00001 #!/usr/bin/env python 00002 """ 00003 Description: 00004 00005 Usage: 00006 $> roslaunch turtle_nodes.launch 00007 $> ./executive_step_06.py 00008 00009 Output: 00010 [INFO] : State machine starting in initial state 'RESET' with userdata: 00011 00012 [INFO] : State machine transitioning 'RESET':'succeeded'-->'SPAWN' 00013 [INFO] : State machine transitioning 'SPAWN':'succeeded'-->'TELEPORT1' 00014 [INFO] : State machine transitioning 'TELEPORT1':'succeeded'-->'TELEPORT2' 00015 [INFO] : State machine transitioning 'TELEPORT2':'succeeded'-->'DRAW_SHAPES' 00016 [INFO] : Concurrence starting with userdata: 00017 [] 00018 [INFO] : State machine starting in initial state 'DRAW_WITH_MONITOR' with userdata: 00019 [] 00020 [INFO] : Concurrence starting with userdata: 00021 [] 00022 [WARN] : Still waiting for action server 'turtle_shape1' to start... is it running? 00023 [WARN] : Still waiting for action server 'turtle_shape2' to start... is it running? 00024 [INFO] : Connected to action server 'turtle_shape2'. 00025 [INFO] : Connected to action server 'turtle_shape1'. 00026 [INFO] : Preempt requested on action 'turtle_shape2' 00027 [INFO] : Preempt on action 'turtle_shape2' cancelling goal: 00028 edges: 6 00029 radius: 0.5 00030 [INFO] : Concurrent Outcomes: {'MONITOR': 'invalid', 'DRAW': 'preempted'} 00031 [INFO] : State machine transitioning 'DRAW_WITH_MONITOR':'interrupted'-->'WAIT_FOR_CLEAR' 00032 [INFO] : State machine transitioning 'WAIT_FOR_CLEAR':'invalid'-->'DRAW_WITH_MONITOR' 00033 [INFO] : Concurrence starting with userdata: 00034 [] 00035 [INFO] : Concurrent Outcomes: {'MONITOR': 'preempted', 'DRAW': 'succeeded'} 00036 [INFO] : State machine terminating 'DRAW_WITH_MONITOR':'succeeded':'succeeded' 00037 [INFO] : Concurrent Outcomes: {'SMALL': 'succeeded', 'BIG': 'succeeded'} 00038 [INFO] : State machine terminating 'DRAW_SHAPES':'succeeded':'succeeded' 00039 00040 """ 00041 00042 import roslib; roslib.load_manifest('smach_tutorials') 00043 import rospy 00044 00045 import threading 00046 from math import sqrt, pow 00047 00048 import smach 00049 from smach import StateMachine, ServiceState, SimpleActionState, MonitorState, IntrospectionServer, Concurrence 00050 00051 import std_srvs.srv 00052 import turtlesim.srv 00053 import turtlesim.msg 00054 import turtle_actionlib.msg 00055 00056 00057 def main(): 00058 rospy.init_node('smach_usecase_step_06') 00059 00060 # Construct static goals 00061 polygon_big = turtle_actionlib.msg.ShapeGoal(edges = 11, radius = 4.0) 00062 polygon_small = turtle_actionlib.msg.ShapeGoal(edges = 6, radius = 0.5) 00063 00064 # Create a SMACH state machine 00065 sm0 = StateMachine(outcomes=['succeeded','aborted','preempted']) 00066 00067 # Open the container 00068 with sm0: 00069 # Reset turtlesim 00070 StateMachine.add('RESET', 00071 ServiceState('reset', std_srvs.srv.Empty), 00072 {'succeeded':'SPAWN'}) 00073 00074 # Create a second turtle 00075 StateMachine.add('SPAWN', 00076 ServiceState('spawn', turtlesim.srv.Spawn, 00077 