CurvatureDetector Member List

This is the complete list of members for CurvatureDetector, including all inherited members.
computeGraph(const LaserReading &reading, std::vector< Point2D > &graphPoints, Graph &graph, std::vector< unsigned int > &maxRangeMapping) const CurvatureDetector [protected, virtual]
computeInterestPoints(const LaserReading &reading, const std::vector< std::vector< Point2D > > &operatorA, std::vector< InterestPoint * > &point, const std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > &indexes, std::vector< unsigned int > &maxRangeMapping) const CurvatureDetector [protected, virtual]
computeScaleBank()CurvatureDetector [protected]
CurvatureDetector(const PeakFinder *peak, unsigned int scales=5, double sigma=0.2, double step=1.4, unsigned int dmst=4)CurvatureDetector
detect(const LaserReading &reading, std::vector< InterestPoint * > &point) const CurvatureDetector [virtual]
detect(const LaserReading &reading, std::vector< InterestPoint * > &points, Graph &graph, std::vector< std::vector< Point2D > > &operatorA, std::vector< std::vector< double > > &signalDiff, std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > &indexes) const CurvatureDetector [virtual]
detect(const LaserReading &reading, std::vector< InterestPoint * > &point, std::vector< double > &signal, std::vector< std::vector< double > > &signalSmooth, std::vector< std::vector< double > > &signalDiff, std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > &indexes) const CurvatureDetector [virtual]
detect(const Graph &graph, const std::vector< Point2D > &graphPoints, std::vector< std::vector< Point2D > > &operatorA, std::vector< std::vector< double > > &signalDiff, std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > &indexes) const CurvatureDetector [virtual]
getBaseSigma() const CurvatureDetector [inline]
getDmst() const CurvatureDetector [inline]
getPeakFinder() const CurvatureDetector [inline]
getScaleNumber() const CurvatureDetector [inline]
getScales() const CurvatureDetector [inline]
getSigmaStep() const CurvatureDetector [inline]
getUseMaxRange()CurvatureDetector [inline]
m_baseSigmaCurvatureDetector [protected]
m_dmstCurvatureDetector [protected]
m_peakFinderCurvatureDetector [protected]
m_scaleNumberCurvatureDetector [protected]
m_scalesCurvatureDetector [protected]
m_sigmaStepCurvatureDetector [protected]
m_useMaxRangeCurvatureDetector [protected]
setBaseSigma(double sigma)CurvatureDetector [inline]
setDmst(unsigned int dmst)CurvatureDetector [inline]
setPeakFinder(const PeakFinder *peak)CurvatureDetector [inline]
setScaleNumber(unsigned int scales)CurvatureDetector [inline]
setSigmaStep(double step)CurvatureDetector [inline]
setUseMaxRange(bool use)CurvatureDetector [inline]
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Author(s): Bhaskara Marthi, Gian Diego Tipaldi
autogenerated on Fri Jan 11 11:15:47 2013