Module ee_cart_imped_action
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Source Code for Module ee_cart_imped_action

  1  #! /usr/bin/env python 
  4  import roslib; roslib.load_manifest('ee_cart_imped_action') 
  5  import rospy 
  6  import actionlib 
  7  import ee_cart_imped_msgs.msg 
 10  ''' 
 11  Maximum allowed stiffness for position. 
 12  ''' 
 15  ''' 
 16  Maximum allowed stiffness for rotation. 
 17  ''' 
20 -class EECartImpedClient:
21 ''' 22 A wrapper around the simple simple action client for the 23 EECartImpedAction. 24 25 See the actionlib documentation for more details on action clients. 26 '''
27 - def __init__(self, arm_name):
28 ''' 29 Initialization of the client. 30 @type arm_name: string 31 @param arm_name: Which arm. Must either be 'right_arm' or 'left_arm'. 32 ''' 33 34 self.arm_name = arm_name 35 ''' 36 The name of the arm this client executes on. 37 ''' 38 39 self.client =\ 40 actionlib.SimpleActionClient\ 41 ('/'+arm_name[0]+\ 42 '_arm_cart_imped_controller/ee_cart_imped_action',\ 43 ee_cart_imped_msgs.msg.EECartImpedAction) 44 ''' 45 The simple action client used to communicate with the action server. 46 ''' 47 48 rospy.loginfo("Waiting for ee_cart_imped action server for arm %s", 49 self.arm_name) 50 self.client.wait_for_server() 51 rospy.loginfo("Found ee_cart_imped action server") 52 53 self.goal = ee_cart_imped_msgs.msg.EECartImpedGoal() 54 ''' 55 The current stored trajectory. 56 ''' 57 58 self.resetGoal()
60 - def moveToPoseStamped(self, pose_stamped, time):
61 ''' 62 Moves the arm to a pose stamped using the force/impedance controller. 63 @type pose_stamped: geometry_msgs.msg.PoseStamped 64 @param pose_stamped: The pose to move the end effector to. 65 @type time: double 66 @param time: The time after which this goal should be completed. 67 ''' 68 goal = ee_cart_imped_msgs.msg.EECartImpedGoal() 69 new_point = len(goal.trajectory); 70 goal.trajectory.append(ee_cart_imped_msgs.msg.StiffPoint()) 71 goal.trajectory[new_point].header.stamp =\ 72 pose_stamped.header.stamp 73 goal.trajectory[new_point].header.frame_id =\ 74 pose_stamped.header.frame_id 75 goal.trajectory[new_point].pose = pose_stamped.pose 76 goal.trajectory[new_point].wrench_or_stiffness.force.x =\ 77 MAX_TRANS_STIFFNESS; 78 goal.trajectory[new_point].wrench_or_stiffness.force.y =\ 79 MAX_TRANS_STIFFNESS; 80 goal.trajectory[new_point].wrench_or_stiffness.force.z =\ 81 MAX_TRANS_STIFFNESS; 82 goal.trajectory[new_point].wrench_or_stiffness.torque.x =\ 83 MAX_ROT_STIFFNESS; 84 goal.trajectory[new_point].wrench_or_stiffness.torque.y =\ 85 MAX_ROT_STIFFNESS; 86 goal.trajectory[new_point].wrench_or_stiffness.torque.z =\ 87 MAX_ROT_STIFFNESS; 88 goal.trajectory[new_point].isForceX = False 89 goal.trajectory[new_point].isForceY = False 90 goal.trajectory[new_point].isForceZ = False 91 goal.trajectory[new_point].isTorqueX = False 92 goal.trajectory[new_point].isTorqueY = False 93 goal.trajectory[new_point].isTorqueZ = False 94 goal.trajectory[new_point].time_from_start =\ 95 rospy.Duration(time); 96 goal.header.stamp = 97 rospy.logdebug('Sending pose goal %s', str(goal)) 98 self.client.send_goal_and_wait(goal, 99 rospy.Duration(time + 2))
100 101
102 - def addTrajectoryPoint(self, x, y, z, ox, oy, oz, ow, 103 fx, fy, fz, tx, ty, tz, isfx, isfy, isfz, 104 istx, isty, istz, time, frame_id=''):
105 ''' 106 Add a trajectory point to the current goal. 107 @type x: double 108 @param x: x position of the end effector 109 @type y: double 110 @param y: y position of the end effector 111 @type z: double 112 @param z: z position of the end effector 113 @type ox: double 114 @param ox: x component of the quaternion for the end effector rotation 115 @type oy: double 116 @param oy: y component of the quaternion for the end effector rotation 117 @type oz: double 118 @param oz: z component of the quaternion for the end effector rotation 119 @type ow: double 120 @param ow: w component of the quaternion for the end effector rotation 121 @type fx: double 122 @param fx: force or stiffness in the x direction 123 @type fy: double 124 @param fy: force or stiffness in the y direction 125 @type fz: double 126 @param fz: force or stiffness in the z direction 127 @type tx: double 128 @param tx: torque or stiffness around the x axis 129 @type ty: double 130 @param ty: torque or stiffness around the y axis 131 @type tz: double 132 @param tz: torque or stiffness around the z axis 133 @type isfx: boolean 134 @param isfx: True if this point should exert the given force in the x direction, false if it should achieve a position in the x direction with the given stiffness. 