Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #!/usr/bin/env python
00003 import copy
00004 import math
00005 import rospy
00006 import rosservice
00007 import Image
00008 import cStringIO
00009 import unavail
00010 import threading
00012 import tf
00013 import tf.transformations
00015 from geometry_msgs.msg import PoseWithCovariance, PoseWithCovarianceStamped, PoseStamped, Pose, Quaternion, Point
00016 from nav_msgs.msg import MapMetaData, OccupancyGrid
00017 from numpy import float64
00019 from simplify import Simplifier
00020 import rosweb
00022 _lock = threading.Lock()
00024 _map_cache = {}
00025 _scale_cache = {}
00026 _tile_cache = {}
00028 def config_plugin(context):
00029   global goal_publisher, pose_publisher
00030   goal_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/move_base_simple/goal', PoseStamped)
00031   pose_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/initialpose', PoseWithCovarianceStamped)
00033   context.register_handler("/map", map_tiler_handler)
00034   context.register_subtopic("/move_base_node/NavfnROS/plan:simplified", Simplifier)
00036 def trans(x):
00037   if x < 0:
00038     return chr(x + 256)
00039   else:
00040     return chr(x)
00042 def get_map(service_name):
00043   map_key = service_name
00044   if not _map_cache.has_key(map_key):
00045     service_class = rosservice.get_service_class_by_name('/' + service_name)
00046     service_proxy = rospy.ServiceProxy(service_name, service_class)
00047     resp = service_proxy()
00048     size = (resp.map.info.width, resp.map.info.height)
00049     s = "".join([trans(x) for x in resp.map.data])
00050     im = Image.frombuffer('L', size, s, "raw", 'L', 0, -1)
00051     remap = {0:255, 100: 0, 255:128}
00052     im = im.point(lambda x: remap.get(x, 0))
00053     resolution = resp.map.info.resolution
00054     _map_cache[map_key] = (im, resolution)
00055   else:
00056      (im, resolution) = _map_cache[map_key]
00057   return (im, resolution)
00059 def get_scaled_map(service_name, scale):
00060   scale_key = '%s:%s' % (service_name, scale)
00061   if not _scale_cache.has_key(scale_key):
00062     (im, resolution) = get_map(service_name)
00063     if scale != 1:
00064       size = im.size
00065       im = im.resize((int(size[0] / scale), int(size[1] / scale)), Image.ANTIALIAS)
00066     _scale_cache[scale_key] = im
00067   else:
00068     im = _scale_cache[scale_key]
00069   return im
00071 def get_tile(service_name, scale, x, y, width, height):
00072   tile_key = '%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s' % (service_name, scale, x, y, width, height)
00073   if not _tile_cache.has_key(tile_key):
00074     # Get the map (possibly cached) from the map server
00075     im = get_scaled_map(service_name, scale)
00077     # Crop the requested tile and convert to JPEG
00078     im = im.crop((x, y, x + width, y + height))
00079     buf = cStringIO.StringIO()
00080     im.save(buf, format='JPEG')
00081     jpeg = buf.getvalue()
00082     _tile_cache[tile_key] = jpeg
00083   else:
00084     jpeg = _tile_cache[tile_key]
00085   return jpeg
00087 def send_image(self, jpeg, cache_control='max-age=3600'):
00088   try:
00089     self.send_response(200)
00090     self.send_header('Cache-Control', cache_control)
00091     self.send_header('Content-Type', 'image/jpeg')
00092     self.send_header('Content-Length', str(len(jpeg)))
00093     self.end_headers()
00094     self.wfile.write(jpeg)
00095   except:
00096     pass
00098 def get_tile_handler(self, path, qdict):
00099   service_name = qdict.get('service', ['static_map'])[0]
00100   scale = float(qdict.get('scale', [1])[0])
00101   x = int(qdict.get('x', [0])[0])
00102   y = int(qdict.get('y', [0])[0])
00103   width = int(qdict.get('width', [256])[0])
00104   height = int(qdict.get('height', [256])[0])
00106   try:
00107     jpeg = get_tile(service_name, scale, x, y, width, height)
00108   except Exception, reason:
00109     import base64
00110     jpeg = base64.decodestring(unavail.unavail)
00111   send_image(self, jpeg)
00113 def get_pose(self, qdict):
00114   x = float(qdict.get('x', [0])[0])
00115   y = float(qdict.get('y', [0])[0])
00116   angle = float(qdict.get('angle', [0])[0])
00117   p = Point(x, y, 0)
00118   q = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, angle)
00119   q = Quaternion(q[0], q[1], q[2], q[3])
00120   return Pose(p, q)
00122 def set_goal_handler(self, path, qdict):
00123   pose = get_pose(self, qdict)
00124   h = rospy.Header()
00125   h.stamp= rospy.get_rostime()
00126   h.frame_id = '/map'
00127   goal = PoseStamped(h, pose)
00128   goal_publisher.publish(goal)
00129   self.send_success()
00131 def set_pose_handler(self, path, qdict):
00132   pose = get_pose(self, qdict)
00133   h = rospy.Header()
00134   h.stamp= rospy.get_rostime()
00135   h.frame_id = '/map'
00136   cov = [float64(0)] * 36
00137   cov[6*0+0] = 0.5 * 0.5;
00138   cov[6*1+1] = 0.5 * 0.5;
00139   cov[6*3+3] = math.pi/12.0 * math.pi/12.0;
00140   pose_publisher.publish(PoseWithCovarianceStamped(h, PoseWithCovariance(pose, cov)))
00141   self.send_success()
00143 def get_extents_handler(self, path, qdict):
00144   service_name = qdict.get('service', ['static_map'])[0]
00145   callback = qdict.get("callback", [''])[0]
00146   (im, resolution) = get_map(service_name)
00147   buf = cStringIO.StringIO()
00148   buf.write('{')
00149   buf.write('"width": %d,' % im.size[0])
00150   buf.write('"height": %d,' % im.size[1])
00151   buf.write('"resolution": %s,' % resolution)
00152   buf.write('}')
00153   buf = buf.getvalue()
00154   self.send_success(buf, callback)
00156 def map_tiler_handler(self, path, qdict):
00157   try:
00158     _lock.acquire()
00160     if   path == '/map/get_tile':    get_tile_handler(self, path, qdict)
00161     elif path == '/map/get_extents': get_extents_handler(self, path, qdict)
00162     elif path == '/map/set_goal':    set_goal_handler(self, path, qdict)
00163     elif path == '/map/set_pose':    set_pose_handler(self, path, qdict)
00164     else:
00165       return False
00166     return True
00167   finally:
00168     _lock.release()

Author(s): Rob Wheeler
autogenerated on Thu Jan 2 2014 11:46:19