File: fast_plane_detection/Plane.msg
Raw Message Definition
# Informs that a plane has been detected at a given location
# The pose gives you the transform that take you to the coordinate system
# of the plane, with the origin somewhere in the plane and the
# z axis normal to the plane
geometry_msgs/PoseStamped pose
# Point + normal vector of the plane
geometry_msgs/PointStamped plane_point
geometry_msgs/Vector3Stamped normal
geometry_msgs/PointStamped slave_point
# These values give you the observed extents of the plane, along x and y,
# in the plane's own coordinate system (above)
# there is no guarantee that the origin of the plane coordinate system is
# inside the boundary defined by these values.
geometry_msgs/Point32 top_left
geometry_msgs/Point32 top_right
geometry_msgs/Point32 bottom_left
geometry_msgs/Point32 bottom_right
# There is no guarantee that the plane doe NOT extend further than these
# values; this is just as far as we've observed it.
# Whether the detection has succeeded or failed
int32 SUCCESS = 1
int32 FEW_INLIERS = 2
int32 NO_PLANE = 3
int32 OTHER_ERROR = 4
int32 result
# inliers over whole region
float32 percentage_inliers
# inliers of valid disparities
int32 percentage_disp_inliers
# number of valid disparities
int32 percentage_valid_disp
# confidence indicators of plane detection
# mean squared error
float32 error
Compact Message Definition