
WiiMote Member List

This is the complete list of members for WiiMote, including all inherited members.
a_WiiMote [private]
a_last_WiiMote [private]
calib_WiiMote [private]
cond_WiiMote [private]
cwiid_callback(cwiid_wiimote_t *wiimote, int mesg_count, union cwiid_mesg mesg[], struct timespec *timestamp)WiiMote [private]
cwiid_callback_s(cwiid_wiimote_t *wiimote, int mesg_count, union cwiid_mesg mesg[], struct timespec *timestamp)WiiMote [private, static]
dead_WiiMote [private, static]
deadkey_WiiMote [private]
fresh_WiiMote [private]
gain_WiiMote [private, static]
getdata(double *x, double *y, double *a, int *deadkey)WiiMote
getraw(double *acc, int *buttons, double *nunchuk_stick, double *nunchuk_acc, int *nunchuk_buttons)WiiMote
iir_gain_WiiMote [private, static]
init(int retries=5)WiiMote
instance_WiiMote [private, static]
last_instance_WiiMote [private]
message_timeout_WiiMote [private, static]
mutex_WiiMote [private]
ok_WiiMote [private]
wiimote_WiiMote [private]
x_WiiMote [private]
y_WiiMote [private]
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Author(s): Ingo Kresse
autogenerated on Tue Dec 4 02:53:39 2012