vcg::tri::Resampler< OLD_MESH_TYPE, NEW_MESH_TYPE, FLT, DISTFUNCTOR > Member List

This is the complete list of members for vcg::tri::Resampler< OLD_MESH_TYPE, NEW_MESH_TYPE, FLT, DISTFUNCTOR >, including all inherited members.
bboxvcg::BasicGrid< FLT >
Box3x typedefvcg::BasicGrid< FLT >
BoxToIBox(const Box3x &b, Box3i &ib) constvcg::BasicGrid< FLT > [inline]
ComputeDimAndVoxel()vcg::BasicGrid< FLT > [inline]
CoordType typedefvcg::BasicGrid< FLT >
dimvcg::BasicGrid< FLT >
GridP(const Point3< ScalarType > &p) constvcg::BasicGrid< FLT > [inline]
GridType typedefvcg::BasicGrid< FLT >
IBoxToBox(const Box3i &ib, Box3x &b) constvcg::BasicGrid< FLT > [inline]
IPfToPf(const CoordType &pi, CoordType &p) constvcg::BasicGrid< FLT > [inline]
IPiToBox(const Point3i &pi, Box3x &b) constvcg::BasicGrid< FLT > [inline]
IPiToBoxCenter(const Point3i &pi, CoordType &c) constvcg::BasicGrid< FLT > [inline]
IPiToPf(const Point3i &pi, CoordType &p) constvcg::BasicGrid< FLT > [inline]
MyMarchingCubes typedefvcg::tri::Resampler< OLD_MESH_TYPE, NEW_MESH_TYPE, FLT, DISTFUNCTOR >
MyWalker typedefvcg::tri::Resampler< OLD_MESH_TYPE, NEW_MESH_TYPE, FLT, DISTFUNCTOR >
New_Mesh typedefvcg::tri::Resampler< OLD_MESH_TYPE, NEW_MESH_TYPE, FLT, DISTFUNCTOR > [private]
Old_Mesh typedefvcg::tri::Resampler< OLD_MESH_TYPE, NEW_MESH_TYPE, FLT, DISTFUNCTOR > [private]
PToIP(const CoordType &p, Point3i &pi) constvcg::BasicGrid< FLT > [inline]
Resample(Old_Mesh &old_mesh, New_Mesh &new_mesh, Box3f volumeBox, vcg::Point3< int > accuracy, float max_dist, float thr=0, bool DiscretizeFlag=false, bool MultiSampleFlag=false, bool AbsDistFlag=false, vcg::CallBackPos *cb=0)vcg::tri::Resampler< OLD_MESH_TYPE, NEW_MESH_TYPE, FLT, DISTFUNCTOR > [inline, static]
ScalarType typedefvcg::BasicGrid< FLT >
sizvcg::BasicGrid< FLT >
voxelvcg::BasicGrid< FLT >
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Author(s): Christian Bersch
autogenerated on Fri Jan 11 09:23:34 2013