Go to the source code of this file.
Namespaces | |
namespace | push_away |
Functions | |
def | push_away.mat2pose |
def | push_away.tf2mat |
Variables | |
int | push_away.angle = 0 |
list | push_away.force_sensable = quat_mat[0:3, 0:3] |
tuple | push_away.force_world = (w_T_6[0:3,0:3] * np.matrix([-2., 0, 0]).T) |
tuple | push_away.listener = tf.TransformListener() |
tuple | push_away.pos = np.matrix(tr.translation_from_matrix(tip_world)) |
tuple | push_away.qm = np.matrix(tr.quaternion_matrix(tr.quaternion_from_euler(0, math.pi, 0))) |
tuple | push_away.quat_mat = np.matrix(tr.quaternion_matrix(rot)) |
tuple | push_away.r = rospy.Rate(100) |
push_away.tip_6 = tm*qm | |
push_away.tip_world = w_T_6*tip_6 | |
tuple | push_away.tm = np.matrix(tr.translation_matrix([-.134, 0, 0])) |
tuple | push_away.w_T_6 = tf2mat(listener.lookupTransform('/world', '/omni1_link6', rospy.Time(0))) |
push_away.well_center = None | |
tuple | push_away.wpub = rospy.Publisher('force_feedback', Wrench) |
tuple | push_away.wr = Wrench() |