fcl::Intersect Member List
This is the complete list of members for fcl::Intersect, including all inherited members.
buildEdgePlane(const Vec3f &v1, const Vec3f &v2, const Vec3f &tn, Vec3f *n, FCL_REAL *t)fcl::Intersect [private, static]
buildTrianglePlane(const Vec3f &v1, const Vec3f &v2, const Vec3f &v3, Vec3f *n, FCL_REAL *t)fcl::Intersect [private, static]
CCD_RESOLUTIONfcl::Intersect [private, static]
checkRootValidity_EE(const Vec3f &a0, const Vec3f &b0, const Vec3f &c0, const Vec3f &d0, const Vec3f &va, const Vec3f &vb, const Vec3f &vc, const Vec3f &vd, FCL_REAL t, Vec3f *q_i=NULL)fcl::Intersect [private, static]
checkRootValidity_VE(const Vec3f &a0, const Vec3f &b0, const Vec3f &p0, const Vec3f &va, const Vec3f &vb, const Vec3f &vp, FCL_REAL t)fcl::Intersect [private, static]
checkRootValidity_VF(const Vec3f &a0, const Vec3f &b0, const Vec3f &c0, const Vec3f &p0, const Vec3f &va, const Vec3f &vb, const Vec3f &vc, const Vec3f &vp, FCL_REAL t)fcl::Intersect [private, static]
clipPolygonByPlane(Vec3f *polygon_points, unsigned int num_polygon_points, const Vec3f &n, FCL_REAL t, Vec3f clipped_points[], unsigned int *num_clipped_points)fcl::Intersect [private, static]
clipSegmentByPlane(const Vec3f &v1, const Vec3f &v2, const Vec3f &n, FCL_REAL t, Vec3f *clipped_point)fcl::Intersect [private, static]
clipTriangleByTriangleAndEdgePlanes(const Vec3f &v1, const Vec3f &v2, const Vec3f &v3, const Vec3f &t1, const Vec3f &t2, const Vec3f &t3, const Vec3f &tn, FCL_REAL to, Vec3f clipped_points[], unsigned int *num_clipped_points, bool clip_triangle=false)fcl::Intersect [private, static]
computeCubicCoeff_EE(const Vec3f &a0, const Vec3f &b0, const Vec3f &c0, const Vec3f &d0, const Vec3f &va, const Vec3f &vb, const Vec3f &vc, const Vec3f &vd, FCL_REAL *a, FCL_REAL *b, FCL_REAL *c, FCL_REAL *d)fcl::Intersect [private, static]
computeCubicCoeff_VE(const Vec3f &a0, const Vec3f &b0, const Vec3f &p0, const Vec3f &va, const Vec3f &vb, const Vec3f &vp, const Vec3f &L, FCL_REAL *a, FCL_REAL *b, FCL_REAL *c)fcl::Intersect [private, static]
computeCubicCoeff_VF(const Vec3f &a0, const Vec3f &b0, const Vec3f &c0, const Vec3f &p0, const Vec3f &va, const Vec3f &vb, const Vec3f &vc, const Vec3f &vp, FCL_REAL *a, FCL_REAL *b, FCL_REAL *c, FCL_REAL *d)fcl::Intersect [private, static]
computeDeepestPoints(Vec3f *clipped_points, unsigned int num_clipped_points, const Vec3f &n, FCL_REAL t, FCL_REAL *penetration_depth, Vec3f *deepest_points, unsigned int *num_deepest_points)fcl::Intersect [private, static]
distanceToPlane(const Vec3f &n, FCL_REAL t, const Vec3f &v)fcl::Intersect [private, static]
EPSILONfcl::Intersect [private, static]
gaussianCDF(FCL_REAL x)fcl::Intersect [inline, private, static]
insideLineSegment(const Vec3f &a, const Vec3f &b, const Vec3f &p)fcl::Intersect [private, static]
insideTriangle(const Vec3f &a, const Vec3f &b, const Vec3f &c, const Vec3f &p)fcl::Intersect [private, static]
intersect_EE(const Vec3f &a0, const Vec3f &b0, const Vec3f &c0, const Vec3f &d0, const Vec3f &a1, const Vec3f &b1, const Vec3f &c1, const Vec3f &d1, FCL_REAL *collision_time, Vec3f *p_i, bool useNewton=true)fcl::Intersect [static]
