File: stereo_msgs/RawStereo.msg
Raw Message Definition
# This message defines all the information necessary to reconstruct a
# full set of stereo information. It should be generated directly by
# a driver connected to a set of stereo cameras. It is only intended
# to be fed into a stereo processing node, and should not otherwise be
# used. This is the preferred message to log when generating log
# files, as it is the minimal representation of the information.
uint8 NONE=0
uint8 IMAGE_RAW=1
uint8 IMAGE=2
uint8 IMAGE_RECT=4
Header header
StereoInfo stereo_info
sensor_msgs/CameraInfo left_info
uint8 left_type
sensor_msgs/Image left_image
sensor_msgs/CameraInfo right_info
uint8 right_type
sensor_msgs/Image right_image
uint8 has_disparity
DisparityInfo disparity_info
sensor_msgs/Image disparity_image
Compact Message Definition