00001 // #include <unistd.h> 00002 00003 #include <map> 00004 #include <ctime> 00005 #include <ros/node_handle.h> 00006 #include <ias_table_msgs/TableWithObjects.h> 00007 00008 // image_algos plugin stuff 00009 #include <image_algos/image_algos.h> 00010 #include <image_algos/color_find_hsv.h> 00011 #include <image_algos/pcd_to_image_projector_algo.h> 00012 #include <pluginlib/class_loader.h> 00013 00014 //openCV 00015 #include <opencv/cv.h> 00016 #include <opencv/highgui.h> 00017 #include <cv_bridge/CvBridge.h> 00018 00019 //boost 00020 #include <boost/thread/mutex.hpp> 00021 00022 using namespace image_algos; 00023 00025 struct TableObject 00026 { 00027 TableObject (): name(""), sensor_type(""), object_type(""), object_color(""), 00028 object_geometric_type(""), perception_method(""){ } 00029 geometry_msgs::Point32 center; 00030 sensor_msgs::PointCloud point_cluster; 00031 geometry_msgs::Point32 minP; 00032 geometry_msgs::Point32 maxP; 00033 //unsigned long long lo_id; 00034 std::vector <double> coeffs; 00035 double score; 00036 std::vector<int> triangles; 00037 std::string name; 00038 std::string sensor_type; 00039 std::string object_type; 00040 std::string object_color; 00041 std::string object_geometric_type; 00042 std::string perception_method; 00043 }; 00044 00046 struct TableStateInstance 00047 { 00048 ros::Time time_instance; 00049 std::vector<TableObject*> objects; 00050 }; 00051 00052 struct Table 00053 { 00054 geometry_msgs::Point32 center; 00055 geometry_msgs::Polygon polygon; 00056 //sensor_msgs::Image roi; 00057 IplImage *roi; 00058 std::vector<TableStateInstance*> inst; 00059 }; 00060 00061 class ImageAlgosMain 00062 { 00063 protected: 00064 ros::NodeHandle &nh_; 00065 00066 // topic names 00067 std::string input_table_topic_; 00068 std::string input_image_topic_; 00069 std::string output_table_roi_topic_; 00070 00071 // publishers and subscribers 00072 ros::Publisher table_image_pub_; 00073 ros::Subscriber table_sub_; 00074 ros::Subscriber image_sub_; 00075 00076 IplImage* image_, *clone_; 00077 boost::mutex image_lock_; 00078 sensor_msgs::CvBridge bridge_; 00079 // plugin loader 00080 pluginlib::ClassLoader<image_algos::ImageAlgo> *cl; 00081 00082 typedef struct _NamedAlgorithm 00083 { 00084 std::string name; 00085 ImageAlgo * algorithm; 00086 _NamedAlgorithm (std::string n) : name(n) {}; 00087 } NamedAlgorithm; 00088 00089 std::vector<NamedAlgorithm> algorithm_pool; 00090 00091 //table object 00092 Table t; 00093 //utility params 00094 bool got_image_; 00095 public: 00096 ImageAlgosMain (ros::NodeHandle &anode) : nh_(anode) 00097 { 00098 nh_.param ("input_table_topic", input_table_topic_, std::string("/table_with_objects")); 00099 nh_.param ("input_image_topic", input_image_topic_, std::string("/cop/right/camera")); 00100 nh_.param ("output_table_roi_topic", output_table_roi_topic_, std::string("table_roi")); // 15 degrees 00101 table_sub_ = nh_.subscribe (input_table_topic_, 1, &ImageAlgosMain::table_cb, this); 00102 image_sub_ = nh_.subscribe (input_image_topic_, 1, &ImageAlgosMain::image_cb, this); 00103 table_image_pub_ = nh_.advertise<sensor_msgs::Image> (output_table_roi_topic_, 1); 00104 algorithm_pool.push_back (NamedAlgorithm ("image_algos/ColorFindHSV")); 00105 algorithm_pool.push_back (NamedAlgorithm ("image_algos/PCDToImageProjector")); 00106 load_plugins (); 00107 got_image_ = false; 00108 } 00109 00115 bool load_algorithm (std::string algo_name, ImageAlgo*& algorithm) 00116 { 00117 try 00118 { 00119 cl->loadLibraryForClass(algo_name); 00120 ROS_DEBUG("Loaded library with plugin %s inside", algo_name.c_str()); 00121 } 00122 catch(pluginlib::PluginlibException &ex) 00123 { 00124 ROS_ERROR("Failed to load library with plugin %s inside. Exception: %s", algo_name.c_str(), ex.what()); 00125 } 00126 00127 if (cl->isClassLoaded(algo_name)) 00128 { 00129 algorithm = cl->createClassInstance(algo_name); 00130 algorithm->init (nh_); 00131 return true; 00132 } 00133 else ROS_ERROR("Cannot create ImageAlgo Class of type %s", algo_name.c_str ()); 00134 return false; 00135 } 00136 00140 void load_plugins () 00141 { 00142 cl = new pluginlib::ClassLoader <image_algos::ImageAlgo> ("image_algos", "image_algos::ImageAlgo"); 00143 00144 ROS_INFO("ClassLoader instantiated"); 00145 std::vector<std::string> plugins = cl->getDeclaredClasses(); 00146 00147 