
CMVision Member List

This is the complete list of members for CMVision, including all inherited members.
calcAverageColors(region *restrict reg, int num_reg, image_pixel *restrict img, rle *restrict rmap, int num_runs)CMVision [protected]
classifyFrame(image_pixel *restrict img, unsigned *restrict map)CMVision [protected]
clear()CMVision [protected]
CMVision()CMVision [inline]
colorsCMVision [protected]
connectComponents(rle *restrict map, int num)CMVision [protected]
disable(unsigned opt)CMVision
enable(unsigned opt)CMVision
encodeRuns(rle *restrict out, unsigned *restrict map)CMVision [protected]
extractRegions(region *restrict reg, rle *restrict rmap, int num)CMVision [protected]
getColorInfo(int color)CMVision [inline]
getColorInfo(int color, color_info &info)CMVision [inline]
getColorName(int color)CMVision [inline]
getColorVisual(int color)CMVision [inline]
getMap()CMVision [inline]
getRegions(int color_id)CMVision
getThreshold(int color, int &y_low, int &y_high, int &u_low, int &u_high, int &v_low, int &v_high)CMVision
heightCMVision [protected]
initialize(int nwidth, int nheight)CMVision
loadOptions(const char *filename)CMVision
mapCMVision [protected]
mergeRegions(region *p, int num, double density_thresh)CMVision [protected]
mergeRegions()CMVision [protected]
numRegions(int color_id)CMVision
optionsCMVision [protected]
processFrame(image_pixel *image)CMVision
processFrame(unsigned *map)CMVision
region_countCMVision [protected]
region_listCMVision [protected]
region_tableCMVision [protected]
rmapCMVision [protected]
saveOptions(char *filename)CMVision
separateRegions(region *restrict reg, int num)CMVision [protected]
setColorInfo(int color, color_info &info)CMVision [inline]
setThreshold(int color, int y_low, int y_high, int u_low, int u_high, int v_low, int v_high)CMVision
sortRegionListByArea(region *restrict list, int passes)CMVision [protected]
sortRegions(int max_area)CMVision [protected]
testClassify(rgb *restrict out, image_pixel *restrict image)CMVision
u_classCMVision [protected]
v_classCMVision [protected]
widthCMVision [protected]
y_classCMVision [protected]
~CMVision()CMVision [inline]
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Author(s): Dejan Pangercic
autogenerated on Tue Dec 4 10:08:31 2012