Spl_path Member List
This is the complete list of members for Spl_path, including all inherited members.
final_timeSpl_path [private]
first_derivative(const Real t, ColumnVector &ds)Spl_cubic
get_final_time()Spl_path [inline]
get_type()Spl_path [inline]
interpolating(const Real t, ColumnVector &s)Spl_cubic
p(const Real time, ColumnVector &p)Spl_path
p_pdot(const Real time, ColumnVector &p, ColumnVector &pdot)Spl_path
p_pdot_pddot(const Real time, ColumnVector &p, ColumnVector &pdot, ColumnVector &pdotdot)Spl_path
second_derivative(const Real t, ColumnVector &dds)Spl_cubic
Spl_cubic()Spl_cubic [inline]
Spl_cubic(const Matrix &pts)Spl_cubic
Spl_path()Spl_path [inline]
Spl_path(const std::string &filename)Spl_path
Spl_path(const Matrix &x)Spl_path
typeSpl_path [private]
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Author(s): Neuronics AG (see AUTHORS.txt); ROS wrapper by Martin Günther
autogenerated on Tue May 28 2013 14:52:55