intersect_EE_filtered(const Vec3f &a0, const Vec3f &b0, const Vec3f &c0, const Vec3f &d0, const Vec3f &a1, const Vec3f &b1, const Vec3f &c1, const Vec3f &d1, FCL_REAL *collision_time, Vec3f *p_i, bool useNewton=true)fcl::Intersect [static]
intersect_Triangle(const Vec3f &P1, const Vec3f &P2, const Vec3f &P3, const Vec3f &Q1, const Vec3f &Q2, const Vec3f &Q3, Vec3f *contact_points=NULL, unsigned int *num_contact_points=NULL, FCL_REAL *penetration_depth=NULL, Vec3f *normal=NULL)fcl::Intersect [static]
intersect_Triangle(const Vec3f &P1, const Vec3f &P2, const Vec3f &P3, const Vec3f &Q1, const Vec3f &Q2, const Vec3f &Q3, const Matrix3f &R, const Vec3f &T, Vec3f *contact_points=NULL, unsigned int *num_contact_points=NULL, FCL_REAL *penetration_depth=NULL, Vec3f *normal=NULL)fcl::Intersect [static]
intersect_Triangle(const Vec3f &P1, const Vec3f &P2, const Vec3f &P3, const Vec3f &Q1, const Vec3f &Q2, const Vec3f &Q3, const Transform3f &tf, Vec3f *contact_points=NULL, unsigned int *num_contact_points=NULL, FCL_REAL *penetration_depth=NULL, Vec3f *normal=NULL)fcl::Intersect [static]
intersect_VE(const Vec3f &a0, const Vec3f &b0, const Vec3f &p0, const Vec3f &a1, const Vec3f &b1, const Vec3f &p1, const Vec3f &L)fcl::Intersect [static]
intersect_VF(const Vec3f &a0, const Vec3f &b0, const Vec3f &c0, const Vec3f &p0, const Vec3f &a1, const Vec3f &b1, const Vec3f &c1, const Vec3f &p1, FCL_REAL *collision_time, Vec3f *p_i, bool useNewton=true)fcl::Intersect [static]
intersect_VF_filtered(const Vec3f &a0, const Vec3f &b0, const Vec3f &c0, const Vec3f &p0, const Vec3f &a1, const Vec3f &b1, const Vec3f &c1, const Vec3f &p1, FCL_REAL *collision_time, Vec3f *p_i, bool useNewton=true)fcl::Intersect [static]
intersectPreFiltering(const Vec3f &a0, const Vec3f &b0, const Vec3f &c0, const Vec3f &d0, const Vec3f &a1, const Vec3f &b1, const Vec3f &c1, const Vec3f &d1)fcl::Intersect [private, static]
isZero(FCL_REAL v)fcl::Intersect [inline, private, static]
linelineIntersect(const Vec3f &p1, const Vec3f &p2, const Vec3f &p3, const Vec3f &p4, Vec3f *pa, Vec3f *pb, FCL_REAL *mua, FCL_REAL *mub)fcl::Intersect [private, static]
MAX_TRIANGLE_CLIPSfcl::Intersect [private, static]
NEAR_ZERO_THRESHOLDfcl::Intersect [private, static]
project6(const Vec3f &ax, const Vec3f &p1, const Vec3f &p2, const Vec3f &p3, const Vec3f &q1, const Vec3f &q2, const Vec3f &q3)fcl::Intersect [private, static]
sameSideOfPlane(const Vec3f &v1, const Vec3f &v2, const Vec3f &v3, const Vec3f &n, FCL_REAL t)fcl::Intersect [private, static]
solveCubicWithIntervalNewton(const Vec3f &a0, const Vec3f &b0, const Vec3f &c0, const Vec3f &d0, const Vec3f &va, const Vec3f &vb, const Vec3f &vc, const Vec3f &vd, FCL_REAL &l, FCL_REAL &r, bool bVF, FCL_REAL coeffs[], Vec3f *data=NULL)fcl::Intersect [private, static]
solveSquare(FCL_REAL a, FCL_REAL b, FCL_REAL c, const Vec3f &a0, const Vec3f &b0, const Vec3f &c0, const Vec3f &d0, const Vec3f &va, const Vec3f &vb, const Vec3f &vc, const Vec3f &vd, bool bVF, FCL_REAL *ret)fcl::Intersect [private, static]
solveSquare(FCL_REAL a, FCL_REAL b, FCL_REAL c, const Vec3f &a0, const Vec3f &b0, const Vec3f &p0, const Vec3f &va, const Vec3f &vb, const Vec3f &vp)fcl::Intersect [private, static]
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Author(s): Jia Pan
autogenerated on Tue Jan 15 2013 16:05:31