Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 /*
00002         Aseba - an event-based framework for distributed robot control
00003         Copyright (C) 2007--2012:
00004                 Stephane Magnenat <stephane at magnenat dot net>
00005                 (
00006                 and other contributors, see authors.txt for details
00008         This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
00009         it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
00010         by the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
00012         This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
00013         but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
00015         GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
00017         You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
00018         along with this program. If not, see <>.
00019 */
00021 #include "errors_code.h"
00022 #include "compiler.h"
00023 #include <sstream>
00024 #include <string>
00026 namespace Aseba
00027 {
00031         static const wchar_t* error_map[ERROR_END];
00033         ErrorMessages::ErrorMessages()
00034         {
00035                 // compiler.cpp
00036                 error_map[ERROR_BROKEN_TARGET] =                        L"Broken target description: not enough room for internal variables";
00037                 error_map[ERROR_STACK_OVERFLOW] =                       L"Execution stack will overflow, check for any recursive subroutine call and cut long mathematical expressions";
00038                 error_map[ERROR_SCRIPT_TOO_BIG] =                       L"Script too big for target bytecode size";
00039                 // identifier-lookup.cpp
00040                 error_map[ERROR_VARIABLE_NOT_DEFINED] =                 L"%0 is not a defined variable";
00041                 error_map[ERROR_VARIABLE_NOT_DEFINED_GUESS] =           L"%0 is not a defined variable, do you mean %1?";
00042                 error_map[ERROR_FUNCTION_NOT_DEFINED] =                 L"Target does not provide function %0";
00043                 error_map[ERROR_FUNCTION_NOT_DEFINED_GUESS] =           L"Target does not provide function %0, do you mean %1?";
00044                 error_map[ERROR_CONSTANT_NOT_DEFINED] =                 L"Constant %0 not defined";
00045                 error_map[ERROR_CONSTANT_NOT_DEFINED_GUESS] =           L"Constant %0 not defined, do you mean %1?";
00046                 error_map[ERROR_EVENT_NOT_DEFINED] =                    L"%0 is not a known event";
00047                 error_map[ERROR_EVENT_NOT_DEFINED_GUESS] =              L"%0 is not a known event, do you mean %1?";
00048                 error_map[ERROR_EMIT_LOCAL_EVENT] =                     L"%0 is a local event that you cannot emit";
00049                 error_map[ERROR_SUBROUTINE_NOT_DEFINED] =               L"Subroutine %0 does not exists";
00050                 error_map[ERROR_SUBROUTINE_NOT_DEFINED_GUESS] =         L"Subroutine %0 does not exists, do you mean %1?";
00051                 // lexer.cpp
00052                 error_map[ERROR_LINE] =                                 L"Line: ";
00053                 error_map[ERROR_COL] =                                  L" Col: ";
00054                 error_map[ERROR_UNBALANCED_COMMENT_BLOCK] =             L"Unbalanced comment block";
00055                 error_map[ERROR_SYNTAX] =                               L"Syntax error";
00056                 error_map[ERROR_INVALID_IDENTIFIER] =                   L"Identifiers must begin with _ or an alphanumeric character, found unicode character 0x%0 instead";
00057                 error_map[ERROR_INVALID_HEXA_NUMBER] =                  L"Error in hexadecimal number";
00058                 error_map[ERROR_INVALID_BINARY_NUMBER] =                L"Error in binary number";
00059                 error_map[ERROR_NUMBER_INVALID_BASE] =                  L"Error in number, invalid base";
00060                 error_map[ERROR_IN_NUMBER] =                            L"Error in number";
00061                 // parser.cpp
00062                 error_map[ERROR_INTERNAL] =                             L"Internal compiler error, please report a bug containing the source which triggered this error";
00063                 error_map[ERROR_EXPECTING] =                            L"Expecting %0, found %1 instead";
00064                 error_map[ERROR_UINT12_OUT_OF_RANGE] =                  L"Integer value %0 out of [0;4095] range";
00065                 error_map[ERROR_UINT16_OUT_OF_RANGE] =                  L"Integer value %0 out of [0;65535] range";
00066                 error_map[ERROR_PINT16_OUT_OF_RANGE] =                  L"Integer value %0 out of [0;32767] range";
