Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #! /usr/bin/env python
00003 PKG = 'mtrace_tools'
00005 import roslib; roslib.load_manifest(PKG)
00006 import rospy
00007 from ethercat_hardware.msg import MotorTrace
00008 from pylab import *
00009 from numpy import *
00010 import numpy
00011 import re
00012 import rosbag
00013 import getopt
00014 import time
00016 class struct_of_arrays(object):
00017     def __init__(self, list_of_structs):
00018         # make sure type of input is correct
00019         #print list_of_structs
00020         #print type(list_of_structs)
00021         if type(list_of_structs).__name__ != 'list':
00022             print "object is not a list"
00023             return
00024         if len(list_of_structs) == 0:
00025             print "list is empty"
00026             return
00027         # pull in non __XXXX__ names, define them in this class as empty lists
00028         names = dir(list_of_structs[0])
00029         struct_names=[]
00030         for name in names:
00031             if name[0] != '_':
00032                 struct_names.append(name)
00033                 self.__setattr__(name,[])
00034         # Append values to lists
00035         for struct in list_of_structs:
00036             for name in struct_names:
00037                 tmp = self.__getattribute__(name)
00038                 tmp.append(struct.__getattribute__(name))
00039         # Convert lists into arrays        
00040         for name in struct_names:
00041             tmp = self.__getattribute__(name)
00042             array_tmp = array(tmp)
00043             self.__setattr__(name,array_tmp)
00046 def pretty_duration(duration):    
00047     in_future = False 
00048     if (duration < 0):
00049         duration = -duration
00050         in_future = True
00052     secs_per_min  = 60.0
00053     secs_per_hour = secs_per_min * 60.0
00054     secs_per_day  = secs_per_hour * 24.0
00055     secs_per_week = secs_per_day * 7.0
00057     weeks = math.floor(duration / secs_per_week)
00058     duration -= weeks * secs_per_week
00059     days = math.floor(duration / secs_per_day)
00060     duration -= days * secs_per_day
00061     hours = math.floor(duration / secs_per_hour)
00062     duration -= hours * secs_per_hour
00063     mins = math.floor(duration / secs_per_min)
00064     duration -= mins * secs_per_min
00065     result = ""
00066     if weeks > 0:    
00067         result += ("%d week%s "%(weeks, "s" if weeks > 1 else ""))
00068     if days > 0:    
00069         result += ("%d day%s "%(days, "s" if days > 1 else ""))
00070     if hours > 0:
00071         result += ("%d hour%s "%(hours, "s" if hours > 1 else ""))
00072     if mins > 0:
00073         result += ("%d minute%s "%(mins, "s" if mins > 1 else ""))
00074     if len(result) > 0:
00075         result += "and "
00076     result += "%s seconds "%duration
00077     if in_future:
00078         result += "in the future"
00079     else:
00080         result += "ago"
00081     return result
00083 def callback(data):
00084     print "Got data for actuator %s with %d samples" % (data.actuator_info.name, len(data.samples))
00085     #print "Data was published %f seconds ago" % (rospy.get_rostime() - data.header.stamp).to_sec()
00086     print "Reason : %s" % data.reason
00087     print "Data was published : %s -- %s" % (time.strftime("%a, %b %d, %I:%M %p", time.localtime(data.header.stamp.to_sec())), pretty_duration((rospy.get_rostime() - data.header.stamp).to_sec()))
00088     print "Timestamp seconds = %d " % data.header.stamp.secs
00089     size = len(data.samples)
00090     if size <= 1 :    
00091         return
00093     #print type(data)
00094     #print type(data.samples)
00095     a = struct_of_arrays(data.samples)
00097     # Start time from 0
00098     t                = a.timestamp - a.timestamp[0]
00099     measured_motor_voltage = a.measured_motor_voltage
00100     supply_voltage   = a.supply_voltage
00101     measured_current = a.measured_current
00102     executed_current = a.executed_current
00103     programmed_pwm   = a.programmed_pwm
00104     velocity         = a.velocity
00105     encoder_position = a.encoder_position
00106     encoder_errors   = a.encoder_error_count
00108     filtered_voltage_error     = a.filtered_motor_voltage_error
00109     filtered_abs_voltage_error = a.filtered_abs_motor_voltage_error
00110     filtered_current_error     = a.filtered_current_error
00111     filtered_abs_current_error = a.filtered_abs_current_error
00113     actuator_info = data.actuator_info
00114     board_info = data.board_info
00116     M_PI = math.pi