135 @type isfy: boolean 136 @param isfy: True if this point should exert the given force in the y direction, false if it should achieve a position in the y direction with the given stiffness. 137 @type isfz: boolean 138 @param isfz: True if this point should exert the given force in the z direction, false if it should achieve a position in the z direction with the given stiffness. 139 @type istx: boolean 140 @param istx: True if this point should exert the given torque around the x axis, false if it should achieve an orientation around the x axis with the given stiffness. 141 @type isty: boolean 142 @param isty: True if this point should exert the given torque around the y axis, false if it should achieve an orientation around the y axis with the given stiffness. 143 @type istz: boolean 144 @param istz: True if this point should exert the given torque around the z axis, false if it should achieve an orientation around the z axis with the given stiffness. 145 @type time: boolean 146 @param time: The time from start when this point should be achieved. Note that this is NOT the time from the last point, but the time from when the entire trajectory is begun. 147 @type frame_id: string 148 @param frame_id: The frame id of this point. If left as an empty string will be assumed that the point is in the frame of the root link of the chain for ee_cart_imped_control (likely torso_lift_link). 149 ''' 150 new_point = len(self.goal.trajectory); 151 self.goal.trajectory.append(ee_cart_imped_msgs.msg.StiffPoint()) 152 self.goal.trajectory[new_point].header.stamp = rospy.Time(0) 153 self.goal.trajectory[new_point].header.frame_id = frame_id 154 self.goal.trajectory[new_point].pose.position.x = x; 155 self.goal.trajectory[new_point].pose.position.y = y; 156 self.goal.trajectory[new_point].pose.position.z = z; 157 self.goal.trajectory[new_point].pose.orientation.x = ox; 158 self.goal.trajectory[new_point].pose.orientation.y = oy; 159 self.goal.trajectory[new_point].pose.orientation.z = oz; 160 self.goal.trajectory[new_point].pose.orientation.w = ow; 161 self.goal.trajectory[new_point].wrench_or_stiffness.force.x = fx; 162 self.goal.trajectory[new_point].wrench_or_stiffness.force.y = fy; 163 self.goal.trajectory[new_point].wrench_or_stiffness.force.z = fz; 164 self.goal.trajectory[new_point].wrench_or_stiffness.torque.x = tx; 165 self.goal.trajectory[new_point].wrench_or_stiffness.torque.y = ty; 166 self.goal.trajectory[new_point].wrench_or_stiffness.torque.z = tz; 167 168 self.goal.trajectory[new_point].isForceX = isfx 169 self.goal.trajectory[new_point].isForceY = isfy 170 self.goal.trajectory[new_point].isForceZ = isfz 171 self.goal.trajectory[new_point].isTorqueX = istx 172 self.goal.trajectory[new_point].isTorqueY = isty 173 self.goal.trajectory[new_point].isTorqueZ = istz 174 self.goal.trajectory[new_point].time_from_start = rospy.Duration(time);
176 - def trajectoryTime(self):
177 ''' 178 @return: The total time of the stored trajectory. 179 ''' 180 if len(self.goal.trajectory) == 0: 181 return rospy.Duration(0) 182 return self.goal.trajectory[len(self.goal.trajectory)-1].time_from_start
184 - def sendGoal(self, wait=True):
185 ''' 186 Sends the stored trajectory to the action server. 187 @type wait: boolean 188 @param wait: If true, this function will wait for the goal to complete before returning. If false, this function will return immediately upon sending the goal. 189 @return: The state of the simple action client. 190 ''' 191 self.goal.header.stamp = 192 rospy.logdebug('Sending goal %s to force controller on %s', 193 str(self.goal), self.arm_name) 194 self.client.send_goal(self.goal) 195 if wait: 196 self.client.wait_for_result() 197 return self.client.get_state()
199 - def resetGoal(self):
200 ''' 201 Resets the stored trajectory to be an empty trajectory. 202 ''' 203 self.goal = ee_cart_imped_msgs.msg.EECartImpedGoal() 204 self.goal.header.frame_id = 'torso_lift_link'
206 - def cancelGoal(self):
207 ''' 208 Cancels the current goal. The arm will hold its current position. 209 ''' 210 self.client.cancel_goal()
212 - def cancelAllGoals(self):
213 ''' 214 Cancels all goals on the action server. The arm will hold its current position. 215 ''' 216 self.client.cancel_all_goals()