run=run)
00133 @app.route('/runs/<run>/colors/<color>/')
00134 def colors(run, color):
00135     coll = db.get_cluster_collection(run)
00136     blobs = coll.query(db.filter_query({'color' : color}), True)
00137     pairs = []
00138     for blob in blobs:
00139       path = db.image_file_loc(blob['id'], run)
00140       pairs.append((blob['id'], path))
00141     return f.render_template('color.html',
00142                              run=run,
00143                              color=color,
00144                              pairs=pairs)

Author(s): Bhaskara Marthi
autogenerated on Thu Dec 12 2013 12:39:31