Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #!/usr/bin/env python
00002 #
00003 # Copyright 2011 Facebook
00004 #
00005 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
00006 # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
00007 # a copy of the License at
00008 #
00009 #
00010 #
00011 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
00012 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
00013 # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
00014 # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
00015 # under the License.
00017 """Utilities for working with multiple processes."""
00019 from __future__ import absolute_import, division, with_statement
00021 import errno
00022 import logging
00023 import os
00024 import sys
00025 import time
00027 from binascii import hexlify
00029 from tornado import ioloop
00031 try:
00032     import multiprocessing  # Python 2.6+
00033 except ImportError:
00034     multiprocessing = None
00037 def cpu_count():
00038     """Returns the number of processors on this machine."""
00039     if multiprocessing is not None:
00040         try:
00041             return multiprocessing.cpu_count()
00042         except NotImplementedError:
00043             pass
00044     try:
00045         return os.sysconf("SC_NPROCESSORS_CONF")
00046     except ValueError:
00047         pass
00048     logging.error("Could not detect number of processors; assuming 1")
00049     return 1
00052 def _reseed_random():
00053     if 'random' not in sys.modules:
00054         return
00055     import random
00056     # If os.urandom is available, this method does the same thing as
00057     # random.seed (at least as of python 2.6).  If os.urandom is not
00058     # available, we mix in the pid in addition to a timestamp.
00059     try:
00060         seed = long(hexlify(os.urandom(16)), 16)
00061     except NotImplementedError:
00062         seed = int(time.time() * 1000) ^ os.getpid()
00063     random.seed(seed)
00066 _task_id = None
00069 def fork_processes(num_processes, max_restarts=100):
00070     """Starts multiple worker processes.
00072     If ``num_processes`` is None or <= 0, we detect the number of cores
00073     available on this machine and fork that number of child
00074     processes. If ``num_processes`` is given and > 0, we fork that
00075     specific number of sub-processes.
00077     Since we use processes and not threads, there is no shared memory
00078     between any server code.
00080     Note that multiple processes are not compatible with the autoreload
00081     module (or the debug=True option to `tornado.web.Application`).
00082     When using multiple processes, no IOLoops can be created or
00083     referenced until after the call to ``fork_processes``.
00085     In each child process, ``fork_processes`` returns its *task id*, a
00086     number between 0 and ``num_processes``.  Processes that exit
00087     abnormally (due to a signal or non-zero exit status) are restarted
00088     with the same id (up to ``max_restarts`` times).  In the parent
00089     process, ``fork_processes`` returns None if all child processes
00090     have exited normally, but will otherwise only exit by throwing an
00091     exception.
00092     """
00093     global _task_id
00094     assert _task_id is None
00095     if num_processes is None or num_processes <= 0:
00096         num_processes = cpu_count()
00097     if ioloop.IOLoop.initialized():
00098         raise RuntimeError("Cannot run in multiple processes: IOLoop instance "
00099                            "has already been initialized. You cannot call "
00100                            "IOLoop.instance() before calling start_processes()")
00101"Starting %d processes", num_processes)
00102     children = {}
00104     def start_child(i):
00105         pid = os.fork()
00106         if pid == 0:
00107             # child process
00108             _reseed_random()
00109             global _task_id
00110             _task_id = i
00111             return i
00112         else:
00113             children[pid] = i
00114             return None
00115     for i in range(num_processes):
00116         id = start_child(i)
00117         if id is not None:
00118             return id
00119     num_restarts = 0
00120     while children:
00121         try:
00122             pid, status = os.wait()
00123         except OSError, e:
00124             if e.errno == errno.EINTR:
00125                 continue
00126             raise
00127         if pid not in children:
00128             continue
00129         id = children.pop(pid)
00130         if os.WIFSIGNALED(status):
00131             logging.warning("child %d (pid %d) killed by signal %d, restarting",
00132                             id, pid, os.WTERMSIG(status))
00133         elif os.WEXITSTATUS(status) != 0:
00134             logging.warning("child %d (pid %d) exited with status %d, restarting",
00135                             id, pid, os.WEXITSTATUS(status))
00136         else:
00137   "child %d (pid %d) exited normally", id, pid)
00138             continue
00139         num_restarts += 1
00140         if num_restarts > max_restarts:
00141             raise RuntimeError("Too many child restarts, giving up")
00142         new_id = start_child(id)
00143         if new_id is not None:
00144             return new_id
00145     # All child processes exited cleanly, so exit the master process
00146     # instead of just returning to right after the call to
00147     # fork_processes (which will probably just start up another IOLoop
00148     # unless the caller checks the return value).
00149     sys.exit(0)
00152 def task_id():
00153     """Returns the current task id, if any.
00155     Returns None if this process was not created by `fork_processes`.
00156     """
00157     global _task_id
00158     return _task_id

Author(s): Jonathan Mace
autogenerated on Thu Jan 2 2014 11:53:55