for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = plugins.begin(); it != plugins.end() ; ++it) 00148 { 00149 ROS_INFO("%s is in package %s and is of type %s", it->c_str(), cl->getClassPackage(*it).c_str(), cl->getClassType(*it).c_str()); 00150 ROS_INFO("It does \"%s\"", cl->getClassDescription(*it).c_str()); 00151 } 00152 00153 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < algorithm_pool.size(); i++) 00154 load_algorithm (algorithm_pool[i].name, algorithm_pool[i].algorithm); 00155 } 00156 00157 ImageAlgo* find_algorithm (std::string name) 00158 { 00159 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < algorithm_pool.size(); i++) 00160 if (algorithm_pool[i].name == name) 00161 return algorithm_pool[i].algorithm; 00162 return NULL; 00163 } 00164 00165 void color_find (const boost::shared_ptr<const sensor_msgs::Image> image) 00166 { 00167 ImageAlgo * color_find = find_algorithm ("ColorFindHSV"); 00168 ros::Publisher pub_image = nh_.advertise <ColorFindHSV::OutputType> 00169 (((ColorFindHSV*)color_find)->default_output_topic (), 5); 00170 00171 // call ColorFindHSV 00172 color_find->pre(); 00173 //std::cerr << "[color_find] Calling Color with a PCD with " << 00174 //to->point_cluster.points.size () << " points." << std::endl; 00175 std::string process_answer_color_find = ((ColorFindHSV*)color_find)->process(image); 00176 ROS_INFO("got response: %s", process_answer_color_find.c_str ()); 00177 boost::shared_ptr <const ias_table_msgs::TableObject> color_image = (((ColorFindHSV*)color_find)->output ()); 00178 //image_pub_.publish (color_image); 00179 color_find->post(); 00180 } 00181 00182 00183 // incoming data... 00184 void table_cb (const ias_table_msgs::TableWithObjects::ConstPtr& table) 00185 { 00186 t.center.x = table->table_min.x + ((table->table_max.x - table->table_min.x) / 2.0); 00187 t.center.y = table->table_min.y + ((table->table_max.y - table->table_min.y) / 2.0); 00188 t.center.z = table->table_min.z + ((table->table_max.z - table->table_min.z) / 2.0); 00189 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < table->table.points.size(); i++) 00190 t.polygon.points.push_back (table->table.points.at(i)); 00191 ROS_INFO("Table polygon with size %ld", t.polygon.points.size()); 00192 00193 00194 ImageAlgo *proj_points = find_algorithm ("image_algos/PCDToImageProjector"); 00195 proj_points->pre(); 00196 //got_cloud_ = true; 00197 if (got_image_) 00198 { 00199 std::string process_answer_proj_points = ((PCDToImageProjector*)proj_points)->process (t.polygon, clone_); 00200 ROS_INFO("Got response for table: %s", process_answer_proj_points.c_str ()); 00201 t.polygon.points.clear(); 00202 PCDToImageProjector::OutputType table_roi = ((PCDToImageProjector*)proj_points)->output (); 00203 //table_image_pub_.publish(bridge_.cvToImgMsg(table_roi)); 00204 ((PCDToImageProjector*)proj_points)->post (); 00205 for (unsigned int i = 0; i < table->objects.size(); i++) 00206 { 00207 sensor_msgs::PointCloud point_cluster = table->objects[i].points; 00208 std::string process_answer_proj_points = ((PCDToImageProjector*)proj_points)->process (point_cluster, clone_); 00209 ROS_INFO("Got response for cluster: %s", process_answer_proj_points.c_str ()); 00210 PCDToImageProjector::OutputType cluster_roi = ((PCDToImageProjector*)proj_points)->output (); 00211 sleep(1); 00212 table_image_pub_.publish(bridge_.cvToImgMsg(cluster_roi)); 00213 ((PCDToImageProjector*)proj_points)->post (); 00214 } 00215 cvReleaseImage(&clone_); 00216 got_image_ = false; 00217 } 00218 //proj_points->post(); 00219 00220 //color_find(image); 00221 //print_mem_stats (table_found); 00222 } 00223 00224 void image_cb(const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr& image_msg) 00225 { 00226 if (!got_image_) 00227 { 00228 image_ = NULL; 00229 try 00230 { 00231 image_ = bridge_.imgMsgToCv(image_msg, "bgr8"); 00232 clone_ = cvCloneImage(image_); 00233 ROS_INFO("[ImageAlgosMain: ] got image."); 00234 } 00235 catch (sensor_msgs::CvBridgeException& ex) 00236 { 00237 ROS_ERROR("[PointCloudToImageProjector:] Failed to convert image"); 00238 return; 00239 } 00240 got_image_ = true; 00241 } 00242 } 00243 }; 00244 00245 int main (int argc, char* argv[]) 00246 { 00247 ros::init (argc, argv, "image_algos_main"); 00248 00249 ros::NodeHandle nh("~"); 00250 ImageAlgosMain n(nh); 00251 ros::spin (); 00252 00253 return (0); 00254 } 00255