File: kinematics_msgs/GetPositionFK.srv
Raw Message Definition
# A service definition for a standard forward kinematics service
# The frame_id in the header message is the frame in which
# the forward kinematics poses will be returned
Header header
# A vector of link name for which forward kinematics must be computed
string[] fk_link_names
# A robot state consisting of joint names and joint positions to be used for forward kinematics
motion_planning_msgs/RobotState robot_state
# The resultant vector of PoseStamped messages that contains the (stamped) poses of the requested links
geometry_msgs/PoseStamped[] pose_stamped
# The list of link names corresponding to the poses
string[] fk_link_names
motion_planning_msgs/ArmNavigationErrorCodes error_code
Compact Message Definition