diagnostic_analysis Documentation

diagnostic_analysis: Process diagnostics log files for data

The diagnostic_analysis package can convert a log of diagnostics data into a series of CSV files. Robot logs are recorded with rosbag, and can be processed offline using the scripts in this package.

  • Homepage: http://www.ros.org/wiki/diagnostics_analysis
  • diagnostics_analysis This is a set of tools for analyzing and processing diagnostic bagfiles. This is primarily used in analyzing bag files from automatic PR-2 logs. The main tool is export_csv.py, which converts bag files into a series of CSV files.

    Code API

    The main tool in this package is export_csv.py, which generates CSV files from diagnostics bagfiles. This can generate fairly large CSV files, since one row will be written for every status message. It may help to use "sparse" bag files created by sparse_csv.py.

    export_csv.py processes diagnostic bagfiles in to a series of CSV files. Every diagnostic status name is moved to a different CSV file. Output CSV's are put in the output/ directory.

    $ ./export_csv.py my_bagfile_2009_07_24-topic.bag

    The above code will export my_bagfile... into the directory output/my_bagfile_2009_07_24-topic_csv/. There will be separate bag files for each status name.

    If your CSV file is too big, it may not be readable by common spreadsheet editor, such as Open Office. To solve this problem, you can make a "sparse" CSV by removing every nth line from the file.

    $ rosrun diagnostics_analysi sparse_csv.py output/my_bagfile_2009_07_24-topic_csv/status_name.csv -m

    This makes the file output/my_bagfile_2009_07_24-topic_csv/status_name_sprs_len.csv, and makes sure it is no longer than 65000 lines.

    All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables

    Author(s): Eric Berger, Kevin Watts
    autogenerated on Fri Jan 11 09:54:42 2013