00001 #include <ros/ros.h> 00002 #include <ros/node_handle.h> 00003 #include "sensor_msgs/Image.h" 00004 #include "image_transport/image_transport.h" 00005 #include "cv_bridge/CvBridge.h" 00006 #include <opencv/cv.h> 00007 #include <opencv/highgui.h> 00008 #include "cvaux.h" 00009 #include "cxmisc.h" 00010 #include "highgui.h" 00011 #include <stdio.h> 00012 #include <stdlib.h> 00013 #include <ctype.h> 00014 #include <string.h> 00015 00016 class BGFGCodeBook { 00017 00018 public: 00019 BGFGCodeBook(ros::NodeHandle &n) : 00020 nh_(n), it_(nh_) 00021 { 00022 00023 n.param("input_image_topic", input_image_topic_, std::string("/narrow_stereo/left/image_color_rect")); 00024 n.param("modMin", modMin_, 35); 00025 n.param("modMax", modMax_, 35); 00026 n.param("cbBounds_", cbBounds_, 10); 00027 n.param("nframesToLearnBG", nframesToLearnBG_, 10); 00028 n.param("nChannels", nChannels_, 3); 00029 image_sub_ = it_.subscribe( 00030 input_image_topic_, 1, &BGFGCodeBook::imageCallback, this); 00031 00032 //VARIABLES for CODEBOOK METHOD: 00033 model_ = 0; 00034 ch_={true,true,true}; // This sets what channels should be adjusted for background bounds 00035 rawImage_ = 0; 00036 yuvImage_ = 0; //yuvImage is for codebook method 00037 ImaskCodeBook_ = 0; 00038 ImaskCodeBookCC_ = 0; 00039 c_ = n_ = nframes_ = 0; 00040 model_ = cvCreateBGCodeBookModel(); 00041 00042 //Set color thresholds to default values 00043 model_->modMin[0] = modMin_; 00044 model_->modMin[1] = model_->modMin[2] = modMin_; 00045 model_->modMax[0] = modMax_; 00046 model_->modMax[1] = model_->modMax[2] = modMax_; 00047 model_->cbBounds[0] = model_->cbBounds[1] = model_->cbBounds[2] = cbBounds_; 00048 00049 pause_ = false; 00050 singlestep_ = false; 00051 } 00052 00053 ~BGFGCodeBook() 00054 { 00055 cvDestroyWindow( "Raw" ); 00056 cvDestroyWindow( "ForegroundCodeBook"); 00057 cvDestroyWindow( "CodeBook_ConnectComp"); 00058 } 00059 00060 void help(void) 00061 { 00062 printf("\nLearn background and find foreground using simple average and average difference learning method:\n" 00063 "\nUSAGE:\nbgfg_codebook_node _input_image_topic:=/image_topic\n" 00064 "***Keep the focus on the video windows, NOT the console***\n\n" 00065 "INTERACTIVE PARAMETERS:\n" 00066 "\tESC,q,Q - quit the program\n" 00067 "\th - print this help\n" 00068 "\tp - pause toggle\n" 00069 "\ts - single step\n" 00070 "\tr - run mode (single step off)\n" 00071 "=== AVG PARAMS ===\n" 00072 "\t- - bump high threshold UP by 0.25\n" 00073 "\t= - bump high threshold DOWN by 0.25\n" 00074 "\t[ - bump low threshold UP by 0.25\n" 00075 "\t] - bump low threshold DOWN by 0.25\n" 00076 "=== CODEBOOK PARAMS ===\n" 00077 "\ty,u,v- only adjust channel 0(y) or 1(u) or 2(v) respectively\n" 00078 "\ta - adjust all 3 channels at once\n" 00079 "\tb - adjust both 2 and 3 at once\n" 00080 "\ti,o - bump upper threshold up,down by 1\n" 00081 "\tk,l - bump lower threshold up,down by 1\n" 00082 "\tSPACE - reset the model\n" 00083 ); 00084 } 00085 00086 void imageCallback(const sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr& msg_ptr) 00087 { 00088 00089 IplImage *cv_image = NULL; 00090 try 00091 { 00092 cv_image = bridge_.imgMsgToCv(msg_ptr, "bgr8"); 00093 } 00094 catch (sensor_msgs::CvBridgeException error) 00095 { 00096 ROS_ERROR("error"); 00097 } 00098 00099 if( !pause_ ) 00100 { 00101 //rawImage = cvQueryFrame( capture ); 00102 rawImage_ = cv_image; 00103 ++nframes_; 00104 if(!rawImage_) 00105 { 00106 ROS_WARN("[BGFGCodeBook:] No image received"); 00107 return; 00108 } 00109 } 00110 if( singlestep_ ) 00111 pause_ = true; 00112 00113 //First time: 00114 if( nframes_ == 1 && rawImage_ ) 00115 { 00116 ROS_DEBUG("[BGFGCodeBook:] First image received"); 00117 // CODEBOOK METHOD ALLOCATION 00118 yuvImage_ = cvCloneImage(rawImage_); 00119 ImaskCodeBook_ = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(rawImage_), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1 ); 00120 ImaskCodeBookCC_ = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(rawImage_), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1 ); 00121 cvSet(ImaskCodeBook_,cvScalar(255)); 00122 00123 cvNamedWindow( "Raw", 1 ); 00124 cvNamedWindow( "ForegroundCodeBook",1); 00125 cvNamedWindow( "CodeBook_ConnectComp",1); 00126 } 00127 00128 // If we've got an rawImage and are good to go: 00129 if( rawImage_ ) 00130 { 00131 cvCvtColor( rawImage_, yuvImage_, CV_BGR2YCrCb );//YUV For codebook method 00132 //This is where we build our background model 00133 if( !pause_ && nframes_-1 < nframesToLearnBG_ ) 00134 { 00135 cvBGCodeBookUpdate( model_, yuvImage_ ); 00136 ROS_DEBUG("[BGFGCodeBook:] Learning BG, nframes: %d", nframes_); 00137 } 00138 if( nframes_-1 == nframesToLearnBG_ ) 00139 cvBGCodeBookClearStale( model_, model_->t/2 ); 00140 00141 //Find the foreground if any 00142 if( nframes_-1 >= nframesToLearnBG_ ) 00143 { 00144 ROS_DEBUG("[BGFGCodeBook:] Finding FG (modMin: %d , modMax: %d)",model_->modMin[0],model_->modMax[0]); 00145 // Find foreground by codebook method 00146 cvBGCodeBookDiff( model_, yuvImage_, ImaskCodeBook_ ); 00147 // This part just to visualize bounding boxes and centers if desired 00148 cvCopy(ImaskCodeBook_,ImaskCodeBookCC_); 00149 cvSegmentFGMask( ImaskCodeBookCC_ ); 00150 } 00151 //Display 00152 cvShowImage( "Raw", rawImage_ ); 00153 cvShowImage( "ForegroundCodeBook",ImaskCodeBook_); 00154 cvShowImage( "CodeBook_ConnectComp",ImaskCodeBookCC_); 00155 } 00156 // User input: 00157 c_ = cvWaitKey(10)&0xFF; 00158 c_ = tolower(c_); 00159 00160 if(c_ == 27 || c_ == 'q') 00161 { 00162 ros::shutdown(); 00163 return; 00164 } 00165 //Else check for user input 00166 switch( c_ ) 00167 { 00168 case 'h': 00169 help(); 00170 break; 00171 case 'p': 00172 pause_ = !pause_; 00173 break; 00174 case 's': 00175 singlestep_ = !singlestep_; 00176 pause_ = false; 00177 break; 00178 case 'r': 00179 pause_ = false; 00180 singlestep_ = false; 00181 break; 00182 case ' ': 00183 cvBGCodeBookClearStale( model_, 0 ); 00184 nframes_ = 0; 00185 break; 00186 //CODEBOOK PARAMS 00187 case 'y': case '0': 00188 case 'u': case '1': 00189 case 'v': case '2': 00190 case 'a': case '3': 00191 case 'b': 00192 ch_[0] = c_ == 'y' || c_ == '0' || c_ == 'a' || c_ == '3'; 00193 ch_[1] = c_ == 'u' || c_ == '1' || c_ == 'a' || c_ == '3' || c_ == 'b'; 00194 ch_[2] = c_ == 'v' || c_ == '2' || c_ == 'a' || c_ == '3' || c_ == 'b'; 00195 printf("CodeBook YUV Channels active: %d, %d, %d\n", ch_[0], ch_[1], ch_[2] ); 00196 break; 00197 case 'i': //modify max classification bounds (max bound goes higher) 00198 case 'o': //modify max classification bounds (max bound goes lower) 00199 case 'k': //modify min classification bounds (min bound goes lower) 00200 case 'l': //modify min classification bounds (min bound goes higher) 00201 { 00202 uchar* ptr = c_ == 'i' || c_ == 'o' ? model_->modMax : model_->modMin; 00203 for(n_=0; n_<nChannels_; n_++) 00204 { 00205 if( ch_[n_] ) 00206 { 00207 int v = ptr[n_] + (c_ == 'i' || c_ == 'l' ? 1 : -1); 00208 ptr[n_] = CV_CAST_8U(v); 00209 } 00210 printf("%d,", ptr[n_]); 00211 } 00212 printf(" CodeBook %s Side\n", c_ == 'i' || c_ == 'o' ? "High" : "Low" ); 00213 } 00214 break; 00215 } 00216 00217 } 00218 00219 00220 protected: 00221 00222 ros::NodeHandle nh_; 00223 image_transport::ImageTransport it_; 00224 image_transport::Subscriber image_sub_; 00225 sensor_msgs::CvBridge bridge_; 00226 std::string input_image_topic_; 00227 00228 //VARIABLES for CODEBOOK METHOD: 00229 CvBGCodeBookModel* model_; 00230 int modMin_, modMax_, cbBounds_; 00231 //int NCHANNELS_; 00232 bool ch_[3]; // This sets what channels should be adjusted for background bounds 00233 IplImage* rawImage_, *yuvImage_; //yuvImage is for codebook method 00234 IplImage *ImaskCodeBook_, *ImaskCodeBookCC_; 00235 int c_, n_, nframes_, nChannels_; 00236 int nframesToLearnBG_; 00237 bool pause_; 00238 bool singlestep_; 00239 }; 00240 00241 int main(int argc, char** argv) 00242 { 00243 ros::init(argc, argv, "bgfg_codebook"); 00244 ros::NodeHandle n("~"); 00245 BGFGCodeBook bg(n); 00246 ros::spin(); 00247 return 0; 00248 }