art_servo Documentation

art_servo: ART vehicle servo device drivers

ROS nodes for the ART autonomous vehicle servo devices.

  • Homepage:
  • Servo device drivers for the ART automonous vehicle.

    Brake Servo Driver

    Driver for ART brake servo mechanism.


    Test the ART brake driver using /dev/null, publishing simulated brake/state messages and accepting brake/cmd messages.

      rosrun art_servo brake

    Run the brake driver with the real ART brake device, publishing brake/state messages and accepting brake/cmd messages. The port assignment gets saved in the ROS parameter server, persisting across future invocations until roscore stops.

      rosrun art_servo brake _port:=/dev/brake

    Brake ROS API

    Node name: brake

    Subscribes to: brake/cmd: brake commands.

    Publishes: brake/state: brake status information.


    Gear Shifter Driver

    Driver for ART gear shifter. It uses an instance of the National Control Devices IOADR8x driver communicating with a dedicated IOADR8x board connected to an Arens Controls shifter mechanism.


    Test the ART shifter driver with /dev/null, publishing simulated shifter/state messages and accepting shifter/cmd messages.

      rosrun art_servo ioadr ioadr:=shifter

    Run the ART shifter driver connected to the I/O board on serial port /dev/shifter, publishing shifter/state messages and accepting shifter/cmd messages. The port assignment gets saved in the ROS parameter server, persisting across future invocations until roscore stops.

      rosrun art_servo ioadr ioadr:=shifter _port:=/dev/shifter

    Shifter ROS API

    Node name: shifter

    Subscribes to: shifter/cmd: shifter commands.

    Publishes: shifter/state: shifter status information.


    Steering Servo Driver

    Driver for ART steering servo mechanism.


    Test the ART steering driver using /dev/null, publishing simulated steering/state messages and accepting steering/cmd messages.

      rosrun art_servo steering

    Run the steering driver with the real ART steering controller, publishing steering/state messages and accepting steering/cmd messages. The port assignment gets saved in the ROS parameter server, persisting across future invocations until roscore stops.

      rosrun art_servo steering _port:=/dev/steering

    Steering ROS API

    Node name: steering

    Subscribes to:

    Publishes: steering/state: steering status information.


    Gear Shift Tool

    Simple tool to shift the ART vehicle transmission.


      rosrun art_servo <gear>
        Where <gear> is one of: park, reverse, neutral, drive.  These
        names are not case-sensitive, and may be abbreviated to the first


    Shift the transmission into Neutral.

      rosrun art_servo Neutral

    Shift the transmission into Drive.

      rosrun art_servo drive

    Shift the transmission into Reverse.

      rosrun art_servo r


    Unit Test Tools

    Simple test clients for various servo mechanisms.


    Command the brake driver to gradually apply and release the brake mechanism.

      rosrun art_servo

    Command the shifter driver to shift the transmission through all the gears.

      rosrun art_servo

    Command the steering driver to gradually turn the steering wheel through its full range of motion.

      rosrun art_servo
    All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Defines

    Author(s): Austin Robot Technology, Jack O'Quin
    autogenerated on Fri Jan 11 09:59:58 2013