00067                 error_map[ERROR_INT16_OUT_OF_RANGE] =                   L"Integer value %0 out of [-32768;32767] range";
00068                 error_map[ERROR_PCONSTANT_OUT_OF_RANGE] =               L"Constant %0 has value %1, which is out of [0;32767] range";
00069                 error_map[ERROR_CONSTANT_OUT_OF_RANGE] =                L"Constant %0 has value %1, which is out of [-32768;32767] range";
00070                 error_map[ERROR_EXPECTING_ONE_OF] =                     L"Expecting one of %0; but found %1 instead";
00071                 error_map[ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_TEMP_SPACE] =                L"Not enough free space to allocate this tempory variable";
00072                 error_map[ERROR_MISPLACED_VARDEF] =                     L"Variable definition is allowed only at the beginning of the program before any statement";
00073                 error_map[ERROR_EXPECTING_IDENTIFIER] =                 L"Expecting identifier, found %0";
00074                 error_map[ERROR_VAR_ALREADY_DEFINED] =                  L"Variable %0 is already defined";
00075                 error_map[ERROR_VAR_CONST_COLLISION] =                  L"Variable %0 has the same name as a constant";
00076                 error_map[ERROR_UNDEFINED_SIZE] =                       L"Array %0 has undefined size";
00077                 error_map[ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE] =                     L"No more free variable space";
00078                 error_map[ERROR_EXPECTING_ASSIGNMENT] =                 L"Expecting assignment, found %0 instead";
00079                 error_map[ERROR_FOR_NULL_STEPS] =                       L"Null steps are not allowed in for loops";
00080                 error_map[ERROR_FOR_START_HIGHER_THAN_END] =            L"Start index must be lower than end index in increasing loops";
00081                 error_map[ERROR_FOR_START_LOWER_THAN_END] =             L"Start index must be higher than end index in decreasing loops";
00082                 error_map[ERROR_EVENT_ALREADY_IMPL] =                   L"Event %0 is already implemented";
00083                 error_map[ERROR_EVENT_WRONG_ARG_SIZE] =                 L"Event %0 needs an array of size %1, but one of size %2 is passed";
00084                 error_map[ERROR_SUBROUTINE_ALREADY_DEF] =               L"Subroutine %0 is already defined";
00085                 error_map[ERROR_INDEX_EXPECTING_CONSTANT] =             L"Expecting a constant expression as a second index";
00086                 error_map[ERROR_INDEX_WRONG_END] =                      L"End of range index must be lower or equal to start of range index";
00087                 error_map[ERROR_SIZE_IS_NEGATIVE] =                     L"Array size: result is negative (%0)";
00088                 error_map[ERROR_SIZE_IS_NULL] =                         L"Array size: result is null";
00089                 error_map[ERROR_NOT_CONST_EXPR] =                       L"Not a valid constant expression";
00090                 error_map[ERROR_FUNCTION_HAS_NO_ARG] =                  L"Function %0 requires no argument, some are used";
00091                 error_map[ERROR_FUNCTION_NO_ENOUGH_ARG] =               L"Function %0 requires %1 arguments, only %2 are provided";
00092                 error_map[ERROR_FUNCTION_WRONG_ARG_SIZE] =              L"Argument %0 (%1) of function %2 is of size %3, function definition demands size %4";
00093                 error_map[ERROR_FUNCTION_WRONG_ARG_SIZE_TEMPLATE] =     L"Argument %0 (%1) of function %2 is of size %3, while a previous instance of the template parameter was of size %4";
00094                 error_map[ERROR_FUNCTION_TOO_MANY_ARG] =                L"Function %0 requires %1 arguments, more are used";
00095                 // tree-build.cpp
00096                 error_map[ERROR_UNARY_ARITH_BUILD_UNEXPECTED] =         L"Unexpected token when building UnaryArithmeticAssignmentNode";
00097                 // tree-expand.cpp
00098                 error_map[ERROR_INCORRECT_LEFT_VALUE] =                 L"Expecting an assignment to a variable, found %0 instead";
00099                 error_map[ERROR_ARRAY_OUT_OF_BOUND] =                   L"Access of array %0 out of bounds: accessing index %1 while array is of size %2";
00100                 error_map[ERROR_ARRAY_SIZE_MISMATCH] =                  L"Size error! Size of array1 = %0 ; size of array2 = %1";
00101                 error_map[ERROR_IF_VECTOR_CONDITION] =                  L"Condition of the if cannot be a vector";
00102                 error_map[ERROR_WHILE_VECTOR_CONDITION] =               L"Condition of the while cannot be a vector";
00103                 error_map[ERROR_ARRAY_ILLEGAL_ACCESS] =                 L"MemoryVectorNode::getVectorSize: illegal operation";
