This package provides a joint trajectory controller which can be put into a holding mode through a service call. It contains a specialized version of ros_controllers::JointTrajectoryController
providing the holding mode functionality. A controlled stop using a hold trajectory is performed thus stopping the manipulator without the mechanical stress of a hard brake.
Topic interface deprecated: Due to safety reasons, the command interface of the PilzJointTrajectoryController
is deactivated. For more information see issue #493 on ros-controls/ros_controllers.
The controller can perform a speed monitoring of the robot links in cartesian space. If one or more robot links move faster than 250 mm/s, a controlled stop is executed. This is a requirement in operation mode T1 from DIN EN ISO 10218-1. See prbt_hardware_support.
The speed monitoring is activated by default.
Additionally the controller limits the joint acceleration of the performed trajectories. In the file manipulator_controller.yaml these limits can be adjusted.