00003 package ros.pkg.std_msgs.msg;
00005 import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
00007 public class Int64MultiArray extends ros.communication.Message {
00009 public ros.pkg.std_msgs.msg.MultiArrayLayout layout = new ros.pkg.std_msgs.msg.MultiArrayLayout();
00010 public long[] data = new long[0];
00012 public Int64MultiArray() {
00013 }
00015 public static java.lang.String __s_getDataType() { return "std_msgs/Int64MultiArray"; }
00016 public java.lang.String getDataType() { return __s_getDataType(); }
00017 public static java.lang.String __s_getMD5Sum() { return "54865aa6c65be0448113a2afc6a49270"; }
00018 public java.lang.String getMD5Sum() { return __s_getMD5Sum(); }
00019 public static java.lang.String __s_getMessageDefinition() { return "# Please look at the MultiArrayLayout message definition for\n" +
00020 "# documentation on all multiarrays.\n" +
00021 "\n" +
00022 "MultiArrayLayout layout # specification of data layout\n" +
00023 "int64[] data # array of data\n" +
00024 "\n" +
00025 "\n" +
00026 "================================================================================\n" +
00027 "MSG: std_msgs/MultiArrayLayout\n" +
00028 "# The multiarray declares a generic multi-dimensional array of a\n" +
00029 "# particular data type. Dimensions are ordered from outer most\n" +
00030 "# to inner most.\n" +
00031 "\n" +
00032 "MultiArrayDimension[] dim # Array of dimension properties\n" +
00033 "uint32 data_offset # padding bytes at front of data\n" +
00034 "\n" +
00035 "# Accessors should ALWAYS be written in terms of dimension stride\n" +
00036 "# and specified outer-most dimension first.\n" +
00037 "# \n" +
00038 "# multiarray(i,j,k) = data[data_offset + dim_stride[1]*i + dim_stride[2]*j + k]\n" +
00039 "#\n" +
00040 "# A standard, 3-channel 640x480 image with interleaved color channels\n" +
00041 "# would be specified as:\n" +
00042 "#\n" +
00043 "# dim[0].label = \"height\"\n" +
00044 "# dim[0].size = 480\n" +
00045 "# dim[0].stride = 3*640*480 = 921600 (note dim[0] stride is just size of image)\n" +
00046 "# dim[1].label = \"width\"\n" +
00047 "# dim[1].size = 640\n" +
00048 "# dim[1].stride = 3*640 = 1920\n" +
00049 "# dim[2].label = \"channel\"\n" +
00050 "# dim[2].size = 3\n" +
00051 "# dim[2].stride = 3\n" +
00052 "#\n" +
00053 "# multiarray(i,j,k) refers to the ith row, jth column, and kth channel.\n" +
00054 "================================================================================\n" +
00055 "MSG: std_msgs/MultiArrayDimension\n" +
00056 "string label # label of given dimension\n" +
00057 "uint32 size # size of given dimension (in type units)\n" +
00058 "uint32 stride # stride of given dimension\n" +
00059 ""; }
00060 public java.lang.String getMessageDefinition() { return __s_getMessageDefinition(); }
00062 public Int64MultiArray clone() {
00063 Int64MultiArray c = new Int64MultiArray();
00064 c.deserialize(serialize(0));
00065 return c;
00066 }
00068 public void setTo(ros.communication.Message m) {
00069 deserialize(m.serialize(0));
00070 }
00072 public int serializationLength() {
00073 int __l = 0;
00074 __l += layout.serializationLength();
00075 __l += 4 + data.length * 8;
00076 return __l;
00077 }
00079 public void serialize(ByteBuffer bb, int seq) {
00080 layout.serialize(bb, seq);
00081 bb.putInt(data.length);
00082 for(long val : data) {
00083 bb.putLong(val);
00084 }
00085 }
00087 public void deserialize(ByteBuffer bb) {
00088 layout.deserialize(bb);
00090 int __data_len = bb.getInt();
00091 data = new long[__data_len];
00092 for(int __i=0; __i<__data_len; __i++) {
00093 data[__i] = bb.getLong();
00094 }
00095 }
00097 @SuppressWarnings("all")
00098 public boolean equals(Object o) {
00099 if(!(o instanceof Int64MultiArray))
00100 return false;
00101 Int64MultiArray other = (Int64MultiArray) o;
00102 return
00103 layout.equals(other.layout) &&
00104 java.util.Arrays.equals(data, other.data) &&
00105 true;
00106 }
00108 @SuppressWarnings("all")
00109 public int hashCode() {
00110 final int prime = 31;
00111 int result = 1;
00112 long tmp;
00113 result = prime * result + (this.layout == null ? 0 : this.layout.hashCode());
00114 result = prime * result + java.util.Arrays.hashCode(this.data);
00115 return result;
00116 }
00117 }