Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "image_proc/processor.h"
00002 #include <sensor_msgs/image_encodings.h>
00003 #include <ros/console.h>
00005 namespace image_proc {
00007 namespace enc = sensor_msgs::image_encodings;
00009 bool Processor::process(const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr& raw_image,
00010                         const image_geometry::PinholeCameraModel& model,
00011                         ImageSet& output, int flags) const
00012 {
00013   static const int MONO_EITHER = MONO | RECT;
00014   static const int COLOR_EITHER = COLOR | RECT_COLOR;
00015   if (!(flags & ALL)) return true;
00017   // Check if raw_image is color
00018   const std::string& raw_encoding = raw_image->encoding;
00019   int raw_type = CV_8UC1;
00020   if (raw_encoding == enc::BGR8 || raw_encoding == enc::RGB8) {
00021     raw_type = CV_8UC3;
00022     output.color_encoding = raw_encoding;
00023   }
00024   // Construct cv::Mat pointing to raw_image data
00025   const cv::Mat raw(raw_image->height, raw_image->width, raw_type,
00026                     const_cast<uint8_t*>(&raw_image->data[0]), raw_image->step);
00029   // Construct colorized (unrectified) images from raw //
00032   // Bayer case
00033   if (raw_encoding.find("bayer") != std::string::npos) {
00034     // Convert to color BGR
00036     int code = 0;
00037     if (raw_encoding == enc::BAYER_RGGB8)
00038       code = CV_BayerBG2BGR;
00039     else if (raw_encoding == enc::BAYER_BGGR8)
00040       code = CV_BayerRG2BGR;
00041     else if (raw_encoding == enc::BAYER_GBRG8)
00042       code = CV_BayerGR2BGR;
00043     else if (raw_encoding == enc::BAYER_GRBG8)
00044       code = CV_BayerGB2BGR;
00045     else {
00046       ROS_ERROR("[image_proc] Unsupported encoding '%s'", raw_encoding.c_str());
00047       return false;
00048     }
00049     cv::cvtColor(raw, output.color, code);
00050     output.color_encoding = enc::BGR8;
00052     if (flags & MONO_EITHER)
00053       cv::cvtColor(output.color, output.mono, CV_BGR2GRAY);
00054   }
00055   // Color case
00056   else if (raw_type == CV_8UC3) {
00057     output.color = raw;
00058     if (flags & MONO_EITHER) {
00059       int code = (raw_encoding == enc::BGR8) ? CV_BGR2GRAY : CV_RGB2GRAY;
00060       cv::cvtColor(output.color, output.mono, code);
00061     }
00062   }
00063   // Mono case
00064   else if (raw_encoding == enc::MONO8) {
00065     output.mono = raw;
00066     if (flags & COLOR_EITHER) {
00067       output.color_encoding = enc::MONO8;
00068       output.color = raw;
00069     }
00070   }
00071   // 8UC3 does not specify a color encoding. Is it BGR, RGB, HSV, XYZ, LUV...?
00072   else if (raw_encoding == enc::TYPE_8UC3) {
00073     ROS_ERROR("[image_proc] Ambiguous encoding '8UC3'. The camera driver "
00074               "should set the encoding to 'bgr8' or 'rgb8'.");
00075     return false;
00076   }
00077   // Something else we can't handle
00078   else {
00079     ROS_ERROR("[image_proc] Unsupported encoding '%s'", raw_encoding.c_str());
00080     return false;
00081   }
00084   // Construct rectified images from colorized images //
00089   if (flags & RECT)
00090     model.rectifyImage(output.mono, output.rect, interpolation_);
00091   if (flags & RECT_COLOR)
00092     model.rectifyImage(output.color, output.rect_color, interpolation_);
00094   return true;
00095 }
00097 } //namespace image_proc

Author(s): Patrick Mihelich, Kurt Konolige, Jeremy Leibs
autogenerated on Fri Jan 3 2014 11:24:35