Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #!/usr/bin/env python
00002 import roslib; roslib.load_manifest('rfnserver')
00003 import rospy
00004 import actionlib
00005 import os
00006 from actionlib import SimpleActionServer
00007 from roboframenet_msgs.msg import FilledSemanticFrameAction
00008 from roboframenet_msgs.srv import AddFrame, AddLexicalUnit, RegisterWithFrame
00011 class RFNServer(SimpleActionServer):
00012     def __init__(self, callback_topic, callback_function):
00013         # Note: auto_start should _always_ be set to False; then call start().
00014         SimpleActionServer.__init__(self,
00015                                     callback_topic, # name
00016                                     FilledSemanticFrameAction, # ActionSpec
00017                                     # execute_cb = None
00018                                     # Unwrap the semantic frame automatically
00019                                     lambda semantic_frame_goal:
00020                                         callback_function(semantic_frame_goal.frame),
00021                                     False) # auto_start = True
00022         self.callback_topic = callback_topic
00023         self.callback_function = callback_function
00025     # Returns True on success or False on failure.
00026     def add_frame(self, filepath):
00027         rospy.wait_for_service('add_frame')
00028         try:
00029             srv = rospy.ServiceProxy('add_frame', AddFrame)
00030             result = srv(os.path.abspath(filepath))
00031         except rospy.ServiceException, e:
00032             print "Service call failed: %s"%e
00033             return False
00034         return result
00037     # Returns True on success or False on failure.
00038     def add_lexical_unit(self, filepath):
00039         rospy.wait_for_service('add_lexical_unit')
00040         try:
00041             srv = rospy.ServiceProxy('add_lexical_unit', AddLexicalUnit)
00042             result = srv(os.path.abspath(filepath))
00043         except rospy.ServiceException, e:
00044             print "Service call failed: %s"%e
00045             return False
00046         return result
00049     # Returns True on success or False on failure.
00050     def register_with_frame(self, frame_name):
00051         rospy.wait_for_service('register_with_frame')
00052         try:
00053             srv = rospy.ServiceProxy('register_with_frame', RegisterWithFrame)
00054             result = srv(frame_name, self.callback_topic)
00055         except rospy.ServiceException, e:
00056             print "Service call failed: %s"%e
00057             return False
00058         return result.success
00061     @staticmethod
00062     def frame_argument(filled_semantic_frame, parameter_name):
00063         for fe in filled_semantic_frame.frame_elements:
00064             if fe.name == parameter_name:
00065                 return fe.argument
00066         return False # not found

Author(s): Brian Thomas
autogenerated on Fri Dec 6 2013 20:33:35