00003 package ros.pkg.vision_msgs.msg;
00005 import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
00007 public class cop_feedback extends ros.communication.Message {
00009 public long perception_primitive;
00010 public double evaluation;
00011 public java.util.ArrayList<ros.pkg.vision_msgs.msg.system_error> error = new java.util.ArrayList<ros.pkg.vision_msgs.msg.system_error>();
00012 public long[] eval_whitelist = new long[0];
00014 public cop_feedback() {
00015 }
00017 public static java.lang.String __s_getDataType() { return "vision_msgs/cop_feedback"; }
00018 public java.lang.String getDataType() { return __s_getDataType(); }
00019 public static java.lang.String __s_getMD5Sum() { return "e876bab42e04aea08a659bc18c7b47cc"; }
00020 public java.lang.String getMD5Sum() { return __s_getMD5Sum(); }
00021 public static java.lang.String __s_getMessageDefinition() { return "#Message that cop uses to answer on specified topics, U. Klank klank@in.tum.de\n" +
00022 "uint64 perception_primitive # Perception primitive that caused this answer\n" +
00023 "float64 evaluation # A score describing the quality of the outcomes of the perception primitive\n" +
00024 "system_error[] error # A list of occured system failures which might be caused by the perception primitive\n" +
00025 "uint64[] eval_whitelist # list results which are included into the evaluation (note: default is all, not none, so an empty list means that all elements have to be evaluated, since the case that none of the results should get an evaluation does not make much sense)\n" +
00026 "\n" +
00027 "================================================================================\n" +
00028 "MSG: vision_msgs/system_error\n" +
00030 "uint64 GRASP_FAILED = 128 # Grasp into the void\n" +
00031 "uint64 OBJECT_NOT_FOUND = 256\n" +
00032 "uint64 VISION_PRIMITIVE_FAILED = 512\n" +
00033 "uint64 CONTRADICTING_TACTILE_FEEDBACK = 1024 # Collide without expecting it\n" +
00034 "uint64 CONTRADICTING_VISION_RESULTS = 2048\n" +
00035 "uint64 GRASP_FAILED_AND_CRASHED = 4096 # Throwing something out of the way\n" +
00036 "uint64 JLO_ERROR = 8192 # Could not get position\n" +
00037 "uint64 VECTOR_FIELD_CANT_REACH = 16384 # The arm got stuck along the way, did not reach the final grasping pose\n" +
00038 "\n" +
00039 "uint64 error_id # One of the error constants defined above\n" +
00040 "string node_name # The node causing this error\n" +
00041 "string error_description # Further information about the error\n" +
00042 "\n" +
00043 ""; }
00044 public java.lang.String getMessageDefinition() { return __s_getMessageDefinition(); }
00046 public cop_feedback clone() {
00047 cop_feedback c = new cop_feedback();
00048 c.deserialize(serialize(0));
00049 return c;
00050 }
00052 public void setTo(ros.communication.Message m) {
00053 deserialize(m.serialize(0));
00054 }
00056 public int serializationLength() {
00057 int __l = 0;
00058 __l += 8;
00059 __l += 8;
00060 __l += 4;
00061 for(ros.pkg.vision_msgs.msg.system_error val : error) {
00062 __l += val.serializationLength();
00063 }
00064 __l += 4 + eval_whitelist.length * 8;
00065 return __l;
00066 }
00068 public void serialize(ByteBuffer bb, int seq) {
00069 bb.putLong(perception_primitive);
00070 bb.putDouble(evaluation);
00071 bb.putInt(error.size());
00072 for(ros.pkg.vision_msgs.msg.system_error val : error) {
00073 val.serialize(bb, seq);
00074 }
00075 bb.putInt(eval_whitelist.length);
00076 for(long val : eval_whitelist) {
00077 bb.putLong(val);
00078 }
00079 }
00081 public void deserialize(ByteBuffer bb) {
00082 perception_primitive = bb.getLong();
00083 evaluation = bb.getDouble();
00085 int __error_len = bb.getInt();
00086 error = new java.util.ArrayList<ros.pkg.vision_msgs.msg.system_error>(__error_len);
00087 for(int __i=0; __i<__error_len; __i++) {
00088 ros.pkg.vision_msgs.msg.system_error __tmp = new ros.pkg.vision_msgs.msg.system_error();
00089 __tmp.deserialize(bb);
00090 error.add(__tmp);;
00091 }
00093 int __eval_whitelist_len = bb.getInt();
00094 eval_whitelist = new long[__eval_whitelist_len];
00095 for(int __i=0; __i<__eval_whitelist_len; __i++) {
00096 eval_whitelist[__i] = bb.getLong();
00097 }
00098 }
00100 @SuppressWarnings("all")
00101 public boolean equals(Object o) {
00102 if(!(o instanceof cop_feedback))
00103 return false;
00104 cop_feedback other = (cop_feedback) o;
00105 return
00106 perception_primitive == other.perception_primitive &&
00107 evaluation == other.evaluation &&
00108 error.equals(other.error) &&
00109 java.util.Arrays.equals(eval_whitelist, other.eval_whitelist) &&
00110 true;
00111 }
00113 @SuppressWarnings("all")
00114 public int hashCode() {
00115 final int prime = 31;
00116 int result = 1;
00117 long tmp;
00118 result = prime * result + (int)(this.perception_primitive ^ (this.perception_primitive >>> 32));
00119 result = prime * result + (int)((tmp = Double.doubleToLongBits(this.evaluation)) ^ (tmp >>> 32));
00120 result = prime * result + (this.error == null ? 0 : this.error.hashCode());
00121 result = prime * result + java.util.Arrays.hashCode(this.eval_whitelist);
00122 return result;
00123 }
00124 }