ShapeContextGenerator Member List
This is the complete list of members for
ShapeContextGenerator, including all inherited members.
describe(const InterestPoint &point, const LaserReading &reading) | ShapeContextGenerator | [virtual] |
describe(const OrientedPoint2D &point, const LaserReading &reading) | ShapeContextGenerator | [virtual] |
getBinPhi() const | ShapeContextGenerator | [inline] |
getBinRho() const | ShapeContextGenerator | [inline] |
getDistanceFunction() const | ShapeContextGenerator | [inline] |
getMaxRho() const | ShapeContextGenerator | [inline] |
getMinRho() const | ShapeContextGenerator | [inline] |
getPhiEdges() const | ShapeContextGenerator | [inline] |
getRhoEdges() const | ShapeContextGenerator | [inline] |
m_distanceFunction | ShapeContextGenerator | [protected] |
m_phiEdges | ShapeContextGenerator | [protected] |
m_rhoEdges | ShapeContextGenerator | [protected] |
setDistanceFunction(const HistogramDistance< double > *distanceFunction) | ShapeContextGenerator | [inline] |
setEdges(double minRho, double maxRho, unsigned int binRho, unsigned int binPhi) | ShapeContextGenerator | |
setEdges(const std::vector< double > &rhoEdges, const std::vector< double > &phiEdges) | ShapeContextGenerator | [inline] |
ShapeContextGenerator(double minRho, double maxRho, unsigned int binRho, unsigned int binPhi) | ShapeContextGenerator | |
ShapeContextGenerator(const std::vector< double > &rhoEdges, const std::vector< double > &phiEdges) | ShapeContextGenerator | |