PointCloudColorizer Member List
This is the complete list of members for
PointCloudColorizer, including all inherited members.
bridge_ | PointCloudColorizer | [private] |
cam_model_ | PointCloudColorizer | [private] |
cloud_cb(const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2ConstPtr &pc) | PointCloudColorizer | [inline] |
cloud_cb(const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2ConstPtr &pc) | PointCloudColorizer | [inline] |
cloud_in_ | PointCloudColorizer | [private] |
cloud_in_tranformed_ | PointCloudColorizer | [private] |
cloud_lock_ | PointCloudColorizer | [private] |
cloud_queue_ | PointCloudColorizer | [private] |
cloud_received_ | PointCloudColorizer | [private] |
cloud_rgb_topic_ | PointCloudColorizer | [private] |
cloud_sub_ | PointCloudColorizer | [private] |
cloud_xyzrgb_ | PointCloudColorizer | [private] |
getRGB(float r, float g, float b) | PointCloudColorizer | [inline] |
getRGB(float r, float g, float b) | PointCloudColorizer | [inline] |
image_ | PointCloudColorizer | [private] |
image_cb(const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr &image_msg, const sensor_msgs::CameraInfoConstPtr &info_msg) | PointCloudColorizer | [inline] |
image_cb(const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr &image_msg, const sensor_msgs::CameraInfoConstPtr &info_msg) | PointCloudColorizer | [inline] |
image_received_ | PointCloudColorizer | [private] |
image_sub_ | PointCloudColorizer | [private] |
input_cloud_topic_ | PointCloudColorizer | [private] |
input_image_topic_ | PointCloudColorizer | [private] |
it_ | PointCloudColorizer | [private] |
monochrome_ | PointCloudColorizer | [private] |
move_head(std::string frame_id, double x, double y, double z) | PointCloudColorizer | [inline] |
move_head_ | PointCloudColorizer | [private] |
move_offset_x_ | PointCloudColorizer | [private] |
move_offset_y_max_ | PointCloudColorizer | [private] |
move_offset_y_min_ | PointCloudColorizer | [private] |
move_offset_z_max_ | PointCloudColorizer | [private] |
move_offset_z_min_ | PointCloudColorizer | [private] |
nh_ | PointCloudColorizer | [private] |
output_cloud_ptr_ | PointCloudColorizer | [private] |
point_head_client_ | PointCloudColorizer | [private] |
PointCloudColorizer(ros::NodeHandle &n) | PointCloudColorizer | [inline] |
PointCloudColorizer(ros::NodeHandle &n) | PointCloudColorizer | [inline] |
process(pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZ > &cloud_in, cv::Mat image) | PointCloudColorizer | [inline] |
process(cv::Mat image) | PointCloudColorizer | [inline] |
pub_output_ | PointCloudColorizer | [private] |
rgb_average_ | PointCloudColorizer | [private] |
ros_image_ | PointCloudColorizer | [private] |
save_image_ | PointCloudColorizer | [private] |
spin() | PointCloudColorizer | [inline] |
spin_thread_ | PointCloudColorizer | [private] |
stamp_ | PointCloudColorizer | [private] |
step_y_ | PointCloudColorizer | [private] |
step_z_ | PointCloudColorizer | [private] |
tf_listener_ | PointCloudColorizer | [private] |
~PointCloudColorizer() | PointCloudColorizer | [inline] |