
bmtk::Mat3x3 Member List

This is the complete list of members for bmtk::Mat3x3, including all inherited members.
det() const bmtk::Mat3x3
eigenReconst(const Vec3d &v0, const Vec3d &v1, const Vec3d &v2, const Vec3d &l)bmtk::Mat3x3 [static]
inv() const bmtk::Mat3x3
Mat3x3(bool inf)bmtk::Mat3x3
Mat3x3(float x11, float x12, float x13, float x21, float x22, float x23, float x31, float x32, float x33)bmtk::Mat3x3
Mat3x3(const float a)bmtk::Mat3x3
Mat3x3(const float *x)bmtk::Mat3x3
Mat3x3(const Vec3d &v)bmtk::Mat3x3
Mat3x3(const Vec3d &v0, const Vec3d &v1)bmtk::Mat3x3
Mat3x3(const Vec3d &v0, const Vec3d &v1, const Vec3d &v2)bmtk::Mat3x3
Mat3x3(const Vec3d &v0, const Vec3d &v1, const Vec3d &v2, const Vec3d &lambda)bmtk::Mat3x3
operator*(const float a) const bmtk::Mat3x3
operator*(const Vec3d &v) const bmtk::Mat3x3
operator*(const Mat3x3 &m) const bmtk::Mat3x3
operator*=(const float a)bmtk::Mat3x3
operator*=(const Mat3x3 &m)bmtk::Mat3x3
operator+(const Mat3x3 &m) const bmtk::Mat3x3
operator+=(const Mat3x3 &m)bmtk::Mat3x3
operator-(const Mat3x3 &m) const bmtk::Mat3x3
operator-=(const Mat3x3 &m)bmtk::Mat3x3
operator/(const float a) const bmtk::Mat3x3
operator/=(const float a)bmtk::Mat3x3
operator=(const Mat3x3 &m)bmtk::Mat3x3
operator[](const int index) const bmtk::Mat3x3
operator[](const int index)bmtk::Mat3x3
outer(const Vec3d &v0, const Vec3d &v1)bmtk::Mat3x3 [static]
trans() const bmtk::Mat3x3
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Author(s): Benjamin Pitzer
autogenerated on Mon Mar 4 11:05:58 2013