fn_misc.hpp File Reference

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template<typename eT >
arma_inline arma_warn_unused bool is_finite (const eT x, const typename arma_scalar_only< eT >::result *junk=0)
template<typename T1 >
arma_warn_unused bool is_finite (const Base< typename T1::elem_type, T1 > &X)
template<typename T1 >
arma_warn_unused bool is_finite (const BaseCube< typename T1::elem_type, T1 > &X)
template<typename vec_type >
vec_type linspace (const typename vec_type::pod_type start, const typename vec_type::pod_type end, const uword num=100u, const typename arma_Mat_Col_Row_only< vec_type >::result *junk=0)
 Generate a vector with 'num' elements. The values of the elements linearly increase from 'start' upto (and including) 'end'.
mat linspace (const double start, const double end, const uword num=100u)
template<typename eT >
arma_float_only< eT >::result log_add (eT log_a, eT log_b)
template<typename T1 >
arma_inline Op< T1, op_sympdsympd (const Base< typename T1::elem_type, T1 > &X)

Author(s): Conrad Sanderson - NICTA (, (Wrapper by Sjoerd van den Dries)
autogenerated on Tue Jan 7 2014 11:42:06