00001 """autogenerated by genmsg_py from cop_feedback.msg. Do not edit."""
00002 import roslib.message
00003 import struct
00005 import vision_msgs.msg
00007 class cop_feedback(roslib.message.Message):
00008 _md5sum = "e876bab42e04aea08a659bc18c7b47cc"
00009 _type = "vision_msgs/cop_feedback"
00010 _has_header = False
00011 _full_text = """#Message that cop uses to answer on specified topics, U. Klank klank@in.tum.de
00012 uint64 perception_primitive # Perception primitive that caused this answer
00013 float64 evaluation # A score describing the quality of the outcomes of the perception primitive
00014 system_error[] error # A list of occured system failures which might be caused by the perception primitive
00015 uint64[] eval_whitelist # list results which are included into the evaluation (note: default is all, not none, so an empty list means that all elements have to be evaluated, since the case that none of the results should get an evaluation does not make much sense)
00017 ================================================================================
00018 MSG: vision_msgs/system_error
00020 uint64 GRASP_FAILED = 128 # Grasp into the void
00021 uint64 OBJECT_NOT_FOUND = 256
00022 uint64 VISION_PRIMITIVE_FAILED = 512
00023 uint64 CONTRADICTING_TACTILE_FEEDBACK = 1024 # Collide without expecting it
00025 uint64 GRASP_FAILED_AND_CRASHED = 4096 # Throwing something out of the way
00026 uint64 JLO_ERROR = 8192 # Could not get position
00027 uint64 VECTOR_FIELD_CANT_REACH = 16384 # The arm got stuck along the way, did not reach the final grasping pose
00029 uint64 error_id # One of the error constants defined above
00030 string node_name # The node causing this error
00031 string error_description # Further information about the error
00033 """
00034 __slots__ = ['perception_primitive','evaluation','error','eval_whitelist']
00035 _slot_types = ['uint64','float64','vision_msgs/system_error[]','uint64[]']
00037 def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
00038 """
00039 Constructor. Any message fields that are implicitly/explicitly
00040 set to None will be assigned a default value. The recommend
00041 use is keyword arguments as this is more robust to future message
00042 changes. You cannot mix in-order arguments and keyword arguments.
00044 The available fields are:
00045 perception_primitive,evaluation,error,eval_whitelist
00047 @param args: complete set of field values, in .msg order
00048 @param kwds: use keyword arguments corresponding to message field names
00049 to set specific fields.
00050 """
00051 if args or kwds:
00052 super(cop_feedback, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)
00054 if self.perception_primitive is None:
00055 self.perception_primitive = 0
00056 if self.evaluation is None:
00057 self.evaluation = 0.
00058 if self.error is None:
00059 self.error = []
00060 if self.eval_whitelist is None:
00061 self.eval_whitelist = []
00062 else:
00063 self.perception_primitive = 0
00064 self.evaluation = 0.
