Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 import roslib
00002 roslib.load_manifest('semantic_model_web_interface')
00004 import mongo_ros as mr
00005 import semanticmodel.msg as smm
00006 import sensor_msgs.msg as sm
00007 import cv
00008 import cv_bridge
00009 import os
00010 from os import path
00011 from . import site_root, lock, DB_PORT, DB_NAME, DB_HOST
00012 import logging
00013 from logging import config
00014 import pymongo as pm
00015 import semanticmodel.db as sdb
00017 config.fileConfig(path.join(site_root, 'logging.conf'))
00018 log = logging.getLogger('semantic_model_web.db')
00020 cluster_collections = {}
00021 image_collections = {}
00022 bridge = cv_bridge.CvBridge()
00024 POSITIONS = {
00025   'green_room': (20, 20, 8),
00026   'pool_room': (17, 35, 7),
00027   'white_lab': (34, 43, 10),
00028   'cafe': (30, 15, 7),
00029   'research_hallway': (5, 22, 7)
00030 }
00032 def filter_query(q):
00033     #q['$or'] = [{'num_vertical': {'$gt': 5}}, {'num_vertical': {'$exists':
00034     #    False}}]
00035     return q
00037 def get_cluster_collection(run):
00038     with lock:
00039         return get_cached_collection(cluster_collections, run, 'blobs',
00040                                      smm.BlobMessage)
00042 def get_image_collection(run):
00043     with lock:
00044         return get_cached_collection(image_collections, 
00045                                      run, 'images', sm.Image)
00047 def get_cached_collection(colls, run, c, t):
00048     if run not in colls:
00049         colls[run] =\
00050             mr.MessageCollection(DB_NAME, sdb.collection_name(run, c), t)
00051     return colls[run]
00053 def list_runs():
00054     conn = pm.Connection(host=DB_HOST, port=DB_PORT)
00055     db = conn[DB_NAME]
00056     runs = db['runs']
00057     return [('run{0}'.format(run['id']),
00058             '{0}.bag'.format(run['bag_file'])) for run in runs.find({})]
00060 def run_info(run):
00061     conn = pm.Connection(host=DB_HOST, port=DB_PORT)
00062     db = conn[DB_NAME]
00063     runs = db['runs']
00064     id = int(run[3:])
00065     cursor = runs.find({'id': id})
00066     return next(cursor, None)
00068 def image_file_loc(i, run):
00069     """
00070     @param i: Id of cluster
00071     @param run: Run id
00073     Ensure that the file for the image of the cluster is available (download
00074     if necessary), and return its site-relative URL
00075     """
00076     with lock:
00077         coll = get_image_collection(run)
00078         meta = coll.find_one({'cluster_id': i}, True, sort_by='creation_time',
00079                              ascending=False)
00080         relative_path = path.join('static/images', 
00081                                   run, 
00082                                   '{0}.jpg'.format(meta['blob_id']))
00083         filename = path.join(site_root, relative_path)
00084         log.debug("Looking for image file {0}".format(relative_path))
00085         if not path.exists(filename):
00086             log.info("{0} not found: getting from db".format(relative_path))
00087             msg, _ = coll.find_one(meta)
00088             img = bridge.imgmsg_to_cv(msg)
00089             d = path.dirname(filename)
00090             if not path.exists(d):
00091                 os.makedirs(d)
00092             cv.SaveImage(filename, img)
00093         else:
00094             log.debug(" File found; not downloading")
00095         return '/'+relative_path    
00097 def next_id(coll, id):
00098     cursor = coll.find(filter_query({'id': {'$gt': id}})).sort('id', pm.ASCENDING)
00099     item = next(cursor, None)
00100     if item:
00101         return item['id']
00103 def prev_id(coll, id):
00104     cursor = coll.find(filter_query({'id': {'$lt': id}})).sort('id', pm.DESCENDING)
00105     item = next(cursor, None)
00106     if item:
00107         return item['id']
00109 def semantic_query(args):
00110     q = {}
00111     c = args.get('color')
00112     if c:
00113         q['color'] = c
00114     s = args.get('size')
00115     if s == 'small':
00116         q['diameter'] = {'$lt': 0.2}
00117     elif s == 'medium':
00118         q['diameter'] = {'$gte': 0.2, '$lt': 0.8}
00119     elif s == 'large':
00120         q['diameter'] = {'$gte': 0.8}
00121     shape = args.get('shape')
00122     if shape == 'planar':
00123         q['c01'] = {'$gt': 0.5}
00124     elif shape == 'curved':
00125         q['c01'] = {'$lte': 0.5}
00126     s = args.get('loc')
00127     if s:
00128         pos = POSITIONS.get(s)
00129         if pos:
00130             radius = pos[2]
00131             q['x'] = {'$lt': pos[0]+radius, '$gt': pos[0]-radius}
00132             q['y'] = {'$lt': pos[1]+radius, '$gt': pos[1]-radius}
00134     return q

Author(s): Bhaskara Marthi
autogenerated on Thu Dec 12 2013 12:39:31