00117     backemf_constant = 1.0 / (actuator_info.speed_constant * 2.0 * M_PI * 1.0/60.0);
00118     resistance = actuator_info.motor_resistance
00119     board_resistance = board_info.board_resistance
00120     print data.board_info
00121     print actuator_info
00122     print "backemf_constant: %f" % backemf_constant
00124     # Estimate motor resistance and backemf constant from data + allow voltage offset
00125     A = numpy.array([measured_current, velocity, numpy.ones(len(velocity))])
00126     x = numpy.linalg.lstsq(A.transpose(), measured_motor_voltage)
00127     print "ESTIMATES: "
00128     print "resistance: %f"%x[0][0]
00129     print "backemf_constant: %f"%-x[0][1]
00130     print "voltage_offset: %f"%x[0][2]
00131     print "END OF ESTIMATES"
00132     #backemf_constant = -x[0][1]
00133     #resistance = x[0][0]
00134     #voltage_offset = x[0][2]
00136     # Estimate motor resistance data + use fixed back emf constant + don't allow voltage offset
00137     #A = numpy.array([measured_current])
00138     #B = measured_motor_voltage - velocity * actuator_info.encoder_reduction * backemf_constant
00139     #x = numpy.linalg.lstsq(A.transpose(), B)
00140     #print "ESTIMATES: "
00141     #print "resistance: %f"%x[0][0]
00142     #print "END OF ESTIMATES"
00143     #resistance = x[0][0]
00145     # Estimate board resistance (resistance of MOSFETs and inductors)
00146     A = numpy.array([measured_current, numpy.ones(len(measured_current))])
00147     B = supply_voltage * programmed_pwm - measured_motor_voltage;  # 
00148     x = numpy.linalg.lstsq(A.transpose(), B)
00149     print "ESTIMATES(2):"
00150     print "board_resistance: %f"%x[0][0]
00151     print "voltage offset: %f"%x[0][1]
00152     print "END OF ESTIMATES(2)"
00153     #board_resistance = x[0][0]
00155     board_output_voltage  = supply_voltage * programmed_pwm - board_resistance * measured_current
00156     backemf_voltage = velocity * actuator_info.encoder_reduction * backemf_constant 
00157     resistance_voltage = resistance * measured_current
00158     motor_model_voltage = backemf_voltage + resistance_voltage    
00160     # Make cycle-by-cycle estimate of motor resistance    
00161     est_resistance = zeros(len(measured_current))
00162     est_resistance_accuracy = zeros(len(measured_current))
00163     # Don't calculate reistance if there is not enough motor current
00164     min_current_for_est = 0.02 * board_info.hw_max_current + 0.005
00165     for i in range(0,len(measured_current)-1):
00166         if (abs(measured_current[i]) > min_current_for_est):
00167             est_resistance[i] = (board_output_voltage[i] - backemf_voltage[i]) / measured_current[i]
00168             est_resistance_accuracy[i] = 1.0 / (1.0 + abs(backemf_voltage[i] / resistance_voltage[i]))
00171     figure(1)
00172     subplot(211)
00173     title("Motor Voltage")
00174     plot(t,measured_motor_voltage,'r-', label='Measured Motor (by ADC on board)')
00175     plot(t,board_output_voltage,'g-',   label='Board Output (PWM * Vsupply - R_brd*I)')
00176     plot(t,motor_model_voltage,'b-',    label='Motor Model (backEMF + R*I)')
00177     legend(loc='best')
00178     subplot(212)
00179     title("Motor Voltage Error")
00180     plot(t,measured_motor_voltage - board_output_voltage,'r-', label='Measured Motor - Board Output')
00181     plot(t,motor_model_voltage    - board_output_voltage,'b-', label='Motor Model    - Board Output')
00182     plot(t,a.motor_voltage_error_limit,                  'k-', label='Motor Voltage Error Limit')
00183     plot(t,-1 * a.motor_voltage_error_limit,                  'k-', label='__nolegend__')
00184     legend(loc='best')
00185     figure(5)
00186     title("Motor Voltage Relative Error");
00187     plot(t,filtered_voltage_error,    'r-',  label='Trace : Motor vs Board Error (Filter)')
00188     plot(t,filtered_abs_voltage_error,'g-',  label='Trace : Motor vs Board Error (Abs Filter)')
00189     legend(loc='best')
00190     figure(2)
00191     subplot(211)
00192     title("Motor Current")
00193     plot(t,measured_current,'b-', label='Measured')
00194     plot(t,executed_current,'r-', label='Executed')
00195     legend(loc='best')
00196     subplot(212)
00197     title("Motor Current Error")
00198     plot(t,measured_current-executed_current,'b-', label='Measured-Executed')
00199     plot(t,filtered_current_error,'r-',            label='Trace : Error (Filter)')
00200     plot(t,filtered_abs_current_error,'g-',        label='Trace : Error (Abs Filter)')
00201     legend(loc='best')
00202     figure(3)
00203     subplot(221)