request = turtlesim.srv.SpawnRequest(0.0,0.0,0.0,'turtle2')), 00078 {'succeeded':'TELEPORT1'}) 00079 00080 # Teleport turtle 1 00081 StateMachine.add('TELEPORT1', 00082 ServiceState('turtle1/teleport_absolute', turtlesim.srv.TeleportAbsolute, 00083 request = turtlesim.srv.TeleportAbsoluteRequest(5.0,1.0,0.0)), 00084 {'succeeded':'DRAW_SHAPES'}) 00085 00086 # Draw some polygons 00087 shapes_cc = Concurrence( 00088 outcomes=['succeeded','aborted','preempted'], 00089 default_outcome='aborted', 00090 outcome_map = {'succeeded':{'BIG':'succeeded','SMALL':'succeeded'}}) 00091 StateMachine.add('DRAW_SHAPES',shapes_cc) 00092 with shapes_cc: 00093 # Draw a large polygon with the first turtle 00094 Concurrence.add('BIG', 00095 SimpleActionState('turtle_shape1',turtle_actionlib.msg.ShapeAction, 00096 goal = polygon_big)) 00097 00098 # Draw a small polygon with the second turtle 00099 small_shape_sm = StateMachine(outcomes=['succeeded','aborted','preempted']) 00100 Concurrence.add('SMALL',small_shape_sm) 00101 with small_shape_sm: 00102 # Teleport turtle 2 00103 StateMachine.add('TELEPORT2', 00104 ServiceState('turtle2/teleport_absolute', turtlesim.srv.TeleportAbsolute, 00105 request = turtlesim.srv.TeleportAbsoluteRequest(9.0,5.0,0.0)), 00106 {'succeeded':'DRAW_WITH_MONITOR'}) 00107 00108 # Construct a concurrence for the shape action and the monitor 00109 draw_monitor_cc = Concurrence( 00110 ['succeeded','aborted','preempted','interrupted'], 00111 'aborted', 00112 child_termination_cb = lambda so: True, 00113 outcome_map = { 00114 'succeeded':{'DRAW':'succeeded'}, 00115 'preempted':{'DRAW':'preempted','MONITOR':'preempted'}, 00116 'interrupted':{'MONITOR':'invalid'}}) 00117 00118 StateMachine.add('DRAW_WITH_MONITOR', 00119 draw_monitor_cc, 00120 {'interrupted':'WAIT_FOR_CLEAR'}) 00121 00122 with draw_monitor_cc: 00123 Concurrence.add('DRAW', 00124 SimpleActionState('turtle_shape2',turtle_actionlib.msg.ShapeAction, 00125 goal = polygon_small)) 00126 def turtle_far_away(ud, msg): 00127 """Returns True while turtle pose in msg is at least 1 unit away from (9,5)""" 00128 if sqrt(pow(msg.x-9.0,2) + pow(msg.y-5.0,2)) > 2.0: 00129 return True 00130 return False 00131 Concurrence.add('MONITOR', 00132 MonitorState('/turtle1/pose',turtlesim.msg.Pose, 00133 cond_cb = turtle_far_away)) 00134 00135 StateMachine.add('WAIT_FOR_CLEAR', 00136 MonitorState('/turtle1/pose',turtlesim.msg.Pose, 00137 cond_cb = lambda ud,msg: not turtle_far_away(ud,msg)), 00138 {'valid':'WAIT_FOR_CLEAR','invalid':'TELEPORT2'}) 00139 00140 00141 # Attach a SMACH introspection server 00142 sis = IntrospectionServer('smach_usecase_01', sm0, '/USE_CASE') 00143 sis.start() 00144 00145 # Set preempt handler 00146 smach.set_preempt_handler(sm0) 00147 00148 # Execute SMACH tree in a separate thread so that we can ctrl-c the script 00149 smach_thread = threading.Thread(target = sm0.execute) 00150 smach_thread.start() 00151 00152 # Signal handler 00153 rospy.spin() 00154 00155 if __name__ == '__main__': 00156 main()