Go to the source code of this file.
Classes | |
class | setup::custom_build_ext |
class | setup::doc |
Namespaces | |
namespace | setup |
Variables | |
string | setup::author = "Mike Dirolf" |
string | setup::author_email = "mongodb-user@googlegroups.com" |
tuple | setup::build_errors |
tuple | setup::c_ext |
list | setup::classifiers |
dictionary | setup::cmdclass |
string | setup::description = "Python driver for MongoDB <http://www.mongodb.org>" |
tuple | setup::f = open("README.rst") |
dictionary | setup::features = {} |
setup::has_subprocess = True | |
list | setup::install_requires = [] |
list | setup::keywords = ["mongo", "mongodb", "pymongo", "gridfs", "bson"] |
string | setup::license = "Apache License, Version 2.0" |
setup::long_description = readme_content, | |
string | setup::maintainer = "Bernie Hackett" |
string | setup::maintainer_email = "bernie@10gen.com" |
string | setup::name = "pymongo" |
list | setup::packages = ["bson", "pymongo", "gridfs"] |
tuple | setup::readme_content = f.read() |
string | setup::test_suite = "nose.collector" |
string | setup::url = "http://github.com/mongodb/mongo-python-driver" |
string | setup::version = "1.10" |