File: sbg_driver/SbgImuData.msg
Raw Message Definition
# SBG Ellipse Messages
Header header
# Time since sensor is powered up [us]
uint32 time_stamp
# IMU Status
SbgImuStatus imu_status
# Filtered Accelerometer [m/s^2]
# NED convention:
# x: X axis of the device frame
# y: Y axis of the device frame
# z: Z axis of the device frame
# ENU convention:
# x: Y axis of the device frame
# y: X axis of the device frame
# z: -Z axis of the device frame
geometry_msgs/Vector3 accel
# Filtered Gyroscope [rad/s]
# NED convention:
# x: X axis of the device frame
# y: Y axis of the device frame
# z: Z axis of the device frame
# ENU convention:
# x: Y axis of the device frame
# y: X axis of the device frame
# z: -Z axis of the device frame
geometry_msgs/Vector3 gyro
# Internal Temperature [°C]
float32 temp
# Sculling output [m/s2]
# NED convention:
# x: X axis of the device frame
# y: Y axis of the device frame
# z: Z axis of the device frame
# ENU convention:
# x: Y axis of the device frame
# y: X axis of the device frame
# z: -Z axis of the device frame
geometry_msgs/Vector3 delta_vel
# Coning output [rad/s]
# NED convention:
# x: X axis of the device frame
# y: Y axis of the device frame
# z: Z axis of the device frame
# ENU convention:
# x: Y axis of the device frame
# y: X axis of the device frame
# z: -Z axis of the device frame
geometry_msgs/Vector3 delta_angle
Compact Message Definition