00204     title("Supply Voltage")
00205     plot(t,supply_voltage)
00206     subplot(222)
00207     title("Back EMF (Velocity * Vsupply)")
00208     plot(t,backemf_voltage,'b-', label='Back EMF')
00209     subplot(223)
00210     title("Resistance * I")
00211     plot(t,resistance_voltage,'g-', label='Resistance * I')
00212     subplot(224)
00213     title("PWM %")
00214     plot(t,programmed_pwm * 100.0,'g-', label='PWM%')
00215     plot([t[0], t[-1]],ones(2) * -board_info.max_pwm_ratio * 100.0,'r-.', label='Min')
00216     plot([t[0], t[-1]],ones(2) * board_info.max_pwm_ratio * 100.0,'r-.', label='Max')
00218     figure(4)
00219     angular_position = mod(encoder_position,2.0 * M_PI)
00220     subplot(211)    
00221     title("Voltage Error vs Position")
00222     plot( angular_position, (motor_model_voltage - board_output_voltage) , "r.", label="Voltage Error")
00223     subplot(212)
00224     title("Current Error vs Position")
00225     plot( angular_position, (measured_current - executed_current) , "b.", label="Current")
00227     figure(6) 
00228     subplot(211)    
00229     title("Motor Resistance")
00230     plot( t, est_resistance , "r.", label="Estimated Resistance")
00231     plot( [t[0], t[-1]], ones(2) * resistance , "g-", label="Resistance")
00232     legend(loc='best')
00233     subplot(212)
00234     title("Resistance Accuracy")
00235     plot( t, est_resistance_accuracy , "g-", label="Accuracy")
00237     figure(7) 
00238     subplot(311)    
00239     title("Angular Position")
00240     plot( t, angular_position , "r-", label="Angualar position (0 to 2*PI)")
00241     legend(loc='best')
00242     subplot(312)
00243     title("Position")
00244     plot( t, encoder_position , "b-", label="Position")
00245     legend(loc='best')
00246     subplot(313)
00247     title("Velocity")
00248     plot( t, velocity , "g-", label="Velocity")
00249     legend(loc='best')
00251     figure(8)
00252     title("Velocity")
00253     plot( t, velocity , "g-", label="Velocity")
00254     legend(loc='best')
00257     show()
00259 def read_bag(bagfn):
00260     bag = rosbag.Bag(bagfn)
00261     for topic, msg, t in bag.read_messages():
00262         callback(msg)
00265 def _succeed(args):
00266     code, msg, val = args
00267     if code != 1:
00268         raise ROSTopicException("remote call failed: %s"%msg)
00269     return val
00271 def usage():
00272     print "usage : old_mtrace_plot.py [-f filename] topic [more topics]"
00273     print "   topic - Regular express of topic name to subscribe to"
00274     print "   -f filename - bag file to read messages from"
00275     print "example : mtrace_plot.py l_wrist_r_motor"
00276     print "example : mtrace_plot.py -f pr1006_r_wrist_r_motor_error_2010-05-10-14-53-50.bag"
00278 def mtrace_plot(argv):
00279     if len(argv) < 2:
00280         usage()
00281         return 1
00283     rospy.init_node("mtrace_plot", anonymous=True)
00285     optlist,argv = getopt.gnu_getopt(argv, "hf:");
00286     for opt,arg in optlist:
00287         if (opt == "-f"):
00288             read_bag(arg)
00289         elif (opt == "-h"):
00290             usage()
00291             return 0
00292         else :
00293             print "Internal error : opt = ", opt
00294             return 1
00296     if len(argv) > 1:
00297         master = roslib.scriptutil.get_master()
00298         pub_topics = _succeed(master.getPublishedTopics('/rostopic', '/'))
00299         valid_topics = []
00300         for topic,topic_type in pub_topics:
00301             if topic_type == 'ethercat_hardware/MotorTrace':
00302                 valid_topics.append(topic)
00304         if len(valid_topics) == 0:
00305             print "Error: no valid topics being published"
00306             return 1
00308         topic_list = []
00309         for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
00310            regex = re.compile(arg)
00311            for topic in valid_topics:
00312                if regex.search(topic):
00313                    topic_list.append(topic)
00314         if len(topic_list) == 0:
00315            print "Error no topics names match"
00316            print "Possible topics : %s"%",".join(valid_topics)
00317            return 1
00319         #print ",".join(topic_list)
00321         for topic in topic_list:
00322             print "subscribing to topic %s" % topic
00323             rospy.Subscriber(topic, MotorTrace, callback)
00324         rospy.spin()
00326 if __name__ == '__main__':    
00327    exit(mtrace_plot(sys.argv))

Author(s): Derek
autogenerated on Sat Dec 28 2013 17:58:08