File: PhidgetServo/SetParam.srv
Raw Message Definition
#Deprecated. Prefer to use the one in corobot_srvs package, which is exactly the same
# Morgan Cormier
# Service used to set manually set the parameters of the servo controller
# Index is the index of the servo motor connected to the phidget device.
# The maximum value of index depends on the Phidget device and how many connections it accepts
# min_us The minimum supported PCM in microseconds
# max_us The maximum supported PCM in microseconds
# degrees The degrees of rotation defined by the given PCM range.
# velocity_max The maximum velocity in degrees/second
int8 index
float32 min_us
float32 max_us
float32 degrees
float32 velocity_max
Compact Message Definition
int8 index
float32 min_us
float32 max_us
float32 degrees
float32 velocity_max