00004 PACKAGE = 'pcl_ros'
00006 import roslib; roslib.load_manifest (PACKAGE);
00007 from dynamic_reconfigure.parameter_generator import *;
00009 def add_common_parameters (gen):
00011 gen.add ("max_iterations", int_t, 0, "The maximum number of iterations the algorithm will run for", 50, 0, 100000)
00012 gen.add ("probability", double_t, 0, "The desired probability of choosing at least one sample free from outliers", 0.99, 0.5, 0.99)
00013 gen.add ("distance_threshold", double_t, 0, "The distance to model threshold", 0.02, 0, 1.0)
00014 gen.add ("optimize_coefficients", bool_t, 0, "Model coefficient refinement", True)
00015 gen.add ("radius_min", double_t, 0, "The minimum allowed model radius (where applicable)", 0.0, 0, 1.0)
00016 gen.add ("radius_max", double_t, 0, "The maximum allowed model radius (where applicable)", 0.05, 0, 1.0)
00017 gen.add ("eps_angle", double_t, 0, "The maximum allowed difference between the model normal and the given axis in radians.", 0.17, 0.0, 1.5707)
00018 gen.add ("min_inliers", int_t, 0, "The minimum number of inliers a model must have in order to be considered valid.", 0, 0, 100000)
00019 gen.add ("input_frame", str_t, 0, "The input TF frame the data should be transformed into, if input.header.frame_id is different.", "")
00020 gen.add ("output_frame", str_t, 0, "The output TF frame the data should be transformed into, if input.header.frame_id is different.", "")