00001 #!/usr/bin/env python 00002 00003 import roslib; roslib.load_manifest('asmach_tutorials') 00004 import rospy 00005 import asmach as smach 00006 import smach_ros 00007 00008 from smach_tutorials.msg import TestAction, TestGoal 00009 from actionlib import * 00010 from actionlib.msg import * 00011 00012 00013 # Create a trivial action server 00014 class TestServer: 00015 def __init__(self,name): 00016 self._sas = SimpleActionServer(name, 00017 TestAction, 00018 execute_cb=self.execute_cb) 00019 00020 def execute_cb(self, msg): 00021 if msg.goal == 0: 00022 self._sas.set_succeeded() 00023 elif msg.goal == 1: 00024 self._sas.set_aborted() 00025 elif msg.goal == 2: 00026 self._sas.set_preempted() 00027 00028 def main(): 00029 rospy.init_node('smach_example_actionlib') 00030 00031 # Start an action server 00032 server = TestServer('test_action') 00033 00034 # Create a SMACH state machine 00035 sm0 = smach.StateMachine(outcomes=['succeeded','aborted','preempted']) 00036 00037 # Open the container 00038 with sm0: 00039 # Add states to the container 00040 00041 # Add a simple action sttate. This will use an emtpy, default goal 00042 # As seen in TestServer above, an empty goal will always return with 00043 # GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED, causing this simple action state to return 00044 # the outcome 'succeeded' 00045 smach.StateMachine.add('GOAL_DEFAULT', 00046 smach_ros.SimpleActionState('test_action', TestAction), 00047 {'succeeded':'GOAL_STATIC'}) 00048 00049 # Add another simple action state. This will give a goal 00050 # that should abort the action state when it is received, so we 00051 # map 'aborted' for this state onto 'succeeded' for the state machine. 00052 smach.StateMachine.add('GOAL_STATIC', 00053 smach_ros.SimpleActionState('test_action', TestAction, 00054 goal = TestGoal(goal=1)), 00055 {'aborted':'GOAL_CB'}) 00056 00057 00058 # Add another simple action state. This will give a goal 00059 # that should abort the action state when it is received, so we 00060 # map 'aborted' for this state onto 'succeeded' for the state machine. 00061 def goal_callback(userdata, default_goal): 00062 goal = TestGoal() 00063 goal.goal = 2 00064 return goal 00065 00066 smach.StateMachine.add('GOAL_CB', 00067 smach_ros.SimpleActionState('test_action', TestAction, 00068 goal_cb = goal_callback), 00069 {'aborted':'succeeded'}) 00070 00071 # For more examples on how to set goals and process results, see 00072 # executive_smach/smach_ros/tests/smach_actionlib.py 00073 00074 # Execute SMACH plan 00075 outcome = sm0.execute() 00076 00077 rospy.signal_shutdown('All done.') 00078 00079 00080 if __name__ == '__main__': 00081 main()