00104                 // tree-optimize.cpp
00105                 error_map[ERROR_INFINITE_LOOP] =                        L"Infinite loops not allowed";
00106                 error_map[ERROR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO] =                     L"Division by zero";
00107                 error_map[ERROR_ABS_NOT_POSSIBLE] =                     L"-32768 has no positive correspondance in 16 bits integers";
00108                 error_map[ERROR_ARRAY_OUT_OF_BOUND_READ] =              L"Out of bound static array access. Trying to read index %0 of array %1 of size %2";
00109                 error_map[ERROR_ARRAY_OUT_OF_BOUND_WRITE] =             L"Out of bound static array access. Trying to write index %0 of array %1 of size %2";
00110                 // tree-typecheck.cpp
00111                 error_map[ERROR_EXPECTING_TYPE] =                       L"Expecting %0 type, found %1 type instead";
00112                 error_map[ERROR_EXPECTING_CONDITION] =                  L"Expecting a condition, found a %0 instead";
00114                 // lexer.cpp Token::typeName()
00115                 error_map[ERROR_TOKEN_END_OF_STREAM] =                  L"end of stream";
00116                 error_map[ERROR_TOKEN_STR_when] =                       L"when keyword";
00117                 error_map[ERROR_TOKEN_STR_emit] =                       L"emit keyword";
00118                 error_map[ERROR_TOKEN_STR_for] =                        L"for keyword";
00119                 error_map[ERROR_TOKEN_STR_in] =                         L"in keyword";
00120                 error_map[ERROR_TOKEN_STR_step] =                       L"step keyword";
00121                 error_map[ERROR_TOKEN_STR_while] =                      L"while keyword";
00122                 error_map[ERROR_TOKEN_STR_do] =                         L"do keyword";
00123                 error_map[ERROR_TOKEN_STR_if] =                         L"if keyword";
00124                 error_map[ERROR_TOKEN_STR_then] =                       L"then keyword";
00125                 error_map[ERROR_TOKEN_STR_else] =                       L"else keyword";
00126                 error_map[ERROR_TOKEN_STR_elseif] =                     L"elseif keyword";
00127                 error_map[ERROR_TOKEN_STR_end] =                        L"end keyword";
00128                 error_map[ERROR_TOKEN_STR_var] =                        L"var keyword";
00129                 error_map[ERROR_TOKEN_STR_call] =                       L"call keyword";
00130                 error_map[ERROR_TOKEN_STR_sub] =                        L"sub keyword";
00131                 error_map[ERROR_TOKEN_STR_callsub] =                    L"callsub keyword";
00132                 error_map[ERROR_TOKEN_STR_onevent] =                    L"onevent keyword";
00133                 error_map[ERROR_TOKEN_STR_abs] =                        L"abs keyword";
00134                 error_map[ERROR_TOKEN_STR_return] =                     L"return keyword";
00135                 error_map[ERROR_TOKEN_STRING_LITERAL] =                 L"string";
00136                 error_map[ERROR_TOKEN_INT_LITERAL] =                    L"integer";
00137                 error_map[ERROR_TOKEN_PAR_OPEN] =                       L"( (open parenthesis)";
00138                 error_map[ERROR_TOKEN_PAR_CLOSE] =                      L") (close parenthesis)";
00139                 error_map[ERROR_TOKEN_BRACKET_OPEN] =                   L"[ (open bracket)";
00140                 error_map[ERROR_TOKEN_BRACKET_CLOSE] =                  L"] (close bracket)";
00141                 error_map[ERROR_TOKEN_COLON] =                          L": (colon)";
00142                 error_map[ERROR_TOKEN_COMMA] =                          L", (comma)";
00143                 error_map[ERROR_TOKEN_ASSIGN] =                         L"= (assignation)";
00144                 error_map[ERROR_TOKEN_OP_OR] =                          L"or";
00145                 error_map[ERROR_TOKEN_OP_AND] =                         L"and";
00146                 error_map[ERROR_TOKEN_OP_NOT] =                         L"not";
00147                 error_map[ERROR_TOKEN_OP_BIT_OR] =                      L"binary or";
00148                 error_map[ERROR_TOKEN_OP_BIT_XOR] =                     L"binary xor";
00149                 error_map[ERROR_TOKEN_OP_BIT_AND] =                     L"binary and";
00150                 error_map[ERROR_TOKEN_OP_BIT_NOT] =                     L"binary not";
00151                 error_map[ERROR_TOKEN_OP_BIT_OR_EQUAL] =                L"binary or equal";
00152                 error_map[ERROR_TOKEN_OP_BIT_XOR_EQUAL] =               L"binary xor equal";
00153                 error_map[ERROR_TOKEN_OP_BIT_AND_EQUAL] =               L"binary and equal";
