00001 #!/usr/bin/env python 00002 """ 00003 Description: 00004 00005 Usage: 00006 $> roslaunch turtle_nodes.launch 00007 $> ./executive_step_06.py 00008 00009 Output: 00010 [INFO] : State machine starting in initial state 'RESET' with userdata: 00011 [] 00012 [INFO] : State machine transitioning 'RESET':'succeeded'-->'SPAWN' 00013 [INFO] : State machine transitioning 'SPAWN':'succeeded'-->'TELEPORT1' 00014 [INFO] : State machine transitioning 'TELEPORT1':'succeeded'-->'TELEPORT2' 00015 [INFO] : State machine transitioning 'TELEPORT2':'succeeded'-->'DRAW_SHAPES' 00016 [INFO] : Concurrence starting with userdata: 00017 [] 00018 [WARN] : Still waiting for action server 'turtle_shape2' to start... is it running? 00019 [WARN] : Still waiting for action server 'turtle_shape1' to start... is it running? 00020 [INFO] : Connected to action server 'turtle_shape2'. 00021 [INFO] : Connected to action server 'turtle_shape1'. 00022 [INFO] : Concurrent Outcomes: {'SMALL': 'succeeded', 'BIG': 'succeeded'} 00023 [INFO] : State machine terminating 'DRAW_SHAPES':'succeeded':'succeeded' 00024 """ 00025 00026 import roslib; roslib.load_manifest('smach_tutorials') 00027 import rospy 00028 00029 import threading 00030 00031 import smach 00032 from smach import StateMachine, ServiceState, SimpleActionState, IntrospectionServer, Concurrence 00033 00034 import std_srvs.srv 00035 import turtlesim.srv 00036 import turtle_actionlib.msg 00037 00038 00039 def main(): 00040 rospy.init_node('smach_usecase_step_05') 00041 00042 # Construct static goals 00043 polygon_big = turtle_actionlib.msg.ShapeGoal(edges = 11, radius = 4.0) 00044 polygon_small = turtle_actionlib.msg.ShapeGoal(edges = 6, radius = 0.5) 00045 00046 # Create a SMACH state machine 00047 sm0 = StateMachine(outcomes=['succeeded','aborted','preempted']) 00048 00049 # Open the container 00050 with sm0: 00051 # Reset turtlesim 00052 StateMachine.add('RESET', 00053 ServiceState('reset', std_srvs.srv.Empty), 00054 {'succeeded':'SPAWN'}) 00055 00056 # Create a second turtle 00057 StateMachine.add('SPAWN', 00058 ServiceState('spawn', turtlesim.srv.Spawn, 00059 request = turtlesim.srv.SpawnRequest(0.0,0.0,0.0,'turtle2')), 00060 {'succeeded':'TELEPORT1'}) 00061 00062 # Teleport turtle 1 00063 StateMachine.add('TELEPORT1', 00064 ServiceState('turtle1/teleport_absolute', turtlesim.srv.TeleportAbsolute, 00065 request = turtlesim.srv.TeleportAbsoluteRequest(5.0,1.0,0.0)), 00066 {'succeeded':'TELEPORT2'}) 00067 00068 # Teleport turtle 2 00069 StateMachine.add('TELEPORT2', 00070 ServiceState('turtle2/teleport_absolute', turtlesim.srv.TeleportAbsolute, 00071 request = turtlesim.srv.TeleportAbsoluteRequest(9.0,5.0,0.0)), 00072 {'succeeded':'DRAW_SHAPES'}) 00073 00074 # Draw some polygons 00075 shapes_cc = Concurrence( 00076 outcomes=['succeeded','aborted','preempted'], 00077 default_outcome='aborted', 00078 outcome_map = {'succeeded':{'BIG':'succeeded','SMALL':'succeeded'}}) 00079 StateMachine.add('DRAW_SHAPES',shapes_cc) 00080 with shapes_cc: 00081 # Draw a large polygon with the first turtle 00082 Concurrence.add('BIG', 00083 SimpleActionState('turtle_shape1',turtle_actionlib.msg.ShapeAction, 00084 goal = polygon_big)) 00085 00086 # Draw a small polygon with the second turtle 00087 Concurrence.add('SMALL', 00088 SimpleActionState('turtle_shape2',turtle_actionlib.msg.ShapeAction, 00089 goal = polygon_small)) 00090 00091 00092 # Attach a SMACH introspection server 00093 sis = IntrospectionServer('smach_usecase_01', sm0, '/USE_CASE') 00094 sis.start() 00095 00096 # Set preempt handler 00097 smach.set_preempt_handler(sm0) 00098 00099 # Execute SMACH tree in a separate thread so that we can ctrl-c the script 00100 smach_thread = threading.Thread(target = sm0.execute) 00101 smach_thread.start() 00102 00103 # Signal handler 00104 rospy.spin() 00105 00106 if __name__ == '__main__': 00107 main()