The Vector class describes both a 3D vector and a 3D point in space. This class supports operators + - += -= on other vectors, and operators * / *= /= on doubles. The elements of the vector can be accessed using the [] operator from 0:2.
Empty constructor defaults to 0, 0, 0
Constructor with x, y, z
Parameters: |
Return the norm of the vector
Normalize the vector in place, and return the norm of the vector
Reverses the sign of the vector
Sets all elements in the vector to zero
Return the x component of the vector
Return the y component of the vector
Return the z component of the vector
Static functions:
This class represents a 3D orientation in space. The internal representaion is a 3x3 rotation matrix. The elements of this matrix can be accessed using the [] operator with range 0:3, 0:3.
Emtpy constructor defaults to identity rotation
Constructor specifying rows of rotation matrix with 9 doubles
Constructor specifying rows of rotation matrix with 3 Vectors
Parameters: |
Apply a rotation around the x-axis with angle
Parameters: | angle (double) – the angle to rotate |
Apply a rotation around the y-axis with angle
Parameters: | angle (double) – the angle to rotate |
Apply a rotation around the z-axis with angle
Parameters: | angle (double) – the angle to rotate |
Returns the z, y, x Euler angles that describe this rotation. First a rotation around the z-axis, then around the rotated y-axis, and finally around the rotated x-axis.
Returns the z, y, z Euler angles that describe this rotation. First a rotation around the z-axis, then around the rotated y-axis, and finally around the rotated z-axis.
Returns the x, y, z, w normalized quaternion that describes this rotation
Returns the r, p, y rotations around fixed axis that describe this rotation. First a rotation around the x-axis, then a rotation around the original y-axis, and finally a rotation around the original z-axis
Returns a vector with the direction of the equivalent axis and its norm the angle. THis method returns the axis as a Vector
Returns the rotation angle around the equivalent axis. This method returns the angle as a double, and the rotation axis as a Vector
Returns the inverse rotation (this is also the transpose of the rotation matrix)
Changes the reference frame of a Vector. The norm of the vector does not change.
Changes the refenrece frame of a Twist
Changes the refenrece frame of a Wrench
Static functions:
- PyKDL.Identity() → Rotation¶
Constructs an identity rotation
- PyKDL.Quaternion(x, y, z, w) → Rotation¶
Constructs a rotation from an x, y, z, w quaternion descripion
- PyKDL.Rot(axis, angle) → Rotation¶
Constructs a rotation from a rotation of angle around axis
- axis (Vector) – the axis to rotate around
- angle (double) – the angle to rotate
- PyKDL.RotX(angle) → Rotation¶
Constructs a rotation of angle around the x-axis
- PyKDL.RotY(angle) → Rotation¶
Constructs a rotation of angle around the y-axis
- PyKDL.RotZ(angle) → Rotation¶
Constructs a rotation of angle around the z-axis
- PyKDL.EulerZYX(z, y, x) → Rotation¶
Constructs a rotation by first applying a rotation of z around the z-axis, then a rotation of y around the new y-axis, and finally a rotation of x around the new x-axis
- PyKDL.EulerZYZ(z1, y, z2) → Rotation¶
Constructs a rotation by first applying a rotation or z1 around the z-axis, then a rotation of y around the new y-axis, and finally a rotation of z2 around the new z-axis
- PyKDL.RPY(r, p, y) → Rotation¶
Constructs a rotation by first applying a rotation of r around the x-axis, then a rotation of p around the original y-axis, and finally a rotation of y around the original z-axis
Construct an identity frame
Construct a frame from a rotation and a vector
Parameters: |
Construct a frame from a vector, with identity rotation
Parameters: | pos (Vector) – the position of the frame origin |
Construct a frame from a rotation, with origin at 0, 0, 0
Parameters: | rot (Rotation) – the rotation of the frame |
This frame is integrated into an updated frame with sample frequence, using first order integration
Parameters: |
Returns the inverse of the frame
Changes both the reference frame and the reference point of a Vector. Use this operator when the vector represents a point
Changes bothe the refenrece frame and the referece point of a Twist
Changes both the refenrece frame and the reference point of a Wrench
Static functions:
- PyKDL.Identity() → Frame
Constructs an identity frame
- PyKDL.HD(a, alpha, d, theta) → Frame¶
Constructs a transformationmatrix T_link(i-1)_link(i) with the Denavit-Hartenberg convention as described in the original publictation: Denavit, J. and Hartenberg, R. S., A kinematic notation for lower-pair mechanisms based on matrices, ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 23:215-221, 1955.
- PyKDL.DH_Craig1989(a, alpha, d, theta) → Frame¶
Constructs a transformationmatrix T_link(i-1)_link(i) with the Denavit-Hartenberg convention as described in the Craigs book: Craig, J. J.,Introduction to Robotics: Mechanics and Control, Addison-Wesley, isbn:0-201-10326-5, 1986.
- PyKDL.AddDelta(f, t, d) → Frame¶
Constructs a frame that is obtained by: starting from frame f, apply twist t, during time d
- PyKDL.diff(f1, f2, d) → Twist¶
Returns the twist that is needed to move from frame f1 to frame f2 in a time d. The resulting twist is represented in the same reference frame as f1 and f2, and has reference point at the origin of f1