rviz::InteractiveMarker Member List
This is the complete list of members for
rviz::InteractiveMarker, including all inherited members.
axes_ | rviz::InteractiveMarker | [protected] |
axes_node_ | rviz::InteractiveMarker | [protected] |
client_id_ | rviz::InteractiveMarker | [protected] |
controls_ | rviz::InteractiveMarker | [protected] |
description_ | rviz::InteractiveMarker | [protected] |
description_control_ | rviz::InteractiveMarker | [protected] |
dragging_ | rviz::InteractiveMarker | [protected] |
feedback_pub_ | rviz::InteractiveMarker | [protected] |
frame_locked_ | rviz::InteractiveMarker | [protected] |
getName() | rviz::InteractiveMarker | [inline] |
getOrientation() | rviz::InteractiveMarker | [inline] |
getPosition() | rviz::InteractiveMarker | [inline] |
getReferenceFrame() | rviz::InteractiveMarker | [inline] |
getSize() | rviz::InteractiveMarker | [inline] |
got_3d_point_for_menu_ | rviz::InteractiveMarker | [protected] |
handleMenuSelect(wxCommandEvent &evt) | rviz::InteractiveMarker | |
handleMouseEvent(ViewportMouseEvent &event, const std::string &control_name) | rviz::InteractiveMarker | |
heart_beat_t_ | rviz::InteractiveMarker | [protected] |
InteractiveMarker(InteractiveMarkerDisplay *owner, VisualizationManager *vis_manager, std::string topic_ns, std::string client_id) | rviz::InteractiveMarker | |
InteractiveMarkerControlPtr typedef | rviz::InteractiveMarker | [protected] |
last_control_name_ | rviz::InteractiveMarker | [protected] |
makeMenuString(const std::string &entry) | rviz::InteractiveMarker | [protected] |
menu_ | rviz::InteractiveMarker | [protected] |
menu_entries_ | rviz::InteractiveMarker | [protected] |
mutex_ | rviz::InteractiveMarker | [protected] |
name_ | rviz::InteractiveMarker | [protected] |
old_target_frame_ | rviz::InteractiveMarker | [protected] |
orientation_ | rviz::InteractiveMarker | [protected] |
owner_ | rviz::InteractiveMarker | [protected] |
populateMenu(wxMenu *menu, std::vector< uint32_t > &ids) | rviz::InteractiveMarker | [protected] |
pose_changed_ | rviz::InteractiveMarker | [protected] |
pose_update_requested_ | rviz::InteractiveMarker | [protected] |
position_ | rviz::InteractiveMarker | [protected] |
processMessage(visualization_msgs::InteractiveMarkerConstPtr message) | rviz::InteractiveMarker | |
processMessage(visualization_msgs::InteractiveMarkerPoseConstPtr message) | rviz::InteractiveMarker | |
publishFeedback(visualization_msgs::InteractiveMarkerFeedback &feedback, bool mouse_point_valid=false, const Ogre::Vector3 &mouse_point_rel_world=Ogre::Vector3(0, 0, 0)) | rviz::InteractiveMarker | |
publishPose() | rviz::InteractiveMarker | [protected] |
reference_frame_ | rviz::InteractiveMarker | [protected] |
reference_node_ | rviz::InteractiveMarker | [protected] |
reference_time_ | rviz::InteractiveMarker | [protected] |
requested_orientation_ | rviz::InteractiveMarker | [protected] |
requested_position_ | rviz::InteractiveMarker | [protected] |
requestPoseUpdate(Ogre::Vector3 position, Ogre::Quaternion orientation) | rviz::InteractiveMarker | |
reset() | rviz::InteractiveMarker | [protected] |
rotate(Ogre::Quaternion delta_orientation, const std::string &control_name) | rviz::InteractiveMarker | |
scale_ | rviz::InteractiveMarker | [protected] |
setPose(Ogre::Vector3 position, Ogre::Quaternion orientation, const std::string &control_name) | rviz::InteractiveMarker | |
setReferencePose(Ogre::Vector3 position, Ogre::Quaternion orientation) | rviz::InteractiveMarker | |
setShowAxes(bool show) | rviz::InteractiveMarker | |
setShowDescription(bool show) | rviz::InteractiveMarker | |
startDragging() | rviz::InteractiveMarker | |
stopDragging() | rviz::InteractiveMarker | |
sys_thread_ | rviz::InteractiveMarker | [protected] |
three_d_point_for_menu_ | rviz::InteractiveMarker | [protected] |
time_since_last_feedback_ | rviz::InteractiveMarker | [protected] |
top_level_menu_ids_ | rviz::InteractiveMarker | [protected] |
topic_ns_ | rviz::InteractiveMarker | [protected] |
translate(Ogre::Vector3 delta_position, const std::string &control_name) | rviz::InteractiveMarker | |
update(float wall_dt) | rviz::InteractiveMarker | |
updateReferencePose() | rviz::InteractiveMarker | [protected] |
vis_manager_ | rviz::InteractiveMarker | [protected] |
~InteractiveMarker() | rviz::InteractiveMarker | [virtual] |