00154                 error_map[ERROR_TOKEN_OP_EQUAL] =                       L"== (equal to)";
00155                 error_map[ERROR_TOKEN_OP_NOT_EQUAL] =                   L"!= (not equal to)";
00156                 error_map[ERROR_TOKEN_OP_BIGGER] =                      L"> (bigger than)";
00157                 error_map[ERROR_TOKEN_OP_BIGGER_EQUAL] =                L">= (bigger or equal than)";
00158                 error_map[ERROR_TOKEN_OP_SMALLER] =                     L"< (smaller than)";
00159                 error_map[ERROR_TOKEN_OP_SMALLER_EQUAL] =               L"<= (smaller or equal than)";
00160                 error_map[ERROR_TOKEN_OP_SHIFT_LEFT] =                  L"<< (shift left)";
00161                 error_map[ERROR_TOKEN_OP_SHIFT_RIGHT] =                 L">> (shift right)";
00162                 error_map[ERROR_TOKEN_OP_SHIFT_LEFT_EQUAL] =            L"<<= (shift left equal)";
00163                 error_map[ERROR_TOKEN_OP_SHIFT_RIGHT_EQUAL] =           L">>= (shift right equal)";
00164                 error_map[ERROR_TOKEN_OP_ADD] =                         L"+ (plus)";
00165                 error_map[ERROR_TOKEN_OP_NEG] =                         L"- (minus)";
00166                 error_map[ERROR_TOKEN_OP_ADD_EQUAL] =                   L"+= (plus equal)";
00167                 error_map[ERROR_TOKEN_OP_NEG_EQUAL] =                   L"-= (minus equal)";
00168                 error_map[ERROR_TOKEN_OP_PLUS_PLUS] =                   L"++ (plus plus)";
00169                 error_map[ERROR_TOKEN_OP_MINUS_MINUS] =                 L"-- (minus minus)";
00170                 error_map[ERROR_TOKEN_OP_MULT] =                        L"* (time)";
00171                 error_map[ERROR_TOKEN_OP_DIV] =                         L"/ (divide)";
00172                 error_map[ERROR_TOKEN_OP_MOD] =                         L"modulo";
00173                 error_map[ERROR_TOKEN_OP_MULT_EQUAL] =                  L"*= (time equal)";
00174                 error_map[ERROR_TOKEN_OP_DIV_EQUAL] =                   L"/= (divide equal)";
00175                 error_map[ERROR_TOKEN_OP_MOD_EQUAL] =                   L"modulo equal";
00176                 error_map[ERROR_TOKEN_UNKNOWN] =                        L"unknown";
00178                 error_map[ERROR_UNKNOWN_ERROR] =                        L"Unknown error";
00179         }
00181         const std::wstring ErrorMessages::defaultCallback(ErrorCode error)
00182         {
00183                 if (error >= ERROR_END)
00184                         return std::wstring(error_map[ERROR_UNKNOWN_ERROR]);
00185                 else
00186                         return std::wstring(error_map[error]);
00187         }
00190         std::wstring Error::toWString() const
00191         {
00192                 std::wostringstream oss;
00193                 if (pos.valid)
00194                         oss << "Error at Line: " << pos.row + 1 << " Col: " << pos.column + 1 << " : " << message;
00195                 else
00196                         oss << "Error : " << message;
00197                 return oss.str();
00198         }
00200         ErrorMessages::ErrorCallback TranslatableError::translateCB = NULL;
00202         TranslatableError::TranslatableError(const SourcePos& pos, ErrorCode error)
00203         {
00204                 this->pos = pos;
00205                 message = translateCB(error);
00206         }
00208         Error TranslatableError::toError(void)
00209         {
00210                 return Error(pos, message);
00211         }
00213         void TranslatableError::setTranslateCB(ErrorMessages::ErrorCallback newCB)
00214         {
00215                 translateCB = newCB;
00216         }
00218         TranslatableError &TranslatableError::arg(int value, int fieldWidth, int base, wchar_t fillChar)
00219         {
00220                 message.arg(value, fieldWidth, base, fillChar);
00221                 return *this;
00222         }
00224         TranslatableError &TranslatableError::arg(unsigned value, int fieldWidth, int base, wchar_t fillChar)
00225         {
00226                 message.arg(value, fieldWidth, base, fillChar);
00227                 return *this;
00228         }
00230         TranslatableError &TranslatableError::arg(float value, int fieldWidth, int precision, wchar_t fillChar )
00231         {
00232                 message.arg(value, fieldWidth, precision, fillChar);
00233                 return *this;
00234         }
00236         TranslatableError &TranslatableError::arg(const std::wstring& value)
00237         {
00238                 message.arg(value);
00239                 return *this;
00240         }
00244 }; // Aseba

Author(s): Stéphane Magnenat
autogenerated on Thu Jan 2 2014 11:17:16