File: orrosplanning/MoveToHandPosition.srv
Raw Message Definition
# tf frame id of the hand, used to set the local coordinate system of the hand (ie can be a finger)
string hand_frame_id
# goal of the hand, the tf frame id in the header can be any valid frame
geometry_msgs/PoseStamped hand_goal
# name of manipulator that specifies joints to move, if empty the first valid manipulator with an end effector of hand_frame_id will be chosen. The hand_frame_id link is assumed to be fixed to the manipulator end effecto
string manip_name
# the name of the planner to use for moving the position. The possible names depend highly on the server
# side. If openrave is used as the server, then the planner name can be any one of the planner interfaces.
# If left empty, a default planner will be used.
string planner
trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectory traj
Compact Message Definition