traits.hpp File Reference

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struct  force_different_type< T1, T2 >
struct  force_different_type< T1, T1 >
struct  get_pod_type< T1 >
struct  get_pod_type< std::complex< T2 > >
struct  is_arma_cube_type< T1 >
struct  is_arma_type< T1 >
struct  is_Col< T >
struct  is_Col< Col< eT > >
struct  is_complex< T1 >
struct  is_complex< std::complex< eT > >
struct  is_complex_double< T1 >
struct  is_complex_double< std::complex< double > >
struct  is_complex_float< T1 >
struct  is_complex_float< std::complex< float > >
struct  is_Cube< T >
struct  is_Cube< Cube< eT > >
struct  is_diagview< T >
struct  is_diagview< diagview< eT > >
struct  is_double< T1 >
struct  is_double< double >
struct  is_eGlue< T >
struct  is_eGlue< eGlue< T1, T2, eglue_type > >
struct  is_eGlueCube< T >
struct  is_eGlueCube< eGlueCube< T1, T2, eglue_type > >
struct  is_eOp< T >
struct  is_eOp< eOp< T1, eop_type > >
struct  is_eOpCube< T >
struct  is_eOpCube< eOpCube< T1, eop_type > >
struct  is_float< T1 >
struct  is_float< float >
struct  is_Gen< T >
struct  is_Gen< Gen< eT, gen_type > >
struct  is_GenCube< T >
struct  is_GenCube< GenCube< eT, gen_type > >
struct  is_Glue< T >
struct  is_Glue< Glue< T1, T2, glue_type > >
struct  is_glue_times< T >
struct  is_glue_times< Glue< T1, T2, glue_times > >
struct  is_glue_times_diag< T >
struct  is_glue_times_diag< Glue< T1, T2, glue_times_diag > >
struct  is_GlueCube< T >
struct  is_GlueCube< GlueCube< T1, T2, glue_type > >
struct  is_Mat< T >
struct  is_Mat< Col< eT > >
struct  is_Mat< Mat< eT > >
struct  is_Mat< Row< eT > >
struct  is_Mat_only< T >
struct  is_Mat_only< Mat< eT > >
struct  is_mtGlue< T >
struct  is_mtGlue< mtGlue< eT, T1, T2, glue_type > >
struct  is_mtGlueCube< T >
struct  is_mtGlueCube< mtGlueCube< eT, T1, T2, glue_type > >
struct  is_mtOp< T >
struct  is_mtOp< mtOp< eT, T1, op_type > >
struct  is_mtOpCube< T >
struct  is_mtOpCube< mtOpCube< eT, T1, op_type > >
struct  is_non_integral< T >
struct  is_non_integral< double >
struct  is_non_integral< float >
struct  is_non_integral< std::complex< double > >
struct  is_non_integral< std::complex< float > >
struct  is_Op< T >
struct  is_Op< Op< T1, op_type > >
struct  is_op_diagmat< T >
struct  is_op_diagmat< Op< T1, op_diagmat > >
struct  is_op_rel< T >
struct  is_op_rel< mtOp< out_eT, T1, op_rel_eq > >
struct  is_op_rel< mtOp< out_eT, T1, op_rel_gt_post > >
struct  is_op_rel< mtOp< out_eT, T1, op_rel_gt_pre > >
struct  is_op_rel< mtOp< out_eT, T1, op_rel_gteq_post > >
struct  is_op_rel< mtOp< out_eT, T1, op_rel_gteq_pre > >
struct  is_op_rel< mtOp< out_eT, T1, op_rel_lt_post > >
struct  is_op_rel< mtOp< out_eT, T1, op_rel_lt_pre > >
struct  is_op_rel< mtOp< out_eT, T1, op_rel_lteq_post > >
struct  is_op_rel< mtOp< out_eT, T1, op_rel_lteq_pre > >
struct  is_op_rel< mtOp< out_eT, T1, op_rel_noteq > >
struct  is_OpCube< T >
struct  is_OpCube< OpCube< T1, op_type > >
struct  is_Row< T >
struct  is_Row< Row< eT > >
struct  is_s16< T1 >
struct  is_s16< s16 >
struct  is_s32< T1 >
struct  is_s32< s32 >
struct  is_s8< T1 >
struct  is_s8< s8 >
struct  is_same_type< T1, T2 >
struct  is_same_type< T1, T1 >
struct  is_signed< T >
struct  is_signed< u16 >
struct  is_signed< u32 >
struct  is_signed< u8 >
struct  is_subview< T >
struct  is_subview< subview< eT > >
struct  is_subview_cube< T >
struct  is_subview_cube< subview_cube< eT > >
struct  is_supported_blas_type< T1 >
struct  is_supported_complex< T1 >
 check for a weird implementation of the std::complex class More...
struct  is_supported_complex< std::complex< eT > >
struct  is_supported_complex_double< T1 >
struct  is_supported_complex_double< std::complex< double > >
struct  is_supported_complex_float< T1 >
struct  is_supported_complex_float< std::complex< float > >
struct  is_supported_elem_type< T1 >
struct  is_sword< T1 >
struct  is_sword< sword >
struct  is_u16< T1 >
struct  is_u16< u16 >
struct  is_u32< T1 >
struct  is_u32< u32 >
struct  is_u8< T1 >
struct  is_u8< u8 >
struct  is_uword< T1 >
struct  is_uword< uword >

Author(s): Conrad Sanderson - NICTA (, (Wrapper by Sjoerd van den Dries)
autogenerated on Tue Jan 7 2014 11:42:06