File: sensor_msgs/SetCameraInfo.srv
# This service requests that a camera stores the given CameraInfo
# as that camera's calibration information.
# The width and height in the camera_info field should match what the
# camera is currently outputting on its camera_info topic, and the camera
# will assume that the region of the imager that is being referred to is
# the region that the camera is currently capturing.
sensor_msgs/CameraInfo camera_info # The camera_info to store
bool success # True if the call succeeded
string status_message # Used to give details about success
Expanded Definition
sensor_msgs/CameraInfo camera_info
Header header
uint32 seq
time stamp
string frame_id
uint32 height
uint32 width
string distortion_model
float64[] D
float64[9] K
float64[9] R
float64[12] P
uint32 binning_x
uint32 binning_y
sensor_msgs/RegionOfInterest roi
uint32 x_offset
uint32 y_offset
uint32 height
uint32 width
bool do_rectify
bool success
string status_message