
rtcGeometry3D.cpp File Reference

#include "rtc/rtcGeometry3D.h"
Include dependency graph for rtcGeometry3D.cpp:

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namespace  rtc


bool rtc::ball_within_bounds (const Vec3f &b, float r, const Vec3f &min, const Vec3f &max)
bool rtc::ball_within_bounds (const Vec3f &b, float r, const Vec3f &bc, float br)
bool rtc::bary (const Vec3f &p, const Vec3f &dir, const Vec3f &t1, const Vec3f &t2, const Vec3f &t3, float &b1, float &b2, float &b3)
void rtc::bary (const Vec3f &p, const Vec3f &t1, const Vec3f &t2, const Vec3f &t3, float &b1, float &b2, float &b3)
void rtc::bary_fast (const Vec3f &p, const Vec3f &n, const Vec3f &t0, const Vec3f &v1, const Vec3f &v2, float &b1, float &b2, float &b3)
bool rtc::bounds_overlap_ball (const Vec3f &b, float r, const Vec3f &min, const Vec3f &max)
bool rtc::bounds_overlap_ball (const Vec3f &b, float r, const Vec3f &bc, float br)
bool rtc::closer_on_line (const Vec3f &x, const Vec3f &a, const Vec3f &b, float &d2, Vec3f &cp)
bool rtc::closer_on_lineseg (const Vec3f &x, Vec3f &cp, const Vec3f &a, const Vec3f &b, float &d2)
bool rtc::closer_on_tri (const Vec3f &x, Vec3f &cp, const Vec3f &t1, const Vec3f &t2, const Vec3f &t3, float &d2)
Vec3f rtc::cross (const Vec3f &a, const Vec3f &b, const Vec3f &c)
Vec3f rtc::cross (const Vec3f &a, const Vec3f &b)
float rtc::dist (const Vec3f &a, const Vec3f &b)
float rtc::dist2 (const Vec3f &a, const Vec3f &b)
float rtc::dist_to_line (const Vec3f &x, const Vec3f &a, const Vec3f &b)
void rtc::dist_to_line (const Vec3f &x, const Vec3f &a, const Vec3f &b, float &d, Vec3f &cp)
void rtc::distance_point_line (const Vec3f &x, const Vec3f &a, const Vec3f &b, float &d2, Vec3f &cp)
void rtc::distance_point_tri (const Vec3f &x, const Vec3f &t1, const Vec3f &t2, const Vec3f &t3, float &d2, Vec3f &cp)
float rtc::dot (const Vec3f &a, const Vec3f &b)
Vec3f rtc::lerp (float t, const Vec3f &a, const Vec3f &b)
bool rtc::line_plane_X (const Vec3f &p, const Vec3f &dir, const Vec3f &nrm, float d, Vec3f &x, float &dist)
bool rtc::line_plane_X (const Vec3f &p, const Vec3f &dir, const Vec3f &t1, const Vec3f &t2, const Vec3f &t3, Vec3f &x, float &dist)
bool rtc::line_tri_X (const Vec3f &p, const Vec3f &dir, const Vec3f &t1, const Vec3f &t2, const Vec3f &t3, Vec3f &x, float &d)
bool rtc::point_within_bounds (const Vec3f &c, const Vec3f &bc, float br)
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Author(s): Benjamin Pitzer
autogenerated on Sun Mar 3 11:08:09 2013