00065 self.error = []
00066 self.eval_whitelist = []
00068 def _get_types(self):
00069 """
00070 internal API method
00071 """
00072 return self._slot_types
00074 def serialize(self, buff):
00075 """
00076 serialize message into buffer
00077 @param buff: buffer
00078 @type buff: StringIO
00079 """
00080 try:
00081 _x = self
00082 buff.write(_struct_Qd.pack(_x.perception_primitive, _x.evaluation))
00083 length = len(self.error)
00084 buff.write(_struct_I.pack(length))
00085 for val1 in self.error:
00086 buff.write(_struct_Q.pack(val1.error_id))
00087 _x = val1.node_name
00088 length = len(_x)
00089 buff.write(struct.pack('<I%ss'%length, length, _x))
00090 _x = val1.error_description
00091 length = len(_x)
00092 buff.write(struct.pack('<I%ss'%length, length, _x))
00093 length = len(self.eval_whitelist)
00094 buff.write(_struct_I.pack(length))
00095 pattern = '<%sQ'%length
00096 buff.write(struct.pack(pattern, *self.eval_whitelist))
00097 except struct.error, se: self._check_types(se)
00098 except TypeError, te: self._check_types(te)
00100 def deserialize(self, str):
00101 """
00102 unpack serialized message in str into this message instance
00103 @param str: byte array of serialized message
00104 @type str: str
00105 """
00106 try:
00107 end = 0
00108 _x = self
00109 start = end
00110 end += 16
00111 (_x.perception_primitive, _x.evaluation,) = _struct_Qd.unpack(str[start:end])
00112 start = end
00113 end += 4
00114 (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
00115 self.error = []
00116 for i in xrange(0, length):
00117 val1 = vision_msgs.msg.system_error()
00118 start = end
00119 end += 8
00120 (val1.error_id,) = _struct_Q.unpack(str[start:end])
00121 start = end
00122 end += 4
00123 (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
00124 start = end
00125 end += length
00126 val1.node_name = str[start:end]
00127 start = end
00128 end += 4
00129 (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
00130 start = end
00131 end += length
00132 val1.error_description = str[start:end]
00133 self.error.append(val1)
00134 start = end
00135 end += 4
00136 (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
00137 pattern = '<%sQ'%length
00138 start = end
00139 end += struct.calcsize(pattern)
00140 self.eval_whitelist = struct.unpack(pattern, str[start:end])
00141 return self
00142 except struct.error, e:
00143 raise roslib.message.DeserializationError(e)
00146 def serialize_numpy(self, buff, numpy):
00147 """
00148 serialize message with numpy array types into buffer
00149 @param buff: buffer
00150 @type buff: StringIO
00151 @param numpy: numpy python module
00152 @type numpy module
00153 """
00154 try:
00155 _x = self
00156 buff.write(_struct_Qd.pack(_x.perception_primitive, _x.evaluation))
00157 length = len(self.error)
00158 buff.write(_struct_I.pack(length))
00159 for val1 in self.error:
00160 buff.write(_struct_Q.pack(val1.error_id))
00161 _x = val1.node_name
00162 length = len(_x)
00163 buff.write(struct.pack('<I%ss'%length, length, _x))
00164 _x = val1.error_description
00165 length = len(_x)
00166 buff.write(struct.pack('<I%ss'%length, length, _x))
00167 length = len(self.eval_whitelist)
00168 buff.write(_struct_I.pack(length))
00169 pattern = '<%sQ'%length
00170 buff.write(self.eval_whitelist.tostring())
00171 except struct.error, se: self._check_types(se)
00172 except TypeError, te: self._check_types(te)
00174 def deserialize_numpy(self, str, numpy):
00175 """
00176 unpack serialized message in str into this message instance using numpy for array types
00177 @param str: byte array of serialized message
00178 @type str: str
00179 @param numpy: numpy python module
00180 @type numpy: module
00181 """
00182 try:
00183 end = 0
00184 _x = self
00185 start = end
00186 end += 16
00187 (_x.perception_primitive, _x.evaluation,) = _struct_Qd.unpack(str[start:end])
00188 start = end
00189 end += 4
00190 (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
00191 self.error = []
00192 for i in xrange(0, length):
00193 val1 = vision_msgs.msg.system_error()
00194 start = end
00195 end += 8
00196 (val1.error_id,) = _struct_Q.unpack(str[start:end])
00197 start = end
00198 end += 4
00199 (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
00200 start = end
00201 end += length
00202 val1.node_name = str[start:end]
00203 start = end
00204 end += 4
00205 (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
00206 start = end
00207 end += length
00208 val1.error_description = str[start:end]
00209 self.error.append(val1)
00210 start = end
00211 end += 4
00212 (length,) = _struct_I.unpack(str[start:end])
00213 pattern = '<%sQ'%length
00214 start = end
00215 end += struct.calcsize(pattern)
00216 self.eval_whitelist = numpy.frombuffer(str[start:end], dtype=numpy.uint64, count=length)
00217 return self
00218 except struct.error, e:
00219 raise roslib.message.DeserializationError(e)
00221 _struct_I = roslib.message.struct_I
00222 _struct_Q = struct.Struct("<Q")
00223 _struct_Qd = struct.Struct("<Qd")