EdgeMatcher Member List

This is the complete list of members for EdgeMatcher, including all inherited members.
addModel(CvSeq *edge)EdgeMatcher
addModelBasis(CvSeq *edge, int idx_origin, const AffineBasis &basis)EdgeMatcher
aggregateVotes(const std::vector< int > &basis_votes, std::map< int, std::pair< int, int > > &agg_votes) const EdgeMatcher
EdgeMatcher(cv::Point3f _size, const cv::Point3f *_range)EdgeMatcher [inline]
edgesEdgeMatcher [protected]
getBasis(int basis_id) const EdgeMatcher [inline]
getHash() const EdgeMatcher [inline]
getModel(int modelID)EdgeMatcher [inline]
getModelByBasisID(int basis_id) const EdgeMatcher [inline]
hashEdgeMatcher [protected]
match(CvSeq *edge, std::map< int, std::pair< int, int > > &votes) const EdgeMatcher
matchBasis(CvSeq *edge, const AffineBasis &basis, int idx_origin, std::vector< int > &votes) const EdgeMatcher
min_angleEdgeMatcher [protected, static]
ModelVotes typedefEdgeMatcher
votes_greater(const std::pair< int, std::pair< int, int > > &elem1, const std::pair< int, std::pair< int, int > > &elem2)EdgeMatcher [inline, static]
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Author(s): Patrick Mihelich
autogenerated on Fri Jan 11 09:58:22 2013