rtabmap_msgs/Info Message

File: rtabmap_msgs/Info.msg

Raw Message Definition

# RTAB-Map info with statistics 

Header header

int32 refId
int32 loopClosureId
int32 proximityDetectionId
int32 landmarkId

geometry_msgs/Transform loopClosureTransform

# For statistics...
# State (node IDs) of the current Working Memory (including STM)
int32[] wmState

# std::map posterior;
int32[] posteriorKeys
float32[] posteriorValues

# std::map likelihood;
int32[] likelihoodKeys
float32[] likelihoodValues

# std::map rawLikelihood;
int32[] rawLikelihoodKeys
float32[] rawLikelihoodValues

# std::map weights;
int32[] weightsKeys
int32[] weightsValues

# std::map labels;
int32[] labelsKeys
string[] labelsValues

# std::map stats
string[] statsKeys
float32[] statsValues

# std::vector localPath
int32[] localPath
int32 currentGoalId

# std::vector odomCache
MapGraph odom_cache

Compact Message Definition

std_msgs/Header header
int32 refId
int32 loopClosureId
int32 proximityDetectionId
int32 landmarkId
geometry_msgs/Transform loopClosureTransform
int32[] wmState
int32[] posteriorKeys
float32[] posteriorValues
int32[] likelihoodKeys
float32[] likelihoodValues
int32[] rawLikelihoodKeys
float32[] rawLikelihoodValues
int32[] weightsKeys
int32[] weightsValues
int32[] labelsKeys
string[] labelsValues
string[] statsKeys
float32[] statsValues
int32[] localPath
int32 currentGoalId
rtabmap_msgs/MapGraph odom_cache