jsk_pcl_ros ROS Launch Files ============================ **Description:** jsk_pcl_ros jsk_pcl_ros **License:** BSD color_converter_sample.launch ----------------------------- .. code-block:: bash roslaunch jsk_pcl_ros color_converter_sample.launch color_filter_sample.launch -------------------------- .. code-block:: bash roslaunch jsk_pcl_ros color_filter_sample.launch pointcloud_screenpoint_sample.launch ------------------------------------ .. code-block:: bash roslaunch jsk_pcl_ros pointcloud_screenpoint_sample.launch This script displays which point the user pointed on a 2D screen in the 3D rviz. Sample images below: .. image:: launch/images/pointcloud_screenpoint_3people.png :width: 640 There are two parameters to input. 1. 'image' is used in showing a image view on the image_view2, and its camera_info parameter is used for changing the coordinates of points. 2. 'points' is the pointcloud source to estimate 3D points that the user wantedt to specify on a 2D screen. For example, By default, pointcloud_screenpoint takes camera image and point clouds from kinect. .. code-block:: bash roslaunch jsk_pcl_ros pointcloud_screenpoint_sample.launch You can mix wide_stereo camera and assembled_tilt_scan. .. code-block:: bash roslaunch jsk_pcl_ros pointcloud_screenpoint_sample.launch image:=/wide_stereo/left points:=/tilt_laser_cloud2 Or, you can mix kinect camera and assembled_tilt_scan. .. code-block:: bash roslaunch jsk_pcl_ros pointcloud_screenpoint_sample.launch image:=/camera/rgb points:=/tilt_laser_cloud2 pointclouds published by kinect .. image:: launch/images/pointcloud_screenpoint_kinect.png :width: 640 pointclouds published by laser .. image:: launch/images/pointcloud_screenpoint_laser.png :width: 640 amplifiered pointclouds published by laser .. image:: launch/images/pointcloud_screenpoint_disparity_laser.png :width: 640 Contents ######## .. code-block:: xml background_subtraction.launch ----------------------------- .. code-block:: bash roslaunch jsk_pcl_ros background_subtraction.launch hsv_color_filter.launch ----------------------- .. code-block:: bash roslaunch jsk_pcl_ros hsv_color_filter.launch pointcloud_screenpoint.launch ----------------------------- .. code-block:: bash roslaunch jsk_pcl_ros pointcloud_screenpoint.launch Please see pointcloud_screenpoint_sample.launch for documentation. Contents ######## .. code-block:: xml scale_depth: 5.0 max_queue_size: 10 use_fixed_transform: false use_service: false use_asynchronous: